The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 28, 1981, Page page 8, Image 16
page 8 tuesday,,april;28,,1S3t, daily nebraskart t. 2 3 bedroomi duple ts for rent. Campus, location.. 1301 Kmm newer 2 bed room, appliances, carpet, drapes lip. parking, no pets $230,. ith flreplac $235w 4644180. 464-503X 1530 WASHINGTON 3 Bdrm shower,, parking; laundry, air. petleas. $270; 2StJ&N 2 Bdim air. 2 baths, pet less, parking. $245. 1527 WASHINGTON 1 Bdrm. air. petJess. laun dry. garagev$ 165 33UN 1 Bdrrrt.. air. pet less, shower. $175, Garage- stall or storage space available. LEE SIMMONS 475-1865 Summer Help Wanted: Make $500 per 1,000 mann ing our circulars. Also share in profits. For information! application: Global! Wealth Enterprise- Box. 2303 Lawrence. KS 66045 Some summer jobs available. Come to Hilton 9th & "F or Wednesday April! 29th at 1. 4. or ? put. Please be prompt. Reagan's budget cut flatten ed your wallet? Make $253 week this summer. Call! 474 1242 for, interview. Pre-Mect. Pre-Law, Business Students-Want summer job experience that will give you a good recommendation! whens you graduate? Call! 474-1242 for interview appointment. DAtLY NEBRASKAN Subscription Dept. First Semester. 1981-82 Need ant indiViduai with free time from S-1Q am. weekdays to run computer Eabels for sub scription! and prepare papers for mailings. Wilt trail reliable indb vidua. See Anne afternoons, 34 Nebraska Union. Volunteer Coaches needed for YMCA Co-ed summer soft ball leagues. The S week league starting June 8 includes 3 divisions: 6, 7.8 year olds 9. 10 year olds 11. 12 year olds For more information call: Deb Satchel! at475-YMCA Need extrai summer bucks? Umpire cored softbalt this summer with YMCA. The league runs for 8 weeks starting June 8 and includes 3 divisions; 6. 7. 8 year olds 9, 10 year olds. 11. 12 year olds For more Information call: Deb Stacheifc at475-YMCA Earn $150 or more a week thts summer and still be your own boss. Work when and where you want. Does not in volve setting books. For infor mation write: Summer Jobs In formation, P.O. Box 196, Uni versity, Al 35486. Part-time apt. building; maintenance. Require honest, reliable individual. $4.5G1. t303 771-7811. Active family needs ener getic, responsible, loving per son to live in and care for three young children. Also aid in tight housekeeping and meats. Own transportation necessary. Flexible hours and great accommodations for the right person. Refer ences necessary-call 483 2355 for interview. PART-TIME PRODUCTION We have production openings available to stu dents strictly on a part-time basis on our 2nd & 3rd shifts The jobs require approxim ately 20 hours, 2 days per week with excellent starting wages. Only students inter ested In part-time work need apply. CONTROL DATA CORP. . 4700 S. 19th Soutn industrial Park Lincoln Affirmative Action Employer CAMP COUNSELORS NEEDED:: We need: motivated! young; people, bothi male and: female, who enjoy working with youth as camp counselors at Nebr ska's camp) for diabetic youth For, more Information) call: 792 2253 ir the evenings ENGINEERING DRAFTING SET All equipment needed 439-93 tO evenings Want to Rents Faculty member froms N.DL State Uni versity taking; a leave to UNL. Family of tiiree would: like to rent the home of a faculty member from UNL who. will! be gone from Lincoln one off two years. Effective July or August Write: Dr. Cliff Dobitr. Bus.. Admia. Dept. Minardi Hall;. NDSU". Fargo. KO, 58t02, Want to buy used! furniture,, appliances, any home or apart ment item. Call! anytime. 466 8294. Desperately need a witness of the car-pedestrian accident in front of MorriJi! Hail; on Thurs day Aprill 2 at about 8:15 Anyone with information) should please calls 466-7953. Female roommate foir sum meir. Own room $tOO utilities.. Calli477-2t52. Roommate needed for house onJy over summer. Lots of living space for $ HQmonth,, no utilit ies. Fat City 435-2088, 1424 "F-SL Non-smoking; female room mate needed to share 3 bed roorm house for summer, pos sibly into faJL Own room. Calls 472-0954 or 476-3231 evenings. Clean, non-smoking male roommate wanted to share a nice two bedroom apartment. Most furnishings providedl. Share rent and utilities. Call; 464-1919 after 6 PM. Close to both campuses two buslines, grocery store. Early mornings late evenings. 