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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1981)
Wednesday, april 22, 1981 daily nebraskan page 15 Cozy, furnished apartment for summer. Close to campus. tl35month 476-3841. Great place one block from campus. Rent for wmmer. Air conditioned, furnished apart ment, free off-street parking. $190month utilities paid. Call 475-5996. POOL, between campuses, 1 bedroom, air cond., $195 de posit electricity. 475-9686. Spacious 2 bdrm. apt. 29th & Vine. 5 minutes from campus. Modern kitchen, furnished, air conditioned. $265 - all utilities paid. 476-8005. Apt. for Rent-East Campus large 2-bedroom, fireplace, all appliances, 4220 Huntington: available May 15-June 1, $260 summer lease considered. 423 0902 after 5:00. Beat inflation and grow spiritually I Co-operative living in a Christian atmosphere ad joining City Campus. Agape House 474-5821. 433 S. 18th - 2 Bdrm. furnished apt. $165 488-5927 Near East Campus - City and UNL bus routes. 1 bedroom carpeted, cable, washer and dryer, off-street parking. $200 1 person $220 - 2 people utilities 464-6682 GODFATHER'S PIZZA now taking applications for part-time waitresses. Apply 12th & Q Big Profitsl Your own wholesale business. 2,000 fast selling items. Free success de tailsl Horizons, Box 8020-W, Universal City, California 91608. SLICK-50 Need dealers and managers will ing to market new lubrication breakthrough. Opportunity for quick advancement. Possible $200-$2,000 a month. Contact Jim Luke at 476-9026. If you've been looking all over for summer work with high pay good job recommendation upon graduation, call 474-1242. Earn $150 or more a week this summer and still be your own boss. Work when and where you want. Does not in volve selling books. For infor mation write: Summer Jobs In formation, P.O. Box 196, Uni versity, At. 35486. ,SLICK-50, Need dealers and managers willing to market new break through in lubrication. Oppor tunity for quick advancement. Possible earnings $200 to $2,000 a month. Contact Jim at 476-9026 or come to American Charter this Thursday at 8 p.m. on 27th and Hwy. 2. Part-time apt. building main tenance. Require honest, reali able individual. $4.50hr. (303) 771-7811. DAILY NE8RASKAN PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT The Daily Nebraskan Pro duction Department is now accepting applications for positions in typesetting and editorial paste-up for the 1981 -82 academic year. These posi tions are paid hourly and are from 7 p.m. until the paper is finished approximately 1 1 p.m. Sunday through Thursday. To apply see Kitty, 34 Nebraska Union between 8 a.m.-5 p.m. SUMMER STUDENTS NEEDED Teach youngsters to swim with the Red Cross: Volunteer: WSI's, swimmer aides, clerks, swimmers and non swimmers. Training available. Morning hours in July. Call 475-5581. PART-TIME & SUMMER HELP Hard working, neat, dependable people to work at exciting, pleasant restaurant. SouperSaladAlley Lower Level Atrium Responsible person to pro vide summer supervision for 3 children (9, 12, & 14) in our home. Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5 P.m. 489-8937 after 5 p.m. and weekends. Becker C.P.A. representative fall and spring. 2-3 hours 8 month 435-4445. DAILY NEBRASKAN CIRCULATION DEPT. City and East Campus routes available first semester, 1981-82 Car, pick-up or van required. Must be free pprox. 8:30-10 a.m. M-F to deliver papers. Average pay is $6.50hour. To tipply see Anne, 34 Nebraska Union between 8 a.m.-5 p.m. WANTED: One bedroom or efficiency apartment within 2 miles of downtown for occu pancy late May to late August. Contact Mike Gibson , 6056 Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520 or (203) 432-2350 after 10 p.m. CDT. Wanted: non-smoking male roommate, preferably 1st year law or dent students, to share a nice 2-bedroom apt. very close to Law and Dent schools. ALL appliances, central air, furnished free Cablevision, parking, laun dry. Must be clean, quiet, re sponsible. $125month utilities. Call Randy, 467-1873. Non-smoking female room mate, needed for summer. $117.50 electricity. 472 9102. Person needed to share house thru summer. Immediate vacancy. Message phone: 483 5459. 2 or 3 roommates wanted for summer only. Furnished house. Call 435-5494. Today 3:30 PM "Women In Business Careers" presented by Lynn Roper-Stockbroker for Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc. Nebraska Union. Meet a friend at OOZEBALL this Saturday, where the ACTION ISI Kappa Sig Little Sisters: Our last meeting is vonight at 9:30. See you therel Bill & Bert The Government Liaison Committee will meet today at 3:30 in the Union. Room numb er will be posted. Everyone is welcome. (iililiiliiHELP GAY STUDENT GROUP Thurs. Apr. 23, 8 p.m. Andrews 144 (note) -Radio Program Need roommate to share modern two bedroom, furnished apt., with centrd air, for sum mer, Knox St. Responsible, non smoker. Steve, Darryl. 475-3081 Anyone wishing to obtain a "Nominations for Noble Prize" form after attending Art Cordry's seminar Monday may pick one up from the sixth floor secretary or from Art himself. Pray for good weather 1 1 The Doodads present Wednesday Afternoon Jam Today at 3 p.m. in back of the Union by the fountain. V? 'fit? i:jtsn$ mm THE 1 .50 Pitchers Tonight. Uid., April 22 3 m ,.,.,....,.,,,. Lil.l.i.'!.. tAT z n rr ro Our Biggest Sale of the Year In" - Shirts & Blouses 99 b99 Jeans 3 DAYS ONLY Thursday: Noon to Midnight Friday: Noon to Ten Special Saturday Finale: Noon to Seven Closed Wed. in Preparation prices O All Mens & Women's Pants, Shirts, Ties, Skirts, Jackets, Dresses f Sportcoats O All Men's & Women's Jeans: Calvin Klein, Sasson, Jordache, Gloria Vanderbilt, Brittania , & Levi O All Men's Suits Pierre Cardin, Calvin Klein, YSL, & Daniel Hechter O All Men's & Women's Shoes & Boots: Bass, Zodiac, Frye, Clarks, Cherokee, & Dexter lit i i I l"'""! The EmifiDiTQ SBfcoip Oim sole! HStotham9 LPo V V X WcDGXUCBiri VtSA' 144 N. 14 i .i..A.:..'!..i:::i i.!. Si.-lhlllnii.liiil:.?:!!!!;!.!::!.!.!..-!.:..:.... tm