The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 24, 1981, Page page 8, Image 8
page 8 daily nebraskan tuesday, february 24, 1981 Dave Mumgaard, Good Luck I I'm SURE you'll be a great Arts & Sciences Senator! See you at The Forum. HOTDOG, Watch those parties! Stop, before passing out becomes a habit. Love, 6-six-sex PEAHEAD, I just wanted to warn you to keep those secret rendezvous undercover. You don't want you-know-who to find out, do you? Your loving sis CAROL GEU- Good luck in your campaign for A & S Advisory Board! Be SURE you don't forget the Forum. ARISE, STUPID, and be SURE to VOTE to PURGE and CURE ASUN!!! Robert of Selleck Thanks for paying my park ing tickets. You've eased my conscience and restored my faith in humanity. I would have thanked you personally, for tak ng my name off the most want '3d list, but your signature was impossible to read on the receipt. Thanks again. MDB If you know about my park ing tickets, maybe you know about my English paper . . . Mike D., I appreciated the ride home from the party Thurs. night Would like to become better acquainted!?! Shelley Doc, We saved your life while you were fighting. Hope your birth day is real exciting! Rescue Unit AGR-FH. We're far from being helpless women but we sure appreciate helpful men. Thanks for calling the reinforcements out of bed. Thursday night bottle throwers don't know what they're up against! You're the BEST! 4 Distressed AXO's RICK (SIG EP) Made it back safely this weekend and thanks to your help made it back the weekend before. Thanks for stopping. Jody, Beth, Mari Steve Keck, The personal was not from this Kathy Deichmann so whom ever is responsible I have a nice four letter word for you and it's NOT LOVE. ANNIE MARIE SWANSTROM, Congratulations on being accepted in Physical Therapy program-UNO! That's our roommate! We love you! Wish there were cornfields in Omaha . . . KP & Karen Glen, I've done my thinking, how about you? I'm in an unfamiliar situation, but I'd rather be told to get lost than to hear nothing at all. Pat, Congratulations! You did a superb job in Vanities. Who knows maybe Hollywood's next Love, Ke in TIM CHANDLER is a SURE Candidate for Arts & Sciences Senator. Don't miss the Forum Wednesday at the Union. Stud-Friday nite- "Prime " You know who ARTS & SCIENCES STUDENTS Be SURE Vote BECKY STINGLEY for Arts & Sciences Senator Karen, Happy Birthday to the great est roomie ever! Only one more year to go! Surf's Up!! Nancy Annie Mumgaard I'm sure -just leave your friends and go to Colorado? Congratulations! Love. Marcia POSOB The Buffaloes are infested with slimy maggots. Beta Sig Little Sisters! Roses are red. Violets are blue. We'll give plasma, and party with you! P.S. We don't have to be needed to do that! DG Pledges, Congrats! We are so proud of our crew. Love you, The Actives Mrs. Jo, Just wanted to let you know how happy we are to have your for another year. We treasure your friendship. Love you. The DG's Troy and Whitey, Dancing Thursday and Fri day breakfast was an enjoyable time. How about breakfast again? Please RSVP. Lori, I plan on attending the DRESS FOR SUCCESS seminar but you should attend the LEADERSHIP seminar on the same day during B-WEEK. Bill PAUL READE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABE! (oops-sorry !) Wishing you happiness and lots a love al ways!! (even if you are a chauv inist!) Bruce (Guy in white Monte Carlo,) Thanks for the note. It made me smile! ! Diane (Girl in the blue station wagon) ATTENTION DORMIES: If you're tired of play government compromising away your rights, the X Party could be for you. We're looking for RHA candidates and supporters. Contact Bill Flack, 1023 Harper (472 9838) Dan, It's really been great these last two years, the growing in love, the laughter, the tears, And all of the good times, we've had quite a few. Just never forget how much I love you. Love, Patti Ann K. Happy 19th to a great friend You're one of the nicest people we know. Love, Lynne, Annie, Theresa Joe Canon, Gonna crack the Ridgway case, Can't handle the deadline so this'll have to do. