wednoday. September 2, 193t daily nebraskan page 11 ai OP VERA-make extra money on your own by distri buting complete line of skin, hair & health care products. 423-0123 or 474-4233. Instructor! needed for Youth Dance and Raquetball Classes. Contact Bob Tlustos at 475-YMCA. Wanted: Bartenders and cocktail waitresses. Apply in person, call for an appointment 475-8637. Ask for John. ATTENTION SKIERS: Posi tions available for Marketing Co ordinators and Marketing Mana ger. Part time position involves marketing and promoting high quality ski, and beach trips on campus. Earn commission plus free travel. Highly motivated in dividuals with Rocky Mountain ski experience required. Call, Summit Tours,, Parkade Plaza,, Columbia, MO 6520t.. Phone: 1 (800) 325-0439. SEARS needs seamstress for tailor shop. Varied hours to fit your schedule. Sears benefits in clude: discount privileges paid vacation paid holidays profit sharing, Apply personnel off ice 2nd floor, 10-5, M-F. An Equal Op portunity Employer MF. College women wanted to work fullpart time in cosmetic sales. No expert ence necessary. Call! Marti, at 48JM9t7 after 4 p.m. to arrange an interview. NEED 1 female and ' le season football- tickets. Call Charlie, days 47$-3?66 eve nings, 466-6243. 0OHAT1OM BASED OH PACKAGED OOOOt NEED 2 Football Tickets for the season Must be together and have student ID. CALL V in at 331-7169 or 292-4128 (Omaha). Need one male season foot ball ticket plus 10. $100, Call 476-0789. Need 2 Season tickets. Mar ried students only. Call 439 0902 or 472-8290. Need t male season ticket with l.D. will pay good price Call 472-8663. Need Student Football Tic ket Call 472-0195. NEED female and 1 male season football tickets. Call Charlie, day 476-3766, evenings. 466-6243. fXUuiUittlHD Wanted: Non-Smoking fe male roommate. Near East Cam pus. $99mo. 13 utilities. Call 466-6256. Mature, non-smoking room mate wanted for 2 bedroom apartment located between cam puses. $t15 ' utilities Call 477-5714. t or 2 non-smoking room mates wanted to share house trtk. from East Campus. $100 $125 share utilities. Call 464 8614. Responsible, non-smoking female to share apt. $97.50 per month ' lights. Call 435 7276. Crosscountry Kim, It was fun. Got any retarded: dances to go. to? See you at the lucky chair. Jeff AU COHYMTf 0 TO W-U 02. CAM Eat rocks Shove a bun "A" John Deere Distributor Jazz singer more watermelon? Suck eggs. Suck a sock I swell a swimming pool. Frisbee on the roof top, Where's my buddy, where's my pal? humping ladybugs Helen slime on the rocks rusty water druggular tunes-acid rock Put another log on the firel G8LT'sat9a.m. dinner plate cinnamon rolls. Oh, what a cute little girl, hil WhaaaM Shut up, Rob. My skin doesn't fit I Could be worse, could be raining. Looking good together . . . One hellacious time I Kansas City, here we cornel Thanks for the memories, Chi Phis! Laura, Sara and Ann P.S. AH HA HA! I AH HA HA!! AH HA HA!! Steve, Dave, and Jerry V. Thanks so much for every thing you did to make this past weekend fun for all. We had a fantastic time. Sara & Ann HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO A GREAT ROOMIE - LYNN THERESE! Sandoz I! and Sandoz III. Splish Splash We're having a bash In the pool Thursday at ten The Abel 8 men, Patti: It's been 5 months and I'm not bored, yet. k don't think t will be for a long time. Love, Coach Gator P.S. Sorry I skipped class Monday. HOLAGUAPA FELIZ CUMPLEANOS! LYNNCITA SCHLITZ AND YOUR SCHUTZ WHOLESALER WILL DONATE 500 TO THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA ATHLETIC FUND FOR EACH CASE" OF SCHUTZ PACKAGED BEER PURCHASED AT RETAIL BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 1-30, 1831 urn lOWVAUKT AnnW.- Congratulations for making the Women's Softball Teaml Hope to get together with you soon. A Secret Admirer TODAY LYNN THERESE V. IS TWENTY-ONE YEARS OF AGE! Nancy K. Lost "track" (get it) of your new address. Is it 943 or 934 Garfield? C.T. LYNN, HOW'S THAT FOR YOUR FIRST PERSONAL(S)? BRAT Myrtle, I hope with all my heart, that your thoughts of you and I being 'US' again are as beauti ful as mine. Hmmm . . . Mrs. Feezlewitz . . . Mrs. Izzie Feezle witz . . . I, kind a like the sound of that. I wonder . . . Oh, yes, I talked, to Schwartz and the boys, they're glad you're back, too. Much love, Izzie ALL-UNIVERSITY WRIST WRESTLING TOURNEMENT Thursday, Sept. 3 Hilton Ballroom WRESTLING 7:00 p.m. STAR CITY PLAYERS 9:30 p.m. Admission $2.00 Individual & Team Competition mmfBMJL m JOS. SCHUTI BREWING COMPANX MILWAUKEE, WIS. AND Kappa Pledges: We're so Happy that you are our Kappa Kappa Gamma Pledges. We want everyone to know how happy we are I' We Love You! The Kappa Actives Beer Garden Special Tonight 75 Mooseheads! -While They Last 819 "O" St. If you have seen or know anything about a red Puch moped taken from the Abel Sandoz bike rack Saturday, Aug. 29, between 9 and 10 p.m. please contact Tom at 472-8124 Reward for useful information. under the Viaduct OTHER GREAT CITIES SCHLITZ BEER 'i a