The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 13, 1981, Page page 12, Image 12
page 1 2 daily nebraskan friday, march 13, 1981 ads FOUND: Male cat, brownish yray stripes wbluc? eyes, white flea collar. South of Smith park ing lot-Tues afternoon. Call 4720082. LOST - HP33 calculator. If found call Gary 474 9446. "Selleck Spinners" Kelly S., John P., Tom C. Jim S., Mary B , Good luck ,it the Circus of Stars' 1 Ceha, (The best fnend and S.A a person could have.) Thanks' Love. Susie Todd Lemke No, I don't want to buy a Painter's hat, r ide a slow tiam to Mexico or even Protect A Life However, I do want to wish you a Happy Birthday' This is an NSO recording. Gary R.K.K. You almost got lost in the cyanide soup. Cerulenin Jone & Ly nne. You've taught me what friendship really means. Thanks for all the listening, sharing and fun. Here's to another great Fri day the 13th (without car trouble') Dana Guy with brown, gold and white flannel shirt playing shuffle board abou' 1 1 30 1 1 :45, brown hair, brown eyes like your technique, etc. Are you attached or available? Cute but Shy Brown han and Brown eyes RVP R.K.K. You have the advantage and it's a BEAUT! Kem: Happy Birthday! Read the announcements, and nota bene! Sonia PJ is coming Yes folks, Paul Johnson is Nebraska bound. He will be riding to town Saturday with his herd of Buffalo's. For more info Call 477 5392. A Concerned Citizen Bob (Kappa Sig! Sony about Friday night had a bad day. Didn't mean to take it out on you. Maybe we an get together again sometime Still friends? Janet BLASTO It will be yeastly counting buds alone. Conidia DAN WEDEKIND, From one Red Robet to another, the baton has been passed Remember there ,s in deed honor m your new found "elitism", but smile "inwardly", if you know what I mean. Con gratuiat ions1 TG Denny . You've peen the greatest brother and friend a person could ever have' I'm really going to miss you, you've helped me out alot Good luck Student Teaching You'll make the best Ag teac her ever1! Luve ya lots, Carolyn Darling R.K.K. Don't leave Lincoln without me. I'd flourish down by the Riverside. Candida HAPPY BIRTHDAY JJ (Alias No. 1 Sexist). Hope you have a great day on your "21" day and always1 uswo to parous rami i u cjsl it o c i ijtlo !o1t e'oLJt o i tlcjo t I 0 :I;S O.DQtiliS 0 ID SCitLJ S ! TIW 1 1 T! T'Qi S O'CiuOH'OinisnHiO'i i i;ojt tiojv o i Ic'i''i!tpqo'w c i o t'o' t i n c i t i t i m , FTiT TTTTiTri 5 days, 120 hours or 7200 minutes but then who's count ing? 432,000 seconds Wow I'll miss you ' Love, Lynda Kurt & Bubba, With friends like you, I've got everything. Thanks for mak ing me feel like someone. Lotsa Love, Carolyn HEY BABY' Thank you for being you. I love you ust the way you are. Going to miss you this summei but we'll do ust tine Love you. Ken, John, Glen, Sean Thought friendships last all life long When- have all the good i imes gone? Can you tell us what got m the way ? We'd really like to tiling hack yesterday. Sheila and Nance The third annual, Alpha Chi Omega Shot-a-Minute party is tonight. If you're going, get psyched for a great time. If you're not, better luck next year. R.K.K. I thought I was UNO in your heart! C. ulmi D.F. THANKS FOR THE BEST YEAR OF MY LIFE! Ba. All N.U Swimmers and Divers, I would like to show my appreciation foi all your hard work you guys put in all year. It all paid off, because so far, we ai e the only men's university team that has WON Bg R. I only hope that ai! the coverage in the Rag hasn't kept you fiom catching up on all yom studies I guess we will have to win it five or six times before we get any