The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 28, 1981, Page page 3, Image 3
friday, august 28,1981 daily nebraskan page 3 NSSA constitution on exhibit The constitution, bylaws and financial policy of the Nebraska State Student Association are in their final stage of completion and are on display at the ASUN and Government liaison Com mittee offices now through Wednesday for review by students, said Nette Nelson, chairperson of the multi-campus core com mittee for NSSA. After 10 months of work and contribu tions by representatives of seven state schools, the NSSA is "now asking for maxi mum student input," Nelson said. "Last fall, the forming of a state student association was abstract and theoretical, said Deb Chape lie, vice chairman of media and information for the GLC. "Now, we have something to present to the student." The NSSA membership includes UNL and Peru State College. Potential members are Kearney, Wayne and Chadron state colleges, UNO and the NU Medical Center. These NSSA documents are on display at all seven campuses. Red Cross U is counting on you. Immigration Lawyer Stanley A. Krieger 478 Aquila Court Bldg. 16th & Howard Streets Omaha, Nebraska 68102 (402)346-2266 Member, Association of Immigration and Nationality Lawyers St. Paul United Methodist Church Welcomes You 12th & M streets Lincoln Center-Downtown WORSHIP SERVICES SUNDAYS at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. College and Career Young Single Adults Sunday evenings at 6:30 p.m. Supper and urogram i tMMMMWWNNMMMMMWaV mo3 fixsoss eamas V3 z 6 a O o O o Ul x VI O a a. O u 2 z lai - o as 2 o - z O j v o 2 o 2 z O o J . incoln's Largest Complete Electronics Center! ) AZi ' I PIONEER SX-3600 AMFM Stereo Receiver 30 Watts Per Channel 0.05 THD NAV $275.00 PIONEER SX-3700 AMFM Stereo Receiver 45 Watts Per Channel 0.02 THD NAV $375.00 TEACV-9 Cassette Deck 3 Motor NAV $399.95 i m IllillllllllJ IllillliijiiiiliiHyl ,. . -! l.iJillJl g m m 3 O o Teac CX-310 Cassette Deck Metal capability NAV $199.95 SALE $199 95 SALE $249 95 SALE $249 95 SALE $139 95 ? Headphones NAV $85.00 SALE CERWIN-VEGA Model U40 12" 2-Way Speaker NAV $196.00 ea. ONLY $gg 95 ea. Ss Pro 4 AAA t U SA-(g iTPK 1 eUl 1H. ' I II U A 1 1 IP If rB 50 i p ypr TDK S A-C90 Cassette Tape NAV $7.75 $999 SALE FUJI METAL TAPE 90 Minute $E?98 NAV $12.00 ea. J) ea. $54case of 10 SCOn PS28 With Cartridge Belt Drive Semi-Automatic Turntable NAV $204.95 SALE $99 95 5 audio-technica. AT-125LC Cartridge NAV $130.00 Empire 2000Z Cartridge NAV $150.00 t .t-i--t...:Jw IILJILJ1L H...i iX Roadstar RS-2210U Indash AMFM stereo cassette player with auto-stop. NAV $179.95 JENSEN R.210 $OlG95 J! i tui vim wm .in lUtt: j j 1 I I I NOW ONLY $99 95 8 Watt Pushbutton AMFM Cassette Player NAV $199.95 MA OUR JENSEN BvQ" Coax Speakers NAV $74.95 3 o o O o 5 z o ? z o n m i g O c o O n U 8 O SALE SALE 49 JS-50 5 Band Equalizer 20 watts per channel NAV $79.95 - 95 in z Prices Good Thru Saturday Nationally Advertised Value li IP null Finoncing Avoilobl with Approved Crtdif VISA 31 WE ALSO SELL USED EQUIPMENT 476-7331 1 9th and "O" Streets Monday through Thursday 10-9 Friday 10-6 Saturday 9-5 Sunday 12-3