The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 11, 1981, Page page 11, Image 11
Wednesday, march 11, 1981 daily nebraskan page 1 1 vv '. A ads Portable black and white television. In excellent condi tion. Warranty through August. Call Pete or Jim at 475-9687. 1980 CJ-5 JEEP; good gas mileage. 1978 Ford 4x4; 6 cyl inder. (402) 443 4833. Black & White Dark Room Bogen 69 Special Enlarger Varicolor, Dual Range Time 11x14 Easel 8x10 Easel Safe Lite All Developing Equipment Call 483-5956 10:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. $200 Firm. 1973 Capri. Good condition. Also Sansui receiver. Technics turntable, Call 476-61 74. FOR SALE: '73 Dodge Dart. Runs good, nees some work. Highest offer ovei $100. 477-4852, Mark -after 5 PM or before 7:30 AM. 1980 Yamaha Maxium I 2800 mi. Excellent condition. 472-8266 (Jim). Complete waterbed, all sizes, $199 up. $25 holds any pur chase. Order now, pay with tax return. WATERBED WORLD 1907 "O" St. Lincoln, Nebraska 1973 Chevy Nova Hatchback SHARP 6-cyl. Call evenings 474 4212. Personal Protection Shriek Alarm Pocket size, heard for blocks. Perfect defense against ijny danger. $3.49 esli .50 for shipping c.nd handling. SHRIEK ALARM P.O. Box 2720 Lincoln, NE 68502 WILLOW HAVEN 1830 KNOX ST. Spacious, new 2 bedroom units. Central air, fireplaces, dishwashers, fully carpeted, lots of parking, 5 minutes either campus. $275month utilities. 1435 D STREET Furnished efficiency -all appliances, off-street parking laundry facilities. $175 month electricity and de posit. 1413 N 33RD 1 BR apt. across the street from East Campus. All utilit ies paid. $195month de posit. Garage available. JOSEPH KEAN CO. 474-1666 RENTAL Rrvrt TVs, color and BW and stereos. Rent refriger ators, washers, dryers. Rent furniture, 3 room package Living, bedroom, dinette, $69.95 mo. Rent anything with option to buy. ACE FURNITURE 2429 "O" St. 474-3444 Large 1 bedroom house full basement, natural wood work, air, no pets, garden plot, garage. $220 lights. 3 bedroom house-15th & "C" St. Completely re modeled, laundry No pets. $295. LEE SIMMONS 475-1865 3 or 4 bedroom house-all new kitchen, new carpeting, central air. $400month utilit ies. 1705 So. 27th St. Call 474 0515 or 474-2531. Large 2 bedroom upstairs apartment. $200 lights. 474 2848. 3 BR apt.-north side, nice $230month gas and electric. Available immediately. Unfur nished. Call 464-8988 or 464 3733. Close to downtown. Newer 7-plex, 2-bdrm., fireplace. $255 utilities. Call 473-2870. One bedroom, two bedroom apartments, houses and townhouses TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY Ron Hinkley 489-7888 2036 Garfield, large, clean, 5 bedroom. Washing, garage, no pets, $400. 488-7442. Have you found an apart ment for this summer? Let Kevin Kean at Joseph E. Kean Co. help you. Call 474-1666 today. QlfSEIiQ39 SUMMER RAFTING JOBS! $1,200 -$3, 600! Training provid ed! Grand Canyon, Hawaii, Africa. Send $6.95 for APPLI CATION, INFORMATION GUIDE to WHITEWATER, ( free job guide to Lake Tahoe, CA) 168, Box 60129, Sacra mento, CA 95860. CRUISES CLUB MEDITERRANEAN, SAILING EXPEDITIONS! Needed Sports Instructors, Office Personnel, Counselors. Europe, Caribbean, Worldwide! Summer. Career. Send $5.95 $1 handling for APPLICATION, OPENINGS GUIDE to CRUISE WORLD, 168, Box 60129, Sacramento, CA 95860. UNL Chancellor's Commis sion on the Status of Women is seeking applicants to fill the following openings as of May 15, 1981. City Campus Faculty Member Graduate Student Member Undergraduate Member Those interested in apply ing should write: Sandra Hutton Home Ec. 234A (7B) or call her at 2-2911 for more informal ion. Need 4 people by next Sat. Must be 18, have car, sports minded. $350 part-time, $900 full-time. No experience. Leave name and number at 483-4844. West Bend