The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 13, 1981, Page page 11, Image 11
friday, march 13, 1981 daily nebraskan page 1 1 ads Kawasaki KZ 900, Windjam mer, backrest, luggage rack, good shape. Call 466-4045. 1972 Nova 54,000 miles, automatic, air, new tires, clean. 488-3885. 12x60 Skyline mobilehome, cheaper than renting, builds equity, washer and dryer, refrig. stove, take over May 10. 475 1810 after 5:00. Tandberg 2075 MK II Re ceiver. 472-9784. 1 man's and 1 woman's Ross Gran Tour II 10-speed bicycles. Brand new. $165 each. Call Mike 423-8532. Personal protection Shriek Alarm. Pocket size, heard for blocks. Perfect defense against any danger. $3.49 .50 for shipping and handling. SHRIEK ALARM P.O. BOX 2720 LINCOLN, NE 68502 1980 CJ-5 JEEP, good gas mileage. 1978 Ford 4x4; 6 cyl inder. (402) 443-4833, 1980 Yamaha Maxium I 2800 mi. Excellent condition. 472-8266 (Jim). Complete Waterbed, all sizes, $199 up. $25 holds any pur chase. Order now, pay with tax return. WATERBED WORLD 1907 "0" St. Lincoln, Neb aska 1 bedroom trailer for rent. Cheap and clean. Call 475-2647. Apartments available now. 1 bedroom heat paid. 1 efficiency all util. paid. $140month de posit, Lease. NO pets or child ren. 435-2622 or 473-2887. Housemates wanted to share 4 bedroom house. Call 476 81 18. Females only. OFFICE-RENTAL SPACE Adjacent campus, downtown Modern building, 423-3133 2036 Garfield, large, clean, 5 bedroom. Washing, garage, no pets, $400. 488-7442. Q: Where are students No. 1 when it comes to apartment rentals? A: Joseph E. Kean Co. 1208 First National Call Kevin Kean 474-1666 Large 1 bedroom house full basement, natural wood work, air, no pets, garden plot, garage. $220 lights. 3 bedroom house 15th & "C" St. Completely re modeled, laundry. No pets. $295 LEE SIMMONS 475-1865 3 or 4 bedroom house-all new kitchen, new carpeting, central air. $400month utilit ies. 1705 So. 27th. Call 474 0515 or 474-2531. Large 2 bedroom upstairs apartment. $200 lights. 474 2848. One bedroom, two bedroom apartments, houses and townhouses TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY Ron Hinkley 489-7888 WILLOW HAVEN 1830 KNOX ST. Spacious, new 2 bedroom units. Central air, fireplaces, dishwashers, fully carpeted, lots of parking, 5 minutes either campus. Call 476 6851. $275month utilit ies. 1435 D STREET Furnished efficiency -all appliances, off-street parking laundry facilities. $175mo. electricity and deposit. 1413 N 33RD 1 BR apt. across the street from East Campus. AH utilit ies paid. $195month de posit. Garage available. JOSEPH KEAN CO. 474-1666 RENTAL Rent TVs, color and BW and stereos. Rent refriger ators, washers, dryers. Rent furniture 3 room package. Living, bedroom, dinette, $69.95 mo. Rent anything with option to buy. ACE FURNITURE 2429 "0" St. 474-3444 3 BR apt. -north side, nice $230month gas and electric. Available immediately. Unfur nished. Call 464-8988 or 464-3733. Bus driver needed from 2-6 PM. Preschool gymnastics in structor on Tues.Wed. from 9-11 AM. Contact Bob Tlustos 475-YMCA. Financial Aid cut hurting your pocket? Summer work available for hardworking stu dents. Call 474-1242. .uLVwhiJIi EVERY SIXTY SECONDS ANOTHER IS DIAGNOSED A DIABETIC PLEASE HELP ! by GIVING to the... AMERICAN DIABETES ASSN. NEBRASKA AFFILIATE 7377 Pacific SUITE 216 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 A Full-time lifeguards for East Lincoln neighborhood swim ming pool. Call 464-4048 or 466-0553. Summer Camp Employment Easter Seal Society of Nebra ska has openings in these areas: recreation, nature, arts and crafts, swimming, music, coun selors and leaders. Requires: interest and skills in camping, good attitude. Work with child ren and adults with mental and physical disabilities. Employ ment from June 21st through August 7th. For more infor mation, contact Dave Breetzke 476-8593. Trying to get summer work lined up before Spring Break? For more information, send name, classification and phone number to P.O. Box 81351, Lincoln, NE 68501. Need applicants who are dependable, neat, self -assured and interested in announcing and music for part-time Friday or Saturday evening work. To apply leave name, address, phone number and age at 466 6504. Need 4 peoole by next Sat. Must be 18, have car, sports minded. $350 part-time. $900 full-time. No experience. Leave name and number at 483-4844. West Bend Products. Irrigation-Brazil, person to move to Brazil to manage agri business and sales. Ag back ground with pivot experience re quired. For more information call Bob 308-364-2225. Female musicians wanted for non-sexist rock band. Call Jan or Sandy, days 472-2597 or night 483-4612. ccxmnnss Roommate wanted to share large house with 5 adults 435-2088. ATTENTION: Get lucky on St. Patrick's Da Attend the St. Pat's Day Dance in the East Union at 9 PM on March 17, featuring Blackberry Winter. Attention JUNIORS and SENIORS in pre-professional studies! Be sure to attend the workshop on "Money, pro fessional training and human re lationships" this Saturday, March 14 fro 10-3 in the Union. Topics include "The Cost of Starting a Practice," "Profes sional School Costs," "Basics of Budgeting" and "Marital Prob lems Related to Money and Ways to Deal with Them." This workshop is sponsored by the Life Sciences Advising Center, NU Meds and the Predental Club. Delta Upsi'on Little Sisters, Don't forget the FAC. Rides and a map at the house. Party starts at 3 30 Greek Week Talenton audi tions, March 12. 