friday, march 13, 1981 daily nebraskan page 5 Continued from Page 4 li was tMtin late, hut Mrs. Jcnrctte said she was not tncd. She suggested that we go to a fancy nightclub, but I said that I would rather go to D.H. Kaplan's delicatessen instead. So we went out to Mrs. Jenrette's waiting white limousine, which had been provided In I'lavhov. The chauffeur drove us to D.B. Kaplan's. Mrs. Jcnrctte and I walked past the display case filled with cheesecake and streudel and went to the wooden bar in the back. She kept her fur coat wrapped around her shoulders and wc sat on stools. Kick llelland, the bartender at D.B. Kaplan's, put a napkin in front of Mrs. Jcnrctte and said, "Will von marrv me . "Do you have diet Dr. Pepper'.'" Mrs. Jcnrctte said. We chatted for a while, but it was apparent that Mrs. Jcnrctte was becoming weary. "Sometimes I wish I was back in Austin, wearing my blue jeans and riding a motorcycle." she said. On the way out of the delicatessen, Mrs. Jcnrctte stopped to accept a red paper napkin that was being offered to her by Mr. llelland. lie asked her to autograph it. She took a pen and wrote. "To Rick Love you more than Dr. Pepper. Rita Jcnrctte." Then she wrote some thing I could not see. I let her walk ahead of me. then she returned to the bar. I asked Mr. llelland if I could sec the napkin. He handed it to me. On the bottom of it. Mrs. Jcnrctte had written her home address in New York. I caught up with Mrs. Jcnrctte. and we returned to her white limousine. She ottered me a ride home. I said I'd walk instead . And I did . (c) 1981 Field Enterprises, Inc. Cheerleading clinics held Varsitv cheei leadiiii: trvouts will be March and April I. I'oui cheerleading clinics will be conducted next week Monda through Thursday from 7 to l) p.m. Attendance at all four clinics is mandators . Clinics will be on the main basketball floor of the Bob Devanev Sports Center. Interested peisons can call Dan Kendig. cheerleading adviser, at 47:oN(;s. i Jeans Pants Skirts as mira ll tMliiRti Shoes Sweaters Short Sleeve Blouses Pants Shoes ,9 for (yws Sport Shirts Jeans Short Sleeve Sweaters Shirts Plus - See the finest collection of this spring's best fashions 4fi i Bank Cards Welcome Ready for Mt. St. Helens, Hurricane Allen. Love Canal. Red Cross: Readv for a new centurv. Hours: Mon-Sat 10-6 Thurs 10-9 4 144 N. 14th RENTAL R'Mit TVs, color and BW and stereos. Rent refriger ators, washers, dryers. Rent furniture, 3 rooin package. Living, bedroom, dinette, $69 95 mo. Rent anything with option to buy. ACE FURNITURE 2429 "O" St. 474 3444 Immigration Lawyer Stanley A. Krieger 47S Aquila Court Bldg 1 6th & Hward Streets Omaha. Nebraska 6S102 (4021 346-2266 Member. Association of Immigration and Nationality Lawyers iepbf? m$m mm mfr wsqp Gmm a '53 i ' ""9 I""" iFljill ARTr ZAiLru U mm fD mmw mm o mm mmr dwumuv iaspii fk Xi irx MD i5kd mm 7 Si