Products. Summer Camp Employment Easter Seal Society of Nebra ska has openings in these areas: recreation, nature, arts and crafts, swimming, music, coun selors and leaders. Requires: interest and skills in camping, good attitude. Work with child ren and adults with mental and physical disabilities. Employ merit from June 21st through August 7th For more infor mation, contact Dave Breetzke, 476-8593. Need applicants who are de pendable, neat, self-assured and interested m announcing and music for part-tsme Friday or Saturday evening work. To apply leave name, address, phone number and age at 466-6504. Did You Know... 80,000 Nebraskans are DIABETIC? PLEASE GIVE ! f. m ninhotoc ficcn fr Nebraska Affiliate t 7377 Pacific Suite 216 t cam Omaha, HeDrasna ooi Financial Aid cut hurting your pocket? Summer work available for hardworking stu dents. Call 474-1242. Trying to get summer work lined up before Spring Break? For more information, send name, classification and phone number to P.O. Box 81351, Lincoln, NE 68501. Earn $900 per month this summer. Must be sports minded and have a car. Local company has interviews this Thursday 4 p.m. or 7 p.m. Executive Interviewing Room. Clayton House 10th & "O" St. Roommate wanted for nice two bedroom apt. very close to campus. Own room $60month utilities. Prefer someone who likes to party on weekends. 477-2582. This week only!! Package deal for Nebraska baseball. Season tickets, T-shirts and Helmets-Check the Union Booths today! Attention NU-Meds members, The meeting on Wednesday, March 11 has been RESCHED ULED to 7:30 p.m.! Dr. Gillespie from the burn cure unit at St. Elizabeth's will be the guest speaker. Final details concerning the UNMC tour on Friday, March 13, will be announced. If you can't attend the meeting but would like to go, contact one of the officers. Watch Nebraska baseball players in action!! Support the team and get season tickets at the Union Booth-this week only! Be a star! Sign up for the most exciting and bizarre talent show of the year-Selleck "Circus of the Stars'." Apply now at the Selleck desk. This is to announce the engagement of my twin sister, Karen Anderson, (a Sandoz S.A.) to Dan Brokaw The couple are planning a middle summer wedding. Congratulations. (Karen, sorry I couldn't control my self, HA HA) DO YOU WANT TO WIN A TRIP TO DAYTONA BEACH OVER SPRING BREAK? Go to the Alpha Omicron Pi Phi Delta Theta "SurfirV U.S.A." Party March 16, 8 p.m. at the Hilton Ballroom. Bud on tap. Proceeds to go to the Arthritis Foundation. DON'T MISS Paul Haessler. from Merrill Lynch speak in CBA Auditorium on March 11, during B-Week. He will give a talk on "Hedges Against Inflation." Everyone is invited. We the following Hall Presidents, endorse ROBIN LYNCH for RHA president. Nancee Coleman Smith Kent Schroeder Schramm Reg Kuhn Harper Sue MacDonald Selleck Ann Grudzmski Sando Marcie Hagerty Abel EAST CAMPUS AG MAJORS. We SURE appreciated your support m the elections. We ask your support again in the runoff for Wedekind and Mockler Jim Emanuel Dave Bracht Dan Wtchman AUTO INSURANCE TOO HIGH? CANCELLED REFUSED 483-7602 Want your car washed and done right? Bring it to the Sig Ep pledge car wash. Friday 13th from 12:00-6 PM at the Safeway parking lot 23rd & "0" St. Cheap. Get your act together for Selleck's "Circus of the Stars" on March 13! TODAY 2:30 Union Main Lounge Hal Berghel speaks on Computer Crime See you there! Attention: FINANCE CLUB is sell ing chances for Anheuser Busch stock for $1. Get into the market for this great deal -Tickets sold in booth in Union March 16-20. NEBRASKA DANCE ENSEMBLE in concert, Kimball Hall, 8 p.m. Friday March 13, Saturday, March 14, $2.50-Student tickets. GET A TASTE OF THE TROPICS! Go to the Hawaiian "Surfin' U.S.A." Party at the Hilton Ballroom, Monday, March 