17, 18. 19 from 7 9 30 PM. Sign up for auditions at IFCPanhellenic office by March 13. Blackberry Winter March 17, 9 p.m.-midnight East Union Great Plains Room $2.00 Students $2.50 Non-students li EAST Dances and Cornstock Committee Financial Aid cut hurting your pocket? Summer work available for independent stu dents. Call 474-1242. Criminal Justice Meeting Sunday, March 15. Where: 1203 C Street (Sally Garcia's Apt.) Time: 4:00 p.m. Your attend ance is needed. SEARS Needs part-time tire and bettery installer 8-12 p.m. week days plus Saturday hours. Good Sear's benefits. Apply personnel office Sears Gateway. 10-5 P.M. M-F An EO Employer MF LAMBDA TAU Tour will leave from UHC at 7:45 a.m. Sat. March 14. Initiation of new members and election of offic ers will be held at brunch. Criminal Justice Friday the 1 3th Migration Meet at Chester field's at 5 30 All C.J. and UN L students invited. AUTO INSURANCE TOO HIGH? CANCELLED REFUSED 483-7602 Be a star! Sign up for the most exciting and bizarre talent show of the year Selleck "Cir cus of the Stars'." Apply now at the Selleck desk. NEBRASKA DANCE ENSEMBLE in concert, Kimball Hall, 8 p.m. Friday Vlarch 13, Saturday, March 14, $2.50-Student tickets. Technical writer. Experienc ed. Reasonable. 464-2653. Smokeless Tobacco Fresh CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "O" St. 476-0119 Do you need your . . . . . jeans hemmed? Do you need . . . . . a special dress, now? . . clothes that fit? all sewing - Call 4740238. POWERS, POWERS & LARSON If you have a serious legal problem, you may need an attorney. Reasonable fees. 474-5054 Got a date and need a clean car??? Come to the Sig Ep pledge car wash Friday 13th from 12-6 PM at the Safeway parking lot 23rd and "O" St. Cheap. GO HAWAIIAN! Monday, March 16 at the Hilton Ballroom, 8 p.m. Warm up to St. Pat's Day! Attention: Young Republi can members. Monthly meeting and elections, March 17, 8 00 PM Union. CENTENNIAL'S ARTIST-1 N-R ESI DENCE Don Kaplan, is now on camp us. Classes (1 or 2 cr. hrs. ) are forming in Video and in Aesthetic Awareness. Interested persons call 2-2544 or 2-1052 for information. PRE ST. PATRICK'S DAY BARN PARTY APPROX. 8 MILES NORTH OF CAMPUS. PLENTY OF GREEN DRINKS! FOR INFO CALL 472-8290 or 472-8277. Irish people unite! Salute to St. Patrick's with a 17 off savings of the entire store to day thru Tuesday. SEIFERT'S 13th & "Q" Centrum Plaza BIRTHRIGHT offers you a choice. We understand the needs of you and your baby. 477 8021. Fresh Chewing Tobacco CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "O" St. 476-0119 WHY WEAR A SUIT? Hear Vicki Keltner speak on "Creating Your Career Ward robe!" March 18, 7:00 PM. City Union Rostrum. You'll learn a lot! 1 Need a ride to Chicago or vacinity for spring break. Will share expenses. Call 472-0382. Going to Columbia, Missouri over spring break. Need rider(s) to share gas expense. Call 423 3993. Riders wanted to and from Aspen. Leave-322, Return 327 2-1204 or 423-5056. Get your act together for Selleck's "Circus of the Stars" on March 13! Spring mini classes now forming. Learn basics of country swing, social dance, ballroom or freestyle in four easy lessons. THE DANCE EMPORIUM 488-4581 FOUND: Ladies gold watch, Tuesday at 14th & Vine St. 472-0197. Attention : FINANCE CLUB is sell ing chances for Anheuser Busch stock for $1. Get into the market for this great deal -Tickets sold in booth in Union March 16-20. ooooooooooooooocx O " R Street 25 O O a i nan n n O CLOSE TO CAMPUS O High Pressure Gp cE? $ q Spray frO) Q O O o o o Between 17th & 18th on "R"St oooooooooooooooc? MARCH SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 14 & SUNDAY, MARCH 15 j jD y1"" "" ' " """" "H"" III llll I I 1.. ILUI ItllltVihlllllllllilltlilHHIIiiilliilMiiiitliiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiliiiiiiiilHUliil-i f i i hi tini hi i i ni i t'i i i ' Many more in-store SAVINGS! SAVE 30 on all HOODS & STANDS SUPER SAVINGS ON TANKS Sizes for 5' . to 300 qnllon WHILE THEY LAST! 92'" fish store 'At mi Fn 11 to 8 Sat 10 to 6. Sun 1? to 6 Closed Mon