recognition. Yes, we did win the big one I am proud to be a Huskei Moby Gtape The East Coast Connection K imm, Theie's more to hfe than Econ. Hope you're well hi time foi Sat. night, You're my heart's desire, T D Kem: Report to the Neihardt desk today to pick up you birthday present . Sonia R.K.K. I've seen you eyeing my pupa scooper. Leave it alone. Vance Scummy Hanson, Don't forget breakfast or you'll be a real do-wah" I went to Love to find the facts, and found my Love among the Stacks Last Wednesday rught ust aftei seven, We rode that 'vator to second heaven, I'd like to meet you just say when, I'm the guy from "Abel 10". Look high, look low, look for the Delta Gamma Rose Thanks to the DG's who helped support me Mon night I'm proud of my sisters. Du's, We enioyed the exchangi dinner. Looking forward to doing it aaain. DG'- CPR Assistant instructors (Delta Tau Delta) Thanks for making the couise bearable even fun (if that's possible) A CPR Student R.K.K. I thought you already knew how to fuse a fungus with a phungus. Dimoiphicaliy yours, The Samurai Technician K.S. of Schi amm 2, You have a very nice smile and the rest of you ain't bad either1 Happy Anniversary1 Love, BS Anyone knowing Steve Schmit say goodbye to him, he's getting SUMOED Saturday night" S igned Someone who's been there1 Dear Residence Hall student THANK YOU ALL for yom support in the RHA. elections111 We'ie on tht. way to a great '81 -'92 RHA Year , and I owe it all to you ' My special thanks go to eveiyone who woiked so h.mi campaigning the last two week s especially Andy Banni'-' t Rodney Boesen Nancy Coleman Scott Ji mil Head F r iesen Ann (j-udinski Marcie Hagei ty R ivi Johar Chi is Johnson Reg Kuhn Coi k ii' Kumpost Tom Macdissi Sue McDonald Russ Russ Pah.e Jack ii' Pi'tei sen Kent Schi i iedep Russ Snygg V it; k i Wagner Bol) Wol And, to Dave Edward and Del) Couti's, my deepest appr eciat ion Your New RHA President ROBIN L YIMCH Afll-AXA CASINO PARTY Blackjack Roulette Craps Wheel ;f Fortune & Much More! TONIGHT! Friday, March 13 .Centennial Room- Nebraska Union 7:30-12:30 p.m. N Admission: S2.00 Everyone is Invited! C L L-$ I T 4I 3'X I o ROSANNE FOX, Congratulations on being selected for Innocents Society. It is an honor which you truly deserve. Your ever so Innocent roommate and her Guilty boyfriend This is to wish me I mean Cheryl Hoeltmg a happy birth day. Happy B ii thday Cher v I . L isa, L y una and Lynn, We've got you . , . and it's coming Love7 The Act ives To my sweet ie, Bettei t imes die yet to come. Thanks for putting up with me I love you lots "Anna'" ( F i e l et t e) I 'm t a ei I Rick Bin', I'm sine you wi'n'ii't going to let any o' us know that it was yout B day Monday "Youi Wend Maicie' Hope it was a good one (DKSRGPDBC ) Den se Congi atulat ions to the newly activated Beta Sig Little Sisters of the Gold Rose. The Men of Beta Sigma Psi Jennifei Isn't college a giggle! Yet not half as fun as sweet levenge. The party is ust beginning Who shall we invite? Amy Laura Frost: Have the best bii thday ever' To bad "DAD" isn't here and youi darling daugh tei . GUESS WHO?? Sig Eps, Get psyched foi Pickm' and Gnnnm' with the Sandy Cieek Pickets' It'll be a blast' Love, The Thetas L isa Bacon (as in In eak f asl ) Have a i eal Happy B-day to monow. Yom the best loomy ever ' Happy 19th Valei ie Hope you i eal ly cough it up on youi b a t hr lay I 1 1 ve. No 2 though S 'si ei anil Ai t u i o It's TGIFD day! so . . Guvle some suds at the East Campus FAC held al (the Wot Id Famous) "Southhouse" Scott Shell, Have a Happy Birthday Big Bio! Thanks for all the help this year I