friday, march 13, 1981 daily nebraskan page 7 Las Vegas bound Fraternity to lose 18 years of home cooking By Sue Jepsen At 60, iiHcr IS years of cooking at the same fraternity house, Juanita Venerable says she's "not quite old enough yet to really retire." 44 job Juanita Venerable Daily Nebraskan Photo Venerable is leaving the Alpha Tau Omega house this May. She said she plans to sell her house and move to Las Vegas to stay with her son and work. "I'M find a job. I've got a good recommendation from this place," she said. She said she plans to go to Lis Vegas over spring break to "line up something for the fall," but a lot depends on whether she can sell her house. Over the years Venerable has worked at several UNL Greek houses. She worked for the Sigma Alpha Mu, the Alpha Delta Pi and the Sigma Nu houses, before coming to the ATO house in 1962. She said she prefers cooking in the houses because "it's just like a home, only in bigger quantities." "In restaurants, you have to cook for too many people," Venerable said. "That's why I don't cook in a dorm," she said. Cooking for a fraternity has its drawbacks, though. Venerable said. Most of the house members treat her well, but there are some bad times, she said. "Usually when you buy a bushel of apples you get one or two bad ones," she said. "I try to treat them (fraternity members ) all the same." She said she has had some trouble, and over the years she's "taken a lot," but she has her own method of solv ing the problem . "1 just don't say anything," she said. "I just go ahead on." "You get to thinking about the ones that are nice and not about the ones that are bad," she said. She said that the troubles she's had have nothing to do continues. (M 1 if .ir A And thousands of books... 280 -$8.75 i-1 rffiwrrti . 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In the 1 8 years she luis worked there, she said the house members have bought her two television sets. The house also provides her with her own phone for ordering food each week. Venerable said her job has changed over the years. When she first started cooking she had a helper, but she says she prefers cooking alone. "I was doing it all anyway." she said. "It's hard to find a good second." Now she works from about 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and prepares two meals a day. Five years ago she said she was preparing breakfast as well as lunch and dinner. She said she thinks she is a good cook. "These boys think so anyway," she said, adding that it will be hard for the house to replace her. John Parker, a UNL. senior majoring in geology, agreed. Me said a committee was forming in the house to look for a new cook. "She's the best," he said. "She knows us better than anybody." i-rlxth m Iwkvi Gavuvi st; lection Sdxtion 'Selection LambniJcc 1&guwo D. o. c. UL Wine Lesson-oMhe-Week A. What 1s the difference between Lambruscos? .Jacques Scott Lanbrusco (iSm-brfl'-sko) proudly qualifies for the coveted "D.O.C." award on its label. The 0.0. C. wine In this bottle 1s nat urally femented. A product of qenulne, optl mun qual 1 ty . Q. How Is Lanbrusco served and what food does 1t compl Iment? It should always be served chilled and is so 'easy nolnq it will compliment ANY MEAL and,g PRODUCT OF ITALY - NrUou. RrJ TMt W,nt SaiwJJ, fermtntti meomo f to phiuipj 4 sons cotein mpous K'misou impqdi 17 i u FRIDAY, MARCH 13 7:30 p.m.-l :30 a.m. EAST 1 GREAT PLAINS ROOM: 7:30 - 9:00 CAT BAL LOU -this hilarious Western comedy stars Jane Fonda and Lee Marvin, the "drunken gunfighter." 9.45 - 11:30 START THE REVOLUTION WITHOUT ME Gene Wilder and Donald Sutherland form not one. but two sets of mismatched twins in this rol licking farce about the French Revolution. 11:30 - 1:30 THE BIRDS-Alfred Hitchcock directs this suspense thriller in which hundreds of people are attacked by swarms of killer birds. THE TERRACES: 7:30 - 10:15 and 10:45 - 1:30 THE BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI-World War II prisoners face tragedy in the jungles of Ceylon. Alec Guinness and William Holden star. PLUS. ROAD RUNNER CARTOONS Stay as long as you want! Bring your sleeping bag! Free popcorn will be served! Admission: $1.50 $tudents$2.00 non-students. Admission price lets you see as many movies as you want! j EAST