16, 8 p.m. Bud on tap! beef Tabloid-rated top twenty avante garde in the nation publishes artists writers dance music nu age life. Buy at Nebraska Bookstore, Dirt Cheap Glass Onion, for details 1-402-341-2248. RECREATION SURVEY A random sample of 1,000 students were mailed surveys to evaluate the Recreation Depart ment programs. If you received one please complete it and re turn the survey. If you did not receive one and desire to express your views of the Recreation Department please pick up a survey this week at the Recrea tion Department at 1740 Vine St. ATTENTION! Nominate your favorite T.A. for the "DISTINGUISHED TEACHING AWARD." This monetary award is sponsored annually by the Arts & Sciences Student Advisory Board. Nom ination forms are available in 1223 Old H. Deadline is March 20. Criminal Justice Meeting Sun. March 15. Where: 1203 C Street (Sally Garcia's apt.) Time: 4:00 PM. Your attend ance is needed. BEST SNOW JOB ALL YEAR -45" base at Winter Park and Mary Jane. Go with the UNL Ski Club. Sign up tonite above Jason's 14th & PSt. 8 00 PM. Believe in Wendy Wiseman and V.O.T.E. Todd Lemke SEARS Needs part-time tire and battery installer 8-12 p.m. week days plus Saturday hours. Good Sear's benefits. Apply personnel office Sears Gateway 10-5 PM M F. An EO Employer MF Help Lincoln NOW stuff envelopes. Thursday March 12. 7 PM, 1901 E St. Questions? Call 476-7ERA. Criminal Justice Fn. the 13th Migration-Meet at Chesterfield's at 5 30-AII C.J. and UNL students invited. Tom Macdissi: Good luck in the RHA vice presidential race today. ROBIN LYNCH Greek Week Talenton audi tions, March 12, 17, 18, 19 from 7-9:30 p.m. Sign up for auditions at IFCPanhellenic office by March 13. Attention: The Kaleidoscope Com mittee of UPC-East is pre senting Denny Rourke who will give a free memory skills presentation in the Terraces of the East Union at 7 p.m., Wednesday, March 11. See you there! Phi Psi Little Sis New initiates don't forget about your pledge project to night at 9:30. Financial Aid cut hurting your pocket? Summer work available for independent stu dents. Call 474-1242. RICK MOCKLER and DAN WEDEKIND. You have my full support in the ASUN run-off elections today. Joe N igro PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE Term papers, resumes, etc. Same day service on short jobs. $6.50 per hour (' hour minimum). Memory typewriter for multiple letters priced on number of words. MANPOWER INC. 122 N. 11th 477-8938 Spring mini classes now forming. Learn basics of country swing, social dance, ballroom or freestyle in four easy lessons. THE DANCE EMPORIUM 488-4581 Technical writer. Experienc ed. Reasonable. 464-2653. USHER'S GIFTS CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "O" St. 476-0119 CBA B-WEEK, A CAREER FAIR EXPERI ENCE. Today is the LAST CHANCE to experience a career. "Don't wait till you graduate -your future starts now. Representatives are here from local and national businesses to answer student questions about their business. All students are in vited to participate. FRESH CIGARS CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "O" St. 476-0119 BIRTHRIGHT offers free pregnancy tests confidential, understanding help. 477-8021. Alpha Zeta Ag-Forum Thurs., March 12, 7 PM Great Plains Room East Union Topic: The New Administra tions Effect on Ag-Policy. Free & open to the public. NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL! Professional typing, reasonable rates, IBM Selectric, Myrna Fish, 476-7467. LEARN TO SKYDIVE ! CERTIFIED INSTRUCTOR 464-2041 , evenings Downtown Lincoln Location Rent-a-Tux The Centrum 1 1 ! 1 O St. Open Lveninys Sundays tillSgSSS - .. i I h 1 v 1 AW This week's special: 16 gallon PBR 40 lb. ice 50 cups $29.99 4 Check our low prices and reserve your keg today. Okm Kens Kegs? y 4oth