The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 22, 1981, Page page 14, Image 14

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    page 14
daily nebraskan
Wednesday, april 22, 1981
Make offer: Peavey PA-120
mixer amp, 4 ch. wspeaker
cabinets and 2 horn-loaded
tweeter cabinets. Maestro Phase
Shifter. 2 Realistic highball
microphones. Miller-Thunderbolt
225V AC shielded metal
arc welder wcables and mask.
Hy-gain 40 ch. C.B. radio. Call
1965 Convertible Mustang,
50,000 miles. Perfect condition,
$6,000. Call 466-5819.
Set of 7 K0H-1NOOR
of HPM-40 speakers-$95. Con
cord BA-300 turntable-$100.
Hafler DH-200 vwt. amp.
Aiwa cassette deck. 475-9540.
Roomy wardrobe closet for
storing those extra clothes. Best
offer .477-1 830 after 5 PM.
SCUBA gear for sale or trade
I've got all SCU8APRO equip
ment, everything you'll needl
For more information, call
Todd at 467-2883.
1973 Oldsmobile station
wagon. Lots of extras and runs
great. $600. Call Janet 472
0301 after 3:30.
1973 Plymouth Duster,
2-dr hardtop, sunroof, air
conditioning, radial tires.
Good condition. $1350. Call
488-4629 after 3:00 PM.
Loveseat, 2 chairs, endtable
$75. 476-1139 after 4 p.m.
Couch, hide-a-bed, good con
dition, Sealy mattress, can't
take home-must sell, $25. 474
5026, Oave.
Cute one-drawer study desk,
$40offer. Call 477-5123 leave
your number.
Yamaha 400, 5,600 miles
Windjammer II faring, stereo
system, trailer, excellent con
dition. Need money so will sell
at a very reasonable price! Call
Tim at 474-1213 or stop and see
at 601 N. 16th St.
2255 VINE ST.
AC, Kitchen, Parking
Single room $30week
Oouble room $20week
Call 476-3040 or 475-2242
The only two places in Lincoln where someone carvs
more about your good looks than you . . . El Torn
and El Torn H both at 13th and T".
Professional Barber Stylists ITTnvf 7 "Tl CUVF
Douglas III Bldg.. 13th & "P" IJ&LL l UIHlff
477-9555 or 477-5221 for appt. M u w,u
Park& Shop-Bank Cards too. haffillY Half MMM
Special summer leases are
available on all our following
apartments. Call now to see
how much you will save.
1820-1830 Knox St.
5 minutes to campus,
central air, fireplace, dish
washer, garages, 476-6851.
3300 Huntington
New carpeting, sharp 1
and 2 bedrooms, across the
street from East Campus,
central air, dishwashers. 466
8611. 2130 J -4700 BALDWIN
Very nice 2 bedroom,
central air, dishwasher, fire
place, 474-1666.
545 N. 25th
Close to campus, 2 bed
room. 474-1666.
1413 N 33rd
1 bedroom basement apt.
all utilities paid by owner.
1435 D& 11th &ESTS.
Furnished 1 bedroom
and efficiency apts. Central
air and dishwashers. GREAT
LOCATION. 474-1666.
923 SOUTH 10th
Neat newer 2 bedroom,
central air, dishwasher, nice
location 474-1666.
39 candert ' J
Y f """"""""
If you have a $10,000 job waiting for you,
you could have an American Express" Card
right now.
Trade the card you've been usinj ev ery day
tor the Card you'll be usin the rest ot your lite.
You're about to leave schul and enter a whole
new world. You've mt jeat expectations. St
does American Express. For you.
That's why American Express has created a
special plan that redMces the usual application
requirements - so you can et the Gird betore
vou finish schixl.
All vou need to apply is a $10,000 job or the
promise ot one.
You'll use the Gird the wealthy and the well
traveled use tor business lunches, buying clothes
tor work, paying tor vacations - tor all sorts ot
atter-schxl activities.
One ot thi surest ways to establish yourselt is
to start out as it you were already established. And
just having the Gird gives you the chance to
establish a solid credit rating.
So trade up now. Vui'll tind application tonus
on campus bulletin buirds. Or call toll-tree
SC0o2i-ivW and ask tor a Special Student Appli
cation. And set yourselt up tor next year K'tore
you tinish this one.