464 9343. One or two non-smoking males share nice 3 bedroom house 18th & A St. Hall block 24 hr. grocery $150 share utii for one; $120 each for two. Available NOW 4750391. Older or grad student to share house near Union College. On bus line. Own room $100-. Dennis 483-5488. Roommate wanted between campuses. Call! 477-1333,, -Tarn. Female roommate for sunv mer possibly taU. Nice 2 bed room apt. $130mov Vi gas elect. 2140 J Street 435-3144 after 6. Male roommate wanted im mediately to share 3 bedroom house (basement room). Quiet neighbQrhood-2127 take. Washer, dryer, garden, air, StOGnto. utiL CatS evenings,, Mark 435-5960. Summer roommate needed: Bottom of house, own room, close to campus. Nice 435-7864. Roommates to share house in summer or for summer and fall. 477-4948. Roommate wanted immedi ately to share 3 bdrm. house. 15th & C $13Qmonth or less. Phone 4356685, Soni, We love the way you study Human Relations on weekends without a book. L&D Those Lips: Happy Birthday to the best est friend everl Love, Marcus O. "Pony hostesses K.M. & J. How bout that party? Thanx for the fun and the bed (?). Special THANX to MJR, CAN;TPB. Reggie P.S. Sorry Tim, third times a charm? E Denise. Congratulations on finally becomings a Real! Nurse RN You're the greatest siaterr and! li know. you'll: be the best nurse Love Ya,. MB Orange Peel, Do BUTTS come Irrs bunch es? LUVtruck Kappa Delta's & Karen E. Thanks for alii the support during Flag: Corps try-outs. We couldn't have made it this far without youf Love,, Car i & Brenda S.HI , Thanks fort the last I months you. were my inspiration!! II love you lotsf Your Vacuum Salesman Pat from David City Met you at Sweep Left Fri day night. Hadi fun.. Would like to see you again,, Maybe we could go fcir another cycle ride;, Paul; 464-1354 Congratulations to the new Lambda Chii Alpha actives!! We're proud of you!' Love,, The Crescents JespinandReenie, Guess what? II live.. Merlin DENVER COMETS: First Co-Rec Alii University then Oo2eball! champions,, next the "84 Olympics. That's right,, we badl CONGRATULATIONS W.B.. Sig Eps- Thanks for the rose queen award, li feeli very honored!! Youi guys are the greatest and! D love you all J Allison Deair LynnW. Youi are now. an official! member of this university, since: you have a personal; irt the DNk t love you always,, Suz P.S. Did anyone ever telli you that you've got a NL A,.? To the 4 gorgeous footbai li play ers when changed our tire Sat. night at the party. Thanks a bunch. The 4 women if the white Chevette To my little Indian Boy : After 5 years you deserve your very own personal Good luck on that test today (red neckfj Alll the way from G. 1. and the dirt roads out "west.' With Love Betty, Your roses were red, your sapphires blue I bought them without complaining. But come next year tf you aren't here you'l be doin lots of ex plaining. Butt BigL. Congrats on your J-S intern ship. Looking forward to some 3 martini lunches with you. The Big Juan GtRL FROM 56th & SOUTH: W met after getting oft the Trendwood bus last Friday at 8:30 and talked white walking to the library. Id liove to meet you again and have tunch. Please catt 476-8497. To Jim of ATO: Who's your foxy, good humored, out-going, pre dent friend. Would tike to do some runnings with him. Pre Law major from Arby's SUMMER JOBS 1 LAST CHANCE $900 per month; guaranteed plus 1 and have a car. ; Also need ! supervisors 488-1227 for interview. QWACKER,, Thi li it-youis 2tst birthday personal!: Why take old textbooks, home with you? Bring; them down to the Paperback Ex change fop credit. PAPERBACK EXCHANGE 4711 Huntington Ave. 466-BOOK (located behind Treasure City on N. 43th St) USE SPARE TIME EFFECT IV ELY with UNL independent study.. Calli Mrs.. Molly Cunning ham,. Continuing- Studies,, 472 1933., The ASAE Student Staff picnic is at Bethany Park (North Cotner & Vine); at 4:00 Sunday,, May 3.. Softball, volleyball! & Vat's pizza at 5:30. But tickets, ($2.50)i froms Jean (secretary's office,, Ag; Engineering; Annex)) by April; 30.. ATTENTION: ASUN Credit Union will! be closed for finals week.. New hours for summer Willi be 1.2:00-4:0 Tuesday,, Thursday.. Good! luck this sum mer.. Some summer jobs. available. Come to Hilton,, 9th & "?" on Wednesday April: 29th at t4oi! 7 p.rrK Please be prompt Dete Upsilont Little. Sisters Important meeting; tonight. Be there or be a hyperbolic paraboloid!. Students interested in, gradu ate study abroad should: contact the Institute fori International! Studies,, t.033 Oldfatheir Hall!,, (472-3076)1. Competition for Fulbright-Hays Graduate Study Abroad Grants begins May t T981I.. SUMMER WORK available;. Average profit $3,,t48.. Students who work while in school) pre ferred. Calli 474-1242.. The Nebraska Prevention Center foir Alcoholism Si Drug Abuse presents Ms.. Ann Bax ter,, speaking; on "Prevention! Strategies for Women"" today t:0Q-2:OQi PM-Union Ballroom -open to pub! ic. BIGGEST SALE IN HISTORY!! Every thi ngj in the store is on sale. Get the latest from New York and LA. FOOTLIGHTS 245 NL 13th in Gunny's ACROSS I Brittle Ski spots Id Quaternary 14 dory 15 One of Vulcan's, spheres. 