The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 03, 1981, Page page 7, Image 7
friday, april 3, 1981 daily nebraskan Student Court hears two ASUN election cases By I). EricKircher After granting Willie Watters' motion to dismiss his complaint against the ASUN Electoral Commission, the ASUN Student Court heard arguments on two other com plaints late Wednesday night. Mike Kratville, a candidate with the VOTE Party in the March 4 ASUN elections, asked the court to dismiss the Electoral Commission's complaint against him for alleg edly removing an opposing party's campaign poster during the elections. Me argued that he had a right to remove posters placed in improper locations and also that since he lost the election, a decision to forbid him from holding office would have no effect. Electoral Commissioner Kim Weiland told the court Kratville could be appointed to an office, so the court should rule on the complaint. In the other complaint, Tim Higgins and Steve Mc Mahon argued that ASUN President Rick Mockler vio lated an organic act and student guidelines by using an ASUN copier for campaign purposes. Mockler's counsel, Tim Copeland, replied that the document copied was a student fee information sheet available to the public and that Mockler and Mike Ab ramson had a right to copy it. Both sides agreed to remove ASUN First Vice Presi dent Dan Wedekind's name from the complaint since he wasn't involved in the copying. Higgins' and McMahon's complaint asked the court to declare the ASUN presidential election results invalid. Chief Justice Jim Young said the court may rule on the complaints today. Watters had asked that his complaint be dropped be cause the complaint asked for actions that were too late to accomplish. 3 o -z O 11 0 3 z a o s o z Z O l S i frd MM ooeoooo APRIL SHOW Low EMS Prices NOmrSTi Car Stereo Equalizer-Booster NS-80 Features: 30 watts per channel base and treble controls 20-20,000 Hz. frequency response. NAV $49.95 s $3J)95 STEREO SOUND You Wear Around liiliij II III II i i ri i i I I I ISMfi NS-607F Features: 30 watts per channel 20 20,000 Hz 3dB 7 band graphic equalizer equalizer band range 12dB boost or cut frontrear fader VU meter power level indicators. NAV $99.95 $ NS-120F Features: 60 watts per channel :!0-20,000 Hz 3dB 7 band graphic equalizer equalizer band range 12 dB boost or cut fron trear fader LED power level indicators. NAV $129.95 SALE $79 95 ADVENT LOUDSPEAKER 4002 ri ::i::::Sij:.: Just a short while ago a loud speaker of this quality at this price would not have been feasible. The 4002 uses Ad vent's new "Direct Report" tweeter, the classic Advent woofer, and a pre-set cros sover network. Advent's new 4002 offers all the perfor mance characteristics that define the best available. Its overall performance is nearly identical to the 5002, it uses the same components only in a smaller cabinet. NAV $175.00 SALE 1139 95 ea. SALE 59 95 TVPi IV POSITION ME Ul BAfj Jy f u I I i i 1 I i i r r -JBOflfi CHEAP! FUJI METAL C-90 Cassette Tape Super premium Fuji Metal Tape cassette is specially designed for use with the latest metal-compatible decks in making master tape quality recordings. It features: vastly improved dynamic range to ac comodate more critical recording needs strict quality control and uniformity to ensure consistent compatibility tough new binder designed to with stand conditions to extreme temperature and humidity special particle treatment for long life and reliability. NAV $12.00 $K98 SALE aJ ea. $1 SALE SJ'fJ' Optional BIG RED Sleeve $4.95 95 SAWYO FT-150 Sanyo FT-150 features: Mini-Sized Chassis Locking Fast Forward and Rewind Continuous Tone Control Balance Control Automatic Music Select System Dolby Noise Reduction LED Indicators for Tape Direction, Dolby On and AMSS Manual or Full Auto Reverse Pushbutton Eject Fits In-Dash in Many New Japanese Cars Mounting Hardware for Underdash, Floor or Hump Mounting Included. NAV $139.95 SALE 119 95 ' i i . IS. r .-J J 0!)PiOiieer Reel to Reel Tape Deck The RT-707 features: 3-motor 4-head 4-track 2-channel tape deck automatic reverse function automatic repeat play AC servo direct-drive motor tape speed: 7Vi ips, 3 34 ips hard permalloy heads frequency re sponse: 30-24.000Hz 3dB (7V4 ips), 30-16,000Hz 3dB (3 34 ips) bias (STANDARDLH) and equlizer (STANDARD LH) tape selectors recording indicator recording mode ONOFF switch pitch control: 6 independent LINEMIC and RIGHTLEFT input level controls EIA standard rack mount design. NAV $695.00 SALE $ 495 00 2 o z c O Z - O c c m Z m Z O m X m o o a. 2 a z 5 a X a i 1 1 TEAC CX-310 Cassette Deck Never before have we been able to bring to you TKAC at this low of a price. This unit ft'Htures: metal taprt apability. independent 3 position bias FQ selectors, advanced Dolby noise reduction circuitry, switchahle micline input, high density permalloy recordplay head, tape run indicator. DC servo motor. 3 digit counter, precise expanded VII meter, slim line construction, TYAC QUALITY! NAV $200.00 ONLY LIMITED QUANTITY $139 95 O V J fiDPlONCEeR' SX-3700 AMFM Stereo Receiver Piwi:r Output 45 Watts RMS per channel minimum at 8 ohms From 20 to 20.000 Hz with Less than 0.005 THD Non-switching DC Amplifier Fluoroscan Power Meters Quartz Servo-Locked FM Tuning Digital AMFM Frequency Readout Two Tape Monitors Tape Du plicate Switch Walnut Vinyl Cabinet NAV S390.00 NOW $ 269 95 7re i - - ir--' qtt:-. QSAWYO FT-C8 AMFM Car Stereo with Cassette This unit features interchangeable Dial Plates for Hor izontal or Vertical mounting like GM 'X' Body Cars. The Sanyo FT-C8 also features Mini-size Chassis to fit most smaller cars. Full Auto Reverse Cassette feature, separate Base and Treble controls, FrontRear Speaker Fader, Locking Fast Forward and Rewind. LED Tape Direction Indicators, l-ocalDistance FM Switch, LED FM Stereo Indicator NAV $159.95 SALE 119 95 o - z m 7 O Q O90oeoeootoeoeo9o9eeoooeoeoeoo Nationally Advertised Value iiLlCiriliiici Financing Available with Approved Credit VISA i J WE ALSO SELL USED EQUIPMENT 476-7031 19fh ond "O" Streets Monday through Thursday 1 0-9 Friday 10-6 Saturday 9-5 Sunday 12-5