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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1981)
n tuesday, april 28, 1981 lincoln, nebraska vol. 106, no. 72 v n o L (oj(oL 9 m r Committee reports on administrative investigation By Patti Gallagher ASUN's investigation of the NU Central Administration should continue, according to a past senator and a present senator, although both said ASUN in its present structure is incapable of such an investigation. ASUN President Rick Mockler said, however, that ASUN has probably exhaust ed its involvement in a central administ ration investigation. "I can't see the senate productively pursuing it this year, he said. Sen. Tim Rinne and past Sen. Eric Johnson formed an ad-hoc committee last semester to compile a report on the central administration. They were aided by former Sens. Rumaldo Lovato and Greg Baker. The committee was an off-shoot of ASUN's "Kent State Bill." The bill at tempted to link NU President Ronald Roskens with the killings of four students at Kent State University in 1970, where he then held an administrative position. The committee presented its report at the March 19 ASUN meeting, when the new student senate took over. The main point of the report, Johnson said, is that "the university is run on Holdrege Street," the location of Regents Hall. Rinne and Johnson said the central ad ministration is not running the university for teaching, research and services, but "running it to meet the needs of local, state and national business interests.1 i C s" i lit J Photo by Mark Billingsley Framed between the legs of a steel sculpture on campus, Bennett Law heads home to grade a stack of calculus exams. Monday's balmy temperatures, how ever, made outdoor occupations appear more attractive. The report included no revelations on the central administrator said John son, who wrote the report. Administration deferred comment The central administration lias deferred comment on the report because it was not officially presented to any administration member, according to Steven Sample, vice president of academic affairs. "I would not feel comfortable (com menting) until we officially receive it from ASUN," said Sample. After giving a history on the origin of the central administration, the report main tains that the NU Board of Regents does not control university policy but has delegated that responsibility to Roskens, the president of the university. The report questions to whom the regents are responsible, concluding they defer decisions to Roskens. It then asks who the president listens to before making decisions, answering that "incomplete information points ' to the business and financial community, on a local, state and even national level, through the (NU) foundation connection." Five topics The report asks the new senate to add ress five topics: -the degree to which policy matters are determined by the central administ ration rather than the regents -The connection of the foundation to policy matters the accountability of policy makers to university students, employees and taxpayers -the preference of private business interests over teaching, services and re search -and the rights of students to make their decisions The topics are "tacitly answered with the report," according to Mockler, and more philosophical than they are concrete. Both Johnson and Rinne said they believe the new senate should continue investigating the central administration and the NU Foundation. "It is ineveitable in time that they will deal with it," Rinne said. "They have no choice." But he said ASUN is too inefficient and the administration too close-mouthed to obtain relevant information, op the two groups. "You can't get hard and fast inform ation on them (the central administration and foundation) that indicates what they're doing, although it's glaringly ob vious," Rinne said. "They dont want to talk to us." Continued on Page 2 Officials visit Washington The UNL financial aid director left for Washington Monday with other university officials to lobby Ne braska's congressional delegation. Donald Aripoli, scholarships and financial aid director, said he was asked to accompany the already-scheduled trip to talk to Nebraska's representa tives about President Reagan's prop osed financial aid cuts. He said he will explain UNL student concerns about the effects of the cuts and will recommend that Congress approve instead the House Budget Committee's Tecommendation. It would also cut financial aid, but not as much. Nette Nelson, ASUN Government Liaison Committee chairperson, said Aripoli had talked with her about the United States Student Association members lobbying success. Nelson and other student leaders attended a USSA meeting in Washington to discuss the impact of the proposed financial aid cuts. Reagan's proposal would cut aid about 44 percent, she said, while the House Budget Committee would cut aid only 10 percent. 'Smart pills' claimed as rescue at exam time By Patti Gallagher It's coming down to the wire. Next week are final exams. Your English Comp professor needs four essays, you've only just finished the Bio lab on the microscope and your Geology 101 book lies unopened in the bookshelf . Think you'll never make it? Think again. Smart pills to the rescue. Smart pills-named RECALL by its marketers are a combination of vitamins and nutrients designed especially for im proving memory and alertness. According to a press release from Phantom Research, Duarte, Calif., based distributor; "Imagine saying to yourself, '1 just can't remember all the material for this English exam, I better go to the store and pick up another bottle of smart piUV" And although RECALL is not yet available in stores, smart-seekers can pur chase the pills via mail order from the Phantom Company, according to Phantom Researcher, Daniel Tocher, Ingredients found in food According to a psychiatrist at the University Health Center, the ingredients in smart pills are not harmful and may, in fact, add Intelligence, But, said Shirley Pslug, many of the same ingredients can be found in food, "I think that combination, wouldn't hurt you any, but if you are eating well-nutritiously-you shouldn't need anything else Pslug said. Because the pills are not FDA regulat ed, Pslug said they lack any scientific proof or effectiveness. She said, however, that as long as they are for sale, people will buy them. "You can say anything and get people to believe you," she said, "It's your ten bucks," Tocher said the three-employee comp any is selling the pills in bottles of 100 for $10. That price is good only to stu dents who respond as a result of the press release, he said. Sales are good right now, according to Tocher, although he would not release any figures. When RECALL becomes more popular, Tocher said it will be sold in health food stores. Many elderly customers The midwestern United States seems to draw the most customers, he said, with Indiana leading the way. Tocher said it has been surprising that many elderly people are smart pill customers. He and his two co-workers had thought college students would be the prime marketing target. "We are college student ourselves so we understand the pressure involved with school and we hope our product may be of some help to students in their stud ies and school in general," said the press release. No scientists or chemists are employed by Phantom. Research for the ingredients in RECALL pills was "book research," Tocher said. In choosing the nine chemical ingred ients in RECALL, Tocher and company relied on previous scientific research that proved those ingredients were in telligence boostin. Tocher pointed out that RECALL pills are not drugs, but vitamins. 'A lot of people have a misconception about RECALL," he said. "They think it's speed," v What RECALL is, in fact, is a combin ation of Choline, Vitamin B-12, Folic Acid, Lecithin, RNA, Pheylalanine, Vita min C, pituitary substance, and Potassium Chloride, Tocher said the ingredients have been proven beneficial to the brain, 'When you have a healthy mind, it's going to work better for you, he said. The Phantom Research Company has not received any trouble from authors ties about RECALL, Tocher said, Because it is not a drug, it is not subject to review by the Food and Drug Administration, ho said,