The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 24, 1981, Page page 3, Image 3

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daily nebraskan
page 3
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The Rev. Jerry Falwell and his Vojce of America Singers at the steps of the Capitol"0 Mark B,",n9s,ey
Falwell goals .
Continued from Page 1
Nationally, the Moral Majority exists through "free-will
contributions" amassing about $600,000 to $700,000 a
month. It is shotting for a million-dollar budget next year.
The state-level coalitions raise their own funds, he said,
which average $175,000 a year in each state. Nebraska is
Falwell's 36th stop on a 50-state tour. He said the states
with large populations were targeted tirst, and now the
organization is concentrating on the Midwest.
About 30 protesters were at the rally, holding signs
with slogans such as "Who in the hell made Jerry God?',
"Votin for Jesus" and "We love America Too."
Falwell emphasized the ability to organize people with
the same fundamental beliefs despite their minor differ
ences as the key to his group's success.
The Moral Majority brought Protestants, Catholics and
Jews together as citizens who share the same moral values,
he said.
The real hope for America isn't the Moral Majority,
Falwell said, but all of the pastors in each state who
preach the Bible as the word of God.
Protest against Falwell appearance
labeled successful by participants
A peaceful protest against the Rev. Jerry Falwell was
a success in the eyes of one of its supporters.
UNL student Steve Rogers said he was pleased with the
"There were so many people there, from so many dif
ferent groups, I can't say exactly how many of us against
the Moral Majority showed up, Rogers said. "I'm not
very good at estimates, but I'd guess between 125 to
The rally was set up to show there were people who
didn't like the Moral Majority, and that Falwell was wrong
in interpreting the Bible his way and expecting others to
live by that, according to Dave Miley.
"He takes his warped perception of the Bible, says that
God told him this, and whoever didn't follow what he
said is wrong. He tries to justify his infringing on other
people's rights by that book," Miley said.
Rogers listed the main points of contention his group
has with Falwell:
Infringement on the rights of homosexuals
Continued funding of a campaign to stop passage of
the Equal Rights Amendment
A ban on sex education in schools
Continued increase in U.S. defense spending and mili
tary intervention in other countries
"There was one thing Falwell said which I really took
exception to," Rogers said. "He said that in every state
he's gone to, there has always been a group of Nazis, gays,
feminists, and abortionists opposing him.
"He said that he was glad we're here, and he hoped
we would find Christ because we were here," Rogers said.
"Well, I went through the list, and didn't find myself in
any of those four, and I am already a Christian. But
according to Falwell, because I was with a group that
opposed him, I had to be one of those four, nothing
"He's trying to take away the right of choice from
everybody," Rogers said. "All we want to show is that
just because we don't agree with what Falwell and the
Moral-Majority says, it doesn't mean we're not Americans."
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Photo by Mark Billingsley
Mary Ethel Emanuel (left) and Cyndi Davis of the
Women's Resource Center protest the Rev. Jerry
Falwell's speech.
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