1 Spracfe Zarathustra'"' 1973 song II Before laNewgatee.g, Ift Sway 20 Miller or Google 22 -ofW.B. Yeats'"' elegy byAuden 24 Kenton or Musiat 23 " and Me, H. Lamarr autobiography 2? Call tor Mrs;, Bloom 29 Afternoon, in Avila 33 Greek letter 3SFecL investigator 37 Hubert's widow 38 Abode 4t Crowns 41 He was no con man 42 Singer Vikki 43 Prevaricate 44 Sir's counterpart 43 Berlin hit ;1925 47 Admonition 4 Kind of apple 53 tails 58 Soprano Malbin S3 Old grad 59 Fit of ill humor I Urge on 62 Musical round WANT TQ BE A PRIEST? Undor 45r Writecall collect Father Nigro Gonzaga University Spokane, Wash. 99253 (509)3284220 Attention-There will; be a UNL water ski team meeting Tuesday 428 at 8. MONA LISA An experience. MAY t, 8 PM. Cornt Cobs, last meeting today 4:45 Get your IDs., Greg FIGHT INFLATION. FIGHT DORM RATES. Co ed housing,, room and board,, parking,, washer and: dryer and other facilities,, project edi falls rates for the falls semester $165 a month. Call an officer at 474-9772474-. 9773: or visit ur at 705 N. 23rd St. ART SHOP SPRING, SALE 150FF Now until May tli Mother's Day SALESRENTAL, SUMMER SPECIAL Rent a picture in May for 3 months and get the 4th month free.. Sheldon Memorial; Art Gallery 12th &R "BUD NIGHT' AT DUFFY'S; Wednesday,, Aprili 29thi .35. Draws .55, Bottles $Ti.6Q Pictures ONi ALL ANH EUSE R BUSCB PRODUCTS 7:30 til: close USH ERS GI FTS CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP t2th &."0' St. 476-0t19 ALLTYPESTYPING CAMPUS PICKUPDELI VERY' NORMA 792-2900 MOVING? Rent a Cargoi Van from DeBrown Leasing Calli 477-7253 t7thtNSt. 63 Kind of show 64 Exhausted 65 Like some silk 63 Princess of Braband 67 Considerations forCassatt DOWN t Fish used as bait 2 Attack 5 Pref ix with mural or state 4 Emaciated 5 W.wUI journalist 6 Neighbor of U.S.S.R.. 7 Affaire d'amour 8 Quickly 9 NobeUst novelist-poet Lagerlof 19 Grange area It TV backdrop, 12 He cant get enough of snuff 15 poly 21 G.. & S.. character 25 Sea inlet 26 Songbird 2 Footstoot 5 Cambodian money 51 Prefix denot ing size 52 Otherwise 55 Scl course 54 I Only Heart- 55 Footnote abbr.. 57 Fata morgana v F r F E F F f"ln r I14 i13, 24 ammir"trm ' ' - 1 M "2 M). 31, ai 33134 'b1 """" W "" ," f j7" " """" "" jg -m. -- - 44- - ""ST" - - l... '5" 55"" 5! rT mtm wi im tmm 1 whw mwm- mmmat wmwi j... -mmm hmm- mwm- IZZZ ii r 6 U. 1 I I I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I I Will do typing at any kind Call; 433-6068 after 2 f.m, PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE Term, papers,, resumes, etc. Same day service on short jobs, $8.50 pep noun (& hour mini, mumh. Memory typewriter for multiple letters priced; ont number of words. MANPOWER INC. 122N. t lth 477-8938 BIRTHRIGHT offers, free pregnancy tests-confidential, understanding help., 477-802T:. FRESH SKOAL CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th&.'0"St.. 476-0119 Leave for Sacra.,. Calif.. May 10thw Want rider(s)! to share gas. Call; 464-093$ Vicki,. Need; ride May 8th to Car bondale,, llli, or St.. Louis.. Will helpi with gas, and driving. Call evenings Alice 488-9231:.. LOST:; SHARP CALCU LAT OR My name is on inside cover Please contact Rob Mactier 472--9350 -reward, LOST: Woman's silver watch Lost aroundl Burnett or Bessey about Aprili 4.. Calls 472-9404.. FOUND:. A pain of sandals at Springfest Saturday night. Calli to identify.. 472-9205. LOST:: Womanfs, golds watch at Cornstock. around, East Campus., RewardJ! Call; 464-7964 jLisTQmyspitzzu: C 0 WIFJ I. ID IE H CIEIC A M E S r ' iHfolelor HrIrIsI i HE5THIGITUT0S 59 She h therefore may be woo'd"1: Shak... 411 Haggard novel 42 Lawyer's bread and butter 45 Etesian 46 Large, greenish prawns 4a Jaeger's companion 5ft Mature 51 In reference to 52 Encircles 55 Telphers 54 Asymmetrical! 55 Garb fot a Baianchine vehicle 57 Catalogue n