Tht American fcxnress Lard, i -ss
DorTt leave school without
ti, f
it. L
Single rooms $28week
Oouble rooms $18week
Kitchen, parking, AC, laundry
and lots of other facilities avail
able. Visit us at 705 N. 23rd or
call an officer at 474-9772 or
Rent TV's, color and BW
and stereos. Rent refriger
ators, washers, dryers. Rent
furniture 3 room package.
Living, bedroom, dinette,
$69.95 mo. Rent anything
with option to buy.
2429 "O" St.
An inexpensive alternate
to dorm life
for women majoring in
Home Ec and or Ag
For info, call
472-1097 or 472-1098
2222 VINE ST.
2 bedroom, 2 bath
carpeting, all appliances,
air conditioning, balcony,
heat paid. 477-3889
Sublet (May-Aug.)-
Furnished apt. directly on
bus line between City and East
Campus. Ideal for 1 or 2 sum
mer school students. 475-3260
after 6 p.m.
1, 2, 3, 4, and 5-bedroom
houses and apts. about 4 blocks
from stadium; all with washers,
dryers, showers; most fully fur
nished. $195 to $400. 477
5049 leave message.
One bedroom, two bedroom
apartments, houses and
Ron Hinkley
1717 J - 2 bedroom apt.
Laundry facilities, off-street
parking, $185. To see call 466
3411. Need an apartment for the
summer? Call Chuck at 464
0901 or 464-6891.
.-3 bedroom Townhouse
3 minutes-north of City Campus
Vz baths
1,350 sq. feet
Monthly lease - $318
1 bdrm. furnished apt. Sub
lease for summer. 2 blocks
north of campus. Garage, patio,
air cond. Call 474-4995.
Furnished, clean, 3 BR $180
2-3 adults. NO pets. 435-2691.
Sublet (opt. to stay) furnish
ed 2 BR 1315 0 St. No. 4. $300
utilities paid. Air, laundry, park
ing, bus; 435-0762.
1 bedroom-newer, semi
furnished. From $177, heat
paid. 877 N. 26th. 477-2851
1,2 3 bedroom duplexes
for rent. Campus location. 466-
1801 Knox, newer 2 bed
room, appliances, carpet, drapes
air, parking, no pets. $230, with
fireplace $235. 464-8180, 464
5030. Sublease - unfurnished,
large two bedroom. Close to
East Campus and busline. Call
evenings 464-6518.
Sublet for summer, nice 2
bedroom apt. Air cond., excel
lent for 2 or 3 people. Available
after finals. 464-0708.
2-bedroom trailer house
available May 8. $80month
utilities. Ph. 464-7381.
Grab a Partner two can live
for the price of one, brand new
6-plex, large deluxe two bed
room apartments, carpet, drapes
appliances. AC 5 blocks from
downtown campus some other
brand new units available Aug. 1
$260month. 474-4551.
2 bedroom upper duplex.
East Campus area. Off-street
parking, AC, available June 1.
$215 utilities. 467-2952.
Red Cross
f- is counting
r n on you.
Focusing on issues for, by and about Women.
"Power: How Feminists Define and Use It." Presented
by C. Collette, Lincoln Legion of Lesbians; Helen Moore,
Assistant Professor Sociology; Sheryl Schrepf, YWCA Dir
ector. Nebraska Union, 12-1:30 p.m.
"Women and Business .Careers" Presented by Lynn
Roper, stockbroker for Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and
Smith, Inc. Nebraska Union, 3:30 p.m.
"Killing Us Softly:. Images of Women in the Media." Dis
cussion led by Mary Kramer. Sponsord by UNL Housing
Department. Selleck Multipurpose Room (basement), 7
"Lullabies to Liberation, Women, and Women's Music."
Videotapes-Gettin' On Woman; Growing Up Woman.
Nebraska Union Lounge,. 10:30 a.m.
Women's Resource Center Open House. Come and see
what we're all about. Room 116, Nebraska Union, 1-4
"Women and Human Rights in Latin America." Present
ed by Suzy Prenger (slide show and discussion). Nebraska
Union, 7 p.m.
"Wimmin Reading Wimmin" Poetry reading and sharing,
sponsored by the Feminist Action Alliance. Glass Onion,
235 North 11th, 9 p.m.
For more information, call the Women's Resource Center
at 472-2597
NEBRASKA UNION, 14th & "R" Streets
women j