The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 31, 1981, Page page 5, Image 5
t T tuesday, march 31, 1981 daily nebraskan page 5 Eurailpass tempts overindulging f Commentary by Robert Bauer Imagine walking into a Baskin-Rohhins 31 Flavors Ice Cream Store and being told that for $1 you can have a dip of every flavor of ice cream. Now let's sec, 31 dips. That would probably equal at least one gallon of ice cream. How do you suppose you would feel after eating a gallon of ice cream? departures Such are the dangers of the best travel bargain avail able to North America. The Hurailpass. This pass affords 60 days of unlimited travel on the rail systems of all free liuropc and Greece, except for England, plus a hoard of other benefits that you probably don't care to hear about. The cost for the second-class Youth pass is just $330, or S3 .50 a day. The problem is that people seem to think they have to make the most possible of their investment. They then proceed to travel, cat, sleep, sight -see and eventually go crazy on European trains. Not that European trains are a bad place to go crazy, but it just seems to defeat the initial purpose for going overseas. Festival Nights '81 effective fund-raiser More than twice the total number of pledges and mon ey ever raised by a fund-raising and awareness campaign marked the conclusion of Festival Nights '81, announced Jack McBride, general manager of the Nebraska Educat ional Television Network. "This 17-day public television campaign is the most successful event of its kind ever undertaken by the Neb raska ETV Network and Nebraskans for Public Tele vision." McBride said. Sponsored by the nonprofit citizen support group NPTV. the seventh annual spring program festival was held to increase viewer awareness of Nebraska public television and to encourage membership in the NPTV citizen support organization. McBride announced that of 5,297 membership pledges, amounting to $136,682, were received during televised "pledge breaks" on the Nebraska ETV Network. "Dollar-wise and pledge-wise, this is more than twice the total of the 1980 spring campaign," McBride said. "With the cost of producing and acquiring television programs spiraling year by year, it is becoming more than ever necessary to seek additional income to provide the quality programs viewers expect to see on Nebraska ETV stations." 7:30-8:30 VERY NIGHT! fTlusic this week by SHIIOH (from Pilger, NE) Tho South 13th & Arapahoe r Indian Village Shopping Center V The key to getting the most for your Eurailpass dollar is moderation, much like the ice cream. Probably the best thing that will come out of using a Eurailpass will be a rcnowed respect for trains. The differ ence between European and American trains is much like the difference between raw sugar and a fine milk-chocolate candy bar. And Amtrak is definitely not the candy bar. The quality of European trains is generally perfect. There are a few variations though. In West Germany, for example, the trains, and particularly the restrooms, are clean enough to perform major surgery in. In southern Italy we found the trains, and particularly the restrooms, were nearly unfit to enter. In all of our experiences, though, we found the trains to be punctual and dependable. In West Germany, for example, the crack IC (intercity) trains were so closely timed that we would have about two minutes to change trains. These trains, according to the conductor, travel at about 120 mph. Our experiences in all of Europe proved that if you count on a train running 10 or 15 minutes late, you've counted wrong, and you better plan on wait ing for the next departure. The nicest thing about travel is that European trains are somewhat like the main lounge in the Nebraska Union. You can meet all kinds of people in them, find travel partners, practice foreign languages, and sample everyone else's cheese and wine. Eurailpasses can be purchased only in the United States, so buy one before you go overseas. The Internat ional Educational Services in the Nebraska Union can obtain them for you, as well as most travel agents. Eurailpasses arc also very difficult to replace. Don't be surprised to find people wearing them around their necks. CAESAR'S s Now has 3 locations to serve you I i z I tn tk bouth 474-335R 48th & Van Dorn 483-7686 g-27th & Cornhusker 467-5416 Free, fast, hot M delivery rg delivery Ready to help WW I, WW II, Korea, Vietnam vets. Red Cross: Ready for a new century. A Public Service of This Newspaper & The Advertising Council nviFORUMym ' 0Sj presents Ul (f the 1 RIVER CITY ALL STARS & 2-fers All Night Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday this week Your Rock "NT Roll Playground I FORUM 826 V .4 ? LIVE IN CONCERT! Vj I T H SPfcCIAL GUEST STARS New Riders of the Purple Sage This Sunday, April 5th 8: p.m. Pershing Auditorium Lincoln TCE TS NOW ON SALE AT L).ht ( m AP RECORDS VaitR 4 PAiNE PlCM.ES RECORDS At i BHANDE is i 0 ATiONS NEBRASKA uMON EASTER NEBRASKA STATE uN'VERS'T' Produced by BEAVER