The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 13, 1981, Page page 12, Image 12
page 12 daily nebraskan monday, april 13, 1981 o ads MARRIED STUDENT with farm background-grain farming experience for general farm work. Operating and main taining large farm equipment. Modern farm home, monthly wages and other benefits. 12 miles from Lincoln. Reply Box 94833 Lincoln, NE 68509. Paid position: Assistant to coordinator of new internation al student orientation. Full time work for 11 days prior to be ginning of each semester, 1981 1982. Applications available: International Educational Ser vices, 345 Nebraska Union. Application deadline: April 15. Wanted: Waitress and Hostess evening and day hours. Apply Mr. Steak. 55th & 0 St. SUMMER CAMP STAFF Girl Scout Camps near Ne braska City, 19-yrs.-old or older. Senior life saver required, camp ing andor Girl Scout experience helpful. Resume to Exec. Dir ector, Homestead Girl Scout Council, 1701 So. 17th, 68502 by April 24th. CRUISES CLUB MEDITERRANEAN SAILING EXPEDITIONS! Needed sports instructors, office personnel, counselors. Europe, Caribbean, Worldwide! Summer. Career. Send $5.95 $1 hand ling for APPLICATION, OPEN INGS GUIDE to CRUISE WORLD, 168, Box 60129, Sacramento, CA 95860. SUMMER RAFTING JOBS! $1,200-$3,600! Training provid ed! Grand Canyon, Hawaii, Africa. Send $6.95 for APPLI CATION INFORMATION, GUIDE to WHITEWATER, ( free job guide to Lake Tahoe, CA) 168, Box 60129, Sacra mento, CA 95860. Student-to-Student Advisor for College of Arts & Sciences for 1981-82 academic year. 15 hours a week applicant must be in College of Arts & Sciences with junior standing by fall of 1981. Applications available at 1223 Oldfather. Deadline is April 15, 1981. This is a paid position. DAILY NEBRASKAN PRODUCTION DEPT. SPRING 1981 The Daily Nebraskan Pro duction Department is now accepting applications for positions in typesetting and editorial paste-up. These posit ions are paid hourly and are from 7 p.m. until the paper is finished approximately 11 p.m. Sunday through Thurs day. Apply at the Daily Ne braskan office, 34 Nebraska Union to Kitty 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. Ag College student wanted for fuil-time farm work. Call 402-781-2300. Could you use an extra $300 a month or more? Risk Free! Would you like to be your own boss? Think "Slick 50" Call Eric Knoll 435-1110 OVERSEAS JOBS-Summer year round. Europe, S. Amer., Australia, Asia. All fields. $500 $1200 monthly. Sightseeing. Free info. Write IJC Box 52 NE 1 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 GODFATHER'S PIZZA Now taking applications for part-time waitresses and kitchen help for the summer. Apply at 12th & Q St. Tuition increase caught you short7 High paying summer work with nationally known company, and good job recom mendation upon graduation. For interview call 474 1242 AXSWR TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE I ' Nil e at SI k w 1 t "i i t t t t o.t jcjw-gjcDci Hj. i U-Joi. r I s hsqitQp w t i i s "liM1 TP j t j t D 1; t S otc"Tc T i o Til0 1 ' r !tliuTlo!ijt"Ui!i ROCKY MT. JOBS: Color ado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Utah. Our computer databank has 100's of current jobs. Send $3, indicate your job skill and we'll send a listing of over 60 openings: MOUNTAINWEST 925 CanyonLogan, UT 84321. GODFATHER'S PIZZA Wanted part-time kitchen help for summer. Apply 12th & QSt. WANTED: Female room mate to share a very nice large 2 bdrm. apt. Call 471-1088 or 435-3654 after 4 p.m. Basement apt., male pre ferred. Quiet neighborhood 2127 Lake. Washer, dryer, garden, air, $130mo. util. Call evenings, Mark 435-5960. Roommate needed for sum mer or part of summer. Furnish ed room. $87.50 plus utilities. 477-1830. Wanted: Female, non-smoking roommate for summer. I have furnished apartment close to City Campus. Call 476-8988. Female roommate to share 2 bedroom apt. nice nieghbor hood, $70 lights 477-2561. Theta's and Kappa's- Triad, as expected, nrfiatl was Pi Phi's Congrats to Denise L. on winning the 1st annual Phyllis Diller look-alike contest. Your Favorite Judges 36 55 Happy Birthday Brian! Love, Teresa DCs go Bananas. Going to be a camp counselor? Take a lesson from Bill Murray in MEAT BALLS April 15 & 16 7:00 in the City Union. ATTENTION: Pre-Law, Pre Med and Business students. Looking for summer work7 Would you like high pay and practical work experience at the same time7 If so, call 474-1242 for an interview. Have a chocolate Easter bunny and a message delivered anywhere on City or East Campus by a Phi Mu Bunny. Booth in Union April 8-1 5th. Interested in Planning? Come to the open house at the Department of Community and Regional Planning, Wednesday April 15, 2 00-5:30, 2nd floor of the Former Law Building. Your life confused? Don't know where you're going? Need a plan? Step up to the Depart ment of Community and Reg ional Planning open house on Wednesday, April 15, 2:00-5:30 PM on the 2nd floor at the Forum Former Law Building. See if our plan fits yours. OOZEBALL'S Coming Up! Organize a team, and compete to play in the MUD on April 25. Registration packets available at the City Union and the Alumni Association. SOPHOMORES: Student Alumni Association Oozeball Scholarship applications are available at the Alumni House. Deadline is April 14. BACKPACKING FIRST AID: How to assemble a back country first aid kit. Free mini class at the Recreation Depart ment, 1740 Vine, Monday, April 13, 4:00-5:15 p.m. First Lady Ruth Thone discusses "The Adolescence of Middle Age" Wednesday, April 15 2:30 p.m. Nebraska Union Sponsored by Talks & Topics Footlights welcomes spring with 25 off on all crystal. 