appreciate it a great deal. R C. Luther "that's tight" Heck man, HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Howevei Iheie's leally not much in lei est No, not even a ghnt, We all ust wanted I" see Our names in pi nil ' Biett "that's not funny, that's su k " Diet i ich Ki isl i I pel ieve you " Herman A I "I u .ed to tie good look u ' Siemek Phil "Jeftiey Flmo" Wilhelm Jan "Gel Serious" Pankow Bob "L 't up like a Chi istmas ti ee' ' Sedlarek ONE JUMBO BILLINGS LEY HOLD THE HAIR Happy 24th. T he f am ily and Aunty Boom Boom Elly, We wei e vei y silly at the cheny hut Want to get silly agam? Scott 2-9981 ATTENTION Tomoirow, March 14 is Roiy Biooks tin thday Happy 19 R.J. Aunt i Kaien, Colleen t Meny (12th and 8th Grade Nobodys) Have fun this weekend' (UNL Somebody) Dear Doc, T hrei . months and y mi i e all miii'' Run while you can' Love, Jo Steve' Happy ii a ! hday In a gi eat guy Thank-. t i . all the good tunes Don't get too "blown away I uve ya. K I is Innocent & Kinky, As a pupil you did pretty good Fri. but get out your whip eieam, whips and black leather CU trie leacnm win ut: in uiis Acey Z weekend. "Journalist Steve" of the Forest Green V.W. Emergency copywnght problems. Contact Scott 489 4537. Diummers : Can you pound in time? Spare? If so. Soma wants you even if no one else does. Jam. Call Malt 4 72-8034, 8348. Dean-si KARFN (NOT Kathy) ANDERSEN I apologize foi the ''iror made. The announcement of youi July wedding to Dan Biokaw did have a few bugs Please forgive me' Al leasl I didn't say you live on Sando b, oi that you would be lesidmg in Lincoln, oi that you have a beautiful i nig. HA HA HA! Love ya alot. Your Twin Bro., John Jane Have you heard about the gieat "Surf in' U.S.A." Paity? Sounds like a wild and ciay time! Check out today's announcement column for the info. Patty To the woman I love: Batb Thompson, your love means the most to me, I love you and the whole world should know. (ALL WAYS) Always Yours, Curt Gayer ACROSS 1 Org for Welby 4 Pound division 9 One of a loving Latin trio 13 Nice pronoun 15 l end (listen) 16 Carter 17 Carters 20 Art work 21 Offspring 22 Missiles, when dried 23 Sound of surf 25 Expedite 28 Pinball disaster 29 Queen killer 32 Show name 33 Club for the trap 34 US overseas radio a gey 35 Carters 39 Peer (Writ's mother 40 Organ supplier 41 Wor d in a Coleridge title 42 Title in DC 43 Anatomical canal 44 Creator of Sergius O'Shaugnessy 46 Decision met hanism 47 Montenegrin, 48 Theatrical locale for toys 51 Esculent 54 Carters 58 Positional word for seamen 59 Chaucerian tale-teller 60 est percipi 61 Sunder 62 Patroon's property 63 Greek goddess DOWN 1 Helmut's "Alas!" 2 Catty comment 's rejoinder 3 Actor Ray 4 High-kicking exhibition 5 A lord in "Macbeth" 6 Adjective at the bar 7 Thrash 8 Mil hardware 9 Liqueur base 10 Wire measures 11 Rights org 12 Scottish island 14 Textbook selector 18 Left Hank notion 19 Attacked, as by the love bug 23 Jockey 24 Character in "Three Sisters" 25 Barriers having trenches or ditches 26 Calumniate 27 Singer seeking sailors 28 Drift 29 Efficacy 30 Abbeville's river 31 Liquidator 33 Sinks 36 Anoesia 37 Barracks items 38 What certain guards do well 44 Vocation 45 Sea fed by the Syr Darya 46 Clocked 47 Quibbling evasion 48 Door position 49 Favus 50 Treasury investigators 51 Earl of Avon 52 "David and ." 1962 film 53 Packy (Hope as a L. v uuxei ) 55 Estuary 56 (iovt. aid to opera, etc 57 Rosaiynn Carter, Smith 3 1 14 5 6 7 15 I 19 7o IT1 TTi 14 1 T5 Ti ,8 - ,9 I JQ I 21 22 T jj 23 24 " 25 28 TT I 28 "" 29 " l30' l3t" ' 32 i j J3 : M 35 36 3; M 39 """IS 41 42 43 MpT I49 I si m tiri