friday, april 24, 1981
page 8
daily nebraskan
Lab is only 1 of 5 testing drugs on volunteers
By Linnea Fredrickson
Harris laboratories Inc., 624 Peach St.,
is one of five independent companies in the
united Mates that runs tests on pharma-
test new products to find out how fast
they dissolve in the blood when manu
factured in a different way.
McClurg said an example is a company
that makes a combination product to treat
ceuticals using human volunteers. It is also colds. If they decide to make it a different
a place where some university students go size, the new machine may exert a
when they need money. different pressure on the chemicals to form
Dr. James McClurg, vice president and a tablet that will affect the rate at which
technical director at Harris Labs, said the the pill dissolves. Extensive tests are done
company tests very common over-the to ensure the drug reaches the correct level
counter products like aspirin, various in the blood so that it acts as it is supposed
vitamins and cold remedies and common to.
prescription drugs like antibiotics and anti- McClurg also said that just because a
histamines that have been on the market a person takes a 250 mg tablet of one product
long time.
He said pharmaceutical companies work
with the Federal Drug Administration to
Red Cross
pi is counting
r-3 -i on you.
U iLVii
m r
A Public Service of This Magazine
& The Advertising Council
and a 250 mg tablet of another similar pro
duct doesn't mean he gets the same
amount of the chemical in his blood.
McClurg said although there isn't much
difference in the absorption rates between
the sexes, Harris Labs accepts mostly men
for its experiments because it is requested
by the FDA. McClurg said the FDA has
two reasons for using males rather than fe
males: the fluctuation of the water levels
in females' bodies because of the menstrual
cycle and possible long-term safety reper
cussions if a woman should become preg
nant during an experiment. Women do test
products specifically formulated for
women he said. McClurg said the first
Almay introduces COLOR-PLUS.
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reason has basis but he thinks the latter
reason is overkill. .......
McClurg said Harris Laboratones is
very closely watched and regulated by the
FDA through extensive reports and visits
from Washington. He said each experiment
takes three to eight months to plan so
there will be no opportunities for prob
Paul Koerner, a graduate student in
agronomy, said he took part in one of the
experiments three years ago. He said he
read about it in a newspaper and did it for
the money, which was $650 to test an anti
fungal product called griseofulvin.
He said he first had to pass an extensive
physical examination to make sure he was
completely normal. After that he was
accepted and his experiment was fully ex
plained to him.
Koerner said that he and 25 other males
went in every morning and night to take a
pill and then could leave immediately.
Then he said he checked in on a Friday
night after 10 days and stayed until Mon-
day night.
On Saturday, he said, he took a pill in
the morning and then gave blood samples
every hour all day. He said he was allowed
to rest on Sunday and then the process was
repeated on Monday.
Then he left for two weeks and came
back and repeated the whole 10-day and
weekend stay all over again. He said he did
the whole process three times over a period
of 2Vi months.
Koerner said the experiment was worth
it because he could study the whole time
he had to stay at the lab. He said there
were beds and showers plus television and
Koerner said he didn't think he would
do it again but might if he really needed
the money. Koerner recommended not tak
ing part if a person is queasy about giving f
blood because he estimated he gave 57
samples over the length of the experiment!
"vial-fulls not just finger pricks." f
Lancaster County census data
show area is 172nd in country
Preliminary 1980 census data indicate
that the Lincoln Standard Metropolitan
Statistical Area now ranks 172 in the coun
try. The Lincoln SMSA consists of Lancaster
County. Its preliminary 1980 population
was 192,779.
Dr. Donald E. Pursell, director of UNL's
Bureau of Business Research said Lincoln's
ranking changed very little during the
1970s. The SMSA was ranked 176th in
the country and moved up four slots to
172 in 1980. The overall decade increase
in population was 14.8 percent, the SMSA
increasing from 167,972 in 1970 to 192,
779 in 1980.
SMSAs are designated by the US.
Department of Commerce and consist
of counties linked by common economic
interests. Employment and commuting
links are features looked for when defining
New York City remains the most
populous SMSA but the fastest growing
SMSAs in the country are primarily run
in the south and southwest. The Fort
Myers-Cape Coral, Fla., SMSA recorded
a 94 percent population increase during
the 190-80 decade and now ranks 14th.
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