, august 24, 1981 daily nebraskan It's the beginning of a new semester! And that means you'll need new books, supplies and all of the miscellaneous items necessary for survival at school. If you'd like a new way to pay for all those necessities- lecome A Plasma Oonor! Earn Extra Money! Unlike donating whole blood, plasma donations are paid for! And since you are able to donate twice in a seven day period (waiting 72 hours between donations) that means added income to you! $10 is paid per donation. That's up to $100 a month! fit's Painless! Donating plasma is virtually painless. With a proper diet and a good general health regiment, there should be no harmful effects. It's Easy! The initial donation involves a physical examination. This first donation takes approximately 2 hours, with subsequent donations taking only about one to one and one half hours. Call now for an appointment Donors must be 18 years of age Please bring positive identification (like your driver's license). UNIVERSITY PLASMA CENTER 1442 0 Street (Just 3 blocks South of campus) Open Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. and Saturday 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. federally licensed page 3