245 N. 13th St. in the Gunny's Bldg. 474-0884 NU-Meds ELECTIONS will be held at 7 p.m. in the Union on April 15. Current MEDICAL CENTER STUDENTS will speak about the first year of medical school. REFRESH MENTS will be served! Attention Alpha Lambda Delta & Phi Eta Sigma initiates: Remember! Initiation is on Tuesday, April 14 at 5:30 in the Union. The makeup is Wednes day, April 1 5. The Ag-Econ-Agri-Business Club Awards Banquet is Tues day, April 14 at 7 p.m. Get your tickets from Rosalee in Room 213, Filley Hall. Student-to-Student Advisor for College of Arts & Sciences for 1981-82 academic year. 15 hours a week applicant must be in College of Arts & Sciences with junior standing by fall of 1981. Applications available at 1223 Oldfather. Deadline is April 15, 1981. This is a paid position. TYPING New IBM typewriter. One page reports to dissertations. 477-4679 Q your ptaa is dtoo$! you ' ip to & ZO G3CU WK 1 1 5 Bonuses SOd n tvtery futu Donation n iKA ITPf ACCCb J-kfV ftAnn. I 1 n erit -this ad for&2 extka n (ALLKWy "FOR ttfPOl httMENT " j 474-2335 nUHCOL PLtoM ZOZlOSTr L-Zi nz3 czn cm rz FINE GIFTS CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "0"St. 476- 0119 PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE Term papers, resumes, etc. Same day service on short jobs. $6.50 per hour (Vi hour minimum). Memory typewriter for multiple letters priced on number of words. MANPOWER INC. 122 No. 11th 477- 8938 Put your Best Face Forward. Call for a complimentary facial in your own home, dorm or sorority and see why we say . . . "Ours is the Cosmetic that works and gets results!" Jan Gellhaus Mary Kay Consultant 435-6811 RESUMES For professional results contact COSTELLO & ASSOCIATES 475-9777 WEDDING DANCE? Book COMPLETE MUSIC D.J.'s for Memorable Receptions 466-6504 FRESH CIGARS CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "O" St. 476-0119 Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. 477-8021. Rider wanted to Phoenix, Ariz, around May 12. Pay Vi gas. Call Alice 475-3741. Qss? OannD LOST: one brown check book, if found please call 475 6498. Thank you. Waimfcedl for summer employment earn $3,000 and up guarantee of $2,000 paid weekly 10 openings remaining for men or women. Nebraska and Iowa assignments available. You pick your area. All expenses paid. See us for details at the Nebraska Union Tuesday & Wednesday, April 14th & 15th - 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m. Con sult the Daily Events Calendar. V ;'-..A j Ocanr 27 Chin 28 D ACROSS 1 Button Gwinnett was one 7 Desert rat's quest 11 Seance sound 14 Achieve success 15 Tel 16 High note 17 Devotee of Bantingism 18 Asbestos, asphalt, etc. 20 Denticulate 22 Subjects to detrition 23 Caught a monarch 24 Cheap booze 25 Suffix with lemon or cannon 27 China, for one 28 d'Or. French wine area 29 Famous clinic 31 Teutonic trio 33 Forum garb 37 Expert 39 Table scrap 40 Uncivil 41 Actor George of "Away All Boats" 42 Phocid 44 "So long" 45 Abounding 47 Cockchafer 49 Aye 50 Loser in 1588 53 Seek release from an obligation 55 Post -not criminal 56 Cure-alls 58 Puritanical person 60 Dental problem 62 Cubit 63 Race track, with "the" 64 Arabian romance 65 Silent assent 66 Satisfy for a time 67 Schoolmaster, in Stuttgart DOWN 1 Disconsolate 2 Rainbow 3 Kind of monster 4 Saltpeter, in Southampton 5 Turns inside out 6 Changed an evaluation 7 Disabled 8 Egg: Comb, form 9 Moola, in Mexico 10 Men's lounging slippers 11 Aptly named novelist 12 Allen's or Gasoline 13 Effete 19 the storm (survived) 21 Flower named for its scent 25 " for All Seasons" 26 Nursery sound 28 Fortress 30 Function 32 Before, to the Bard 34 Franciscan 35 Familiar term for Adenauer 36 Unfledged bird 38 Fish spears 43 Reasonable 46 Avant-garde, in street lingo 48 Cyrano's beloved 50 First name of "the Veep" 51 Jacob Abbott's juvenile hero 52 "The glass of fashion and the of form": Shak. 53 Thickset 54 Narrow arm cf the sea 57 Dry 59 Mrs. below the border 61 Patriotic org. 1 F F F F FT F F mo f "in ii2 u 19 ' jo 2t 23 24 M Im' """i 27 mm 28" iui.l...lii....UMil " 30 "" 31 32 "l33 341"" j35"" fog"' 37 38" """ 39 40 43 """44 45 40 """"" 4 7 48 """ 49 50 11 52 53" M " 58 ST"J 58 59 0 nr 62 "" 93 65 6 67