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Dan Tanna To all G.D.I.'s, in particular those friends of Art Small and Steve Nolan and his roommates: Come to Godfather's to cheer us on to victory Tuesday night, Feb. 24th, in the Pizza Eating Contest for the Lincoln Child ren's Zoo. OO IT!!! BRUCE NELSEN You are MUCH more ex citing than Humphrey Bo-gart! This ad is to FORMAL LY BEG Karen Keller for forgiveness. I Juan, in a moment of weakness, at Roger's desk, made a large verbal error. Please find it in your heart to be merciful. Respectfully Submitted Juan Valdez Beach Babies, Beach Babies It's that time of year again! Get out those shorts and tank tops1 It's the 2nd Annual Summer Party com ing Feb. 28th Contact Kristen, Sonya, or Mary for information. And we'll have FUN, FUN, FUN. For C.B.A. Ad visor v Board we're S.U.R.E. about John Dittman. College PEO Group Meeting Sunday, March 1 at Linda Lampshires 2215 So. 24th. Call reservations to Jan Atkins 475 0105 by this Thurs. evening. Be positively SURE Elect Fran Grabowski Arts & Science Senator Pre-physical therapy meeting Tuesday, the 24th at 7:00 PM in the Union. There will be a speaker. Tassels meeting Tues. at 5 p.m. in Union. Executive meet ing at 4:30. All members please attend. New Communiversity Course GYMNASTICS: COMPETITION Otf ART? Learn how to watch and understand gymnastics. Instructors: James Howard, Asst. Prof. HPER, Asst. Gymn. Coach-UN L; John Scheer, Asst. Prof. HPER, internationally rat ed gymnastics judge. 5 Wednesday evenings, be ginning March 4. 7-9:30 p.m. Fee: $15 1 cr. hr. For information call Chuck Havlicek 472-2844. Be S.U.R.E. in Journalism: KAREN KEOWN REGINA ROGERS The X-Party is looking for concerned dormies for candi dates and supporters. If you want an activist RHA working for student rights, we're the party for you. Contact Bill Flack, 1023 Harper (472-9838). THE X-PARTY CHALLENGES ALL CONTENDERS FOR THE RHA PRESIDENCY TO AN OPEN AND PUBLIC DEBATE OF THE ISSUES. SUPPORT X FOR RHA. Bill Flack X-Party Presidential Candidate 1023 Harper 472-9838 We're S.U.R.E. in Teacher's College: Joel Heim Nadine Hess Cheryl Hoelting Debi King Governor Thone has called a state of emergency because of the impending buffalo moving towards Lincoln. STUDY WHEN AND WHERE YOU CHOOSE with UNL independent study. Call Mrs. Molly Cunningham, Con tinuing Studies, 472 1933. "God Sent Him", Tonight's topic; Dr. Virgil Warren in City Union, 7:30 PM. You can be S.U.R.E. in the College of Home Economics: Senate Amy Cox Lori Standage Advisory Board Karen Anderson Lori Johnson Pam Kuhn Gwen Knobel Jana Lamplot Carol Pribyl Joyce Tines Cindy Sherman JOURNALISM MAJORS: You are invited to a panel discussion on the CHANGING MEDIA How can you prepare? Join these professionals in discussing changes in technology public needs and employer ex pectations Rick Alloway: KFOR radio Gina Hills: UPI state editor Paul Jensen: KOLN TV Gordon Winters Lincoln Star city editor Wilma Crumley: UNL J School Dick Lindberg Westpomt Weekly News Don Jacks: Independent TV producer Thursday, Feb. 26,8 p m in the Union Regency Suite. Spon sored by Sigma Delta Chi. ASUN is currently taking applications for Student Court Justices for the 1981-82 school year. Applications must be full time students, have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.75, and have at least junior standing if an undergraduate. The Chief Justice of the Court must be a law student. Infor mation sheets and applications are available in the ASUN office, 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline is February 27. Attention Students in the College of Arts & Sciences. The SURE party is holding a quest ion and answer forum in the Union on Wed., Feb. 25th at 3 00. Come meet the SURE party Arts & Sciences candi dates. How's your body? How's your mind? Put them together by hearing Janet Krause of the Counseling Center speak on "Wellness." Wed., 12:30 Stu dent Y-117 Union. BUD NIGHT Coming Soon MISTY ISLES 6232 Havelock Ave. We're SURE about TERESA THOMSSEN in the Business College Come listen to Vice Chancel lor of Student Affairs (RICH ART ARMSTRONG) speak about student fees; 2:30 PM WED., FEB. 25, NE Union. THIS IS IT! The first in a series of de bates between the ASUN Presi dential candidates. Discover their feelints on campus issues. Tonight at 7:00 PM in the Main Lounqi; of Harper Hall. If you had books in the ASUN Book Exchange-this is the last week to pick-up your books or money 1 1 5 Nebraska Union Remember to vote V.O.T.E. CBA Advisory Board Jan Bartholet Sheri Sellgren Leslie Blore Shelly Nordbrock Rob Trussell Lawrence Olsen Mike Lee Mary Meivies Rhonda Smidt ATTENTION PRE MEDS Next meeting is Wednesday, February 25, at 7 p.m. in the Union. ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT SOCIETY Meets this Tuesday, 6:30 in the Union. Those planning on Dallas need to be there. For more info, contact Teresa Thomssen. The Magazine Features: -- Poems - Essays Short Stories Reviews -Photographs -Artwork Let The Magazine feature you. Submit your creative works to Andrews 142. Dead line: Feb. 27. Please enclose self addressed envelope for return. SURE we're for East Campus Ag Senate: Jim Emanuel Dan Wichman Dave Bracht Ag Advisory Board John Fraspr Dale Anderbery Tracy Kuhlman Jill Beckman Steve Goll Bob Green Jim Brockmann Larry Svehla Concert : "Women Song for Human kind", Betsy Rose and Cathy Winter performing in the Great Plains Room at the East Union. Friday, February 27 at 8 p.m. $3.50-students, $4 -non-stu-dents, Call 472-2597 for more information. BUSINESS MAJORS DAVE THAYER for BUSINESS SENATOR We're SURE! Anyone interest in the the UNL Water Ski Team should attend the organizational meet ing on 2 24-81 at 7:00 at the Union. Freshmen, Sophomores and Seniors demonstrating outstand ing leadership, scholarship, and service to the campus are eligible to become MORTAR BOARD NOTABLE PEOPLE. Applications in CAP-City & East ASUN and PanhellemcIFC offices. Due Maich 2. PIANO TUNING and repair Prompt, quality service. 476 7808. PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE Term papers, resumes, etc. Same day service on short jobs. $6.50 per hour ('? hour minimum). Memory typewriter for multiple letters priced on number of words. MANPOWER INC. 122 No. 1 1th 477-8938 FRESH CHEWING TOBACCO CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "O" St. 476-0119 Professional Resumes. Writ ten over 500 resumes for gradu ating seniors and grads in every field. 475-9777. Help be part of the CURF in Business College for CBA Senators Elect Rocky Valentine Chris Hove Christy Meinzer Brent Jones BIRTHRIGHT offers free pregnancy tests-confidential, understanding help. 477-8021. PINNING CIGARS CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "O" St. 476-0119 Governor Thone has called a state of emergency because of the impending buffalo moving towards Lincoln. IJE3B & OSHIIGD ARCHITECTURL STUDENTS STUDENT CHAPTER AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS MEET ING, WED. 25TH IN ARCH. GALLERY 4:30. INTER ESTED IN MEMBERSHIP BE THERE!! FOUND: Man's U.S. class ring. Hamilton Hall 470-3009. FOUND. Blue jeans with a Valadine in pocket. Call Mabel Lee Hall 472-3882. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLI B I S j S PI S H I A l N l A n E I P j H I MOVING? Rent a cargo van from DeBrown Leasing Call 477-7253 17th & N St. pjs i pi m TbelJciTeTm E M B 0 N PIOI I N Tfl L 0 E JT : ' ' V A..; ACROSS 1 Musician or dancer 7 Acid 10 Remiss 13 Clean up leaves again 14 Arrival-time abbr. 15 Tipple 16 Critter 17 Hoodwinked 19 Receiving two pensions 21 Beard of grain 22 inflation (campaign issue) 25 Snicker follower 27 Moon goddess 28 From Z 29 French poodle's paw 31 Shade of pink 33 Where Apia is 36 " evil " 37 Red Cross need 39 Vinegars 42 Loser to Holmes 43 Fallacy 45 Chop down 49 Marches, Indian style 52 New Mexico Indian 53 Sloop 55 Duenna 57 Broadway title 58 Eye part 59 Season at Cannes 60 Poetic regions 61 Actor Duilio Prete 62 Ending for Siam 63 Lady of Spain DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 Plowed fields at haciendas Eclat Being three in one Metrical foot Old Norse bard 6 Bony fish 7 Plain, as handwriting 8 Salt or sugar 9 Throws cold water on 10 Off-the-tee phase of golf 11 Hairy or Barbary 12 out (removed) 15 Morrison or Tennille 18 Area in Asia and Africa 20 MacDonald- Eddy offering Pour (overwhelm) -avail (useless) 26 Heroic verse Pooh creator Ferdinand creator Health clubs Want for Christmas 23 24 30 32 33 34 35 Kin of a topgallant 38 To (somewhat) 39 Receiver of property title, in law 40 de-sac (blind alleys) 41 Ipecacs, e.g. 44 Feast (Purim) 46 Husky driver 47 Berlin songs 48 Julius of songdom 50 Prepares fish for cooking 51 Edge through a crowd 54 Lincoln or Susan B. Anihony 55 El .'saga hero 56 Otho'sgovt. P F I I I I V F I i" 110 In I12 13 14 77"" ie " is 1 20 -1-21 22 23 " 24 25 20 "j 27 " 29-30 32"" 33 34 " 35 jj 37 38 "" 39 40 41 44 L ' U, 44 49 50 sTy-iT " j 3 T"ji Ji5 Hii H-H Hmtt