The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 23, 1981, Page page 2, Image 2

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daily nebraskan
monday, february 23, 1981
RHA candidate upset by apathy futile efforts
By Patty Pryor
Hoping to generate student interest in residence hall
government by producing visible and pronounced changes,
senior Bill Flack declared his candidacy for Residence Hall
president Friday.
According to its platform, Flack's "X -Party" presents a
"realistic program for producing genuine improvements
in residence hall conditions and for reversing the trend
toward student apathy."
Students don't get involved with RHA because they see
the organization efforts as futile, said Flack, a physics
major who lives in Harper Hall.
RHA's lack of visible accomplishments cuts down
student interest and support., he said, which further
hampers RHA efforts.
However, Flack said RHA's efforts are too often
"limited excessively to polite requests" of administrat
ors. The requests simply don't work, he said.
Fven when RHA asks for more than "token improve
ments." according to the X-party platform, it invariably
fails to take a strong stand. Instead, RHA shows an "un
wholesome willingness to compromise away student
rights and desires."
Flack said he realizes this willingness to compromise
fosters a good working relationship between RHA and
administrators, but that it is the only positive result, he
said. It doesn't benefit students at all, he said.
The at'titude allows the NU Board of Regents and
administrators to realize they can reject RHA demands
because they will
platform states.
face little student opposition, the
Further tactics
Flack said he hopes to change this situation by im
plementing other tactics after the usual course of action
fail to bring results.
These tactics include bringing lawsuits against the
university and encouraging massive, repeated disobed
ience of objectionable policies, he said.
Flack said such measures will be taken only after
rational persuasion has failed.
"Civil disobedience is not something we pull every time
the regents turn us down," Flack said.
"Persistence alone is a tactic," he continued. "If we
badger the regents every month, we'll annoy them enough
that they'll take action either way, at least."
Flack said he would like to restructure the committee
system within RHA.
Now, he said, a student who has a complaint or an idea
on an issue, such as visitation or alcohol policies, must
take the idea to his or her hall government. From there,
the idea is taken to RHA.
Students out
The student is left out of the process.
Flack said he would like to form committees of one or
two RHA members to work with interested hall residents
on various topics.
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Ideally, he said, this would give students a chance to
learn about political processes from the RHA members on
the committee and to add their own ideas and suggestions.
With this plan, Flack is including hall representatives
on his ticket, rather than waiting to appoint them.
Two candidates from Harper Hall and one each from
Abel and Neihardt Halls are running with the X-Party. But
Flack is looking for candidates for the other openings.
Steve Rowe, a junior civil engineering major from
Harper Hall is the X-Party's vice presidential candidate.
The secretary and treasurer positions still are open, Flack
The problem with RHA, Flack said, is a combination
of "student apathy and regental and administrational con
descension. "
Concerns with the alcohol and visitation policies are
only "superficial rnainfestations of the problem," he said.
"The regents don't care about RHA, and students
don't care about RHA. I think I could do the most to
change that."
RHA to contribute
to ASUN debate
At their last meeting before election of new mei.'bers,
the Residence Hall Association voted to contribute SI 00
toward sponsoring an ASUN presidential candidates
The debate will be Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Raymond
television lounge at Neihardt Residence Center. Neihardt
residents are co-sponsoring the event Representatives
from all eight parties will be participating.
RHA also voted to change refrigerati r rental compan
ies in the residence halls next year. A new contract was
awarded to Campus liquipment Co. RHA had been doing
business with Campus Products Industries for the past
three years.
Members also approved RHA Judicial Board bylaws.
After discussion concerning the presence of a residence
director on the board and whether that director should
have a vote, RHA decided to retain the residence director
as a voting board member.
The association gave its support to research on con
struction of a new UNL recreational center, and is draft
ing a letter expressing that support to Richard Armstrong,
vice chancellor for student affairs.
It was also announced at the meeting that floor health
aides are needed for next semester in the residence halls.
Anyone interested in applying should see their own health
aide or contact the housing office. Applications are avail
able until March 13.
RHA and ASUN elections will be held March 4, and
the deadline for anyone filing as a candidate, an executive
or a representative position in RHA is March 1. Filing
forms are available from the RHA office in Neihardt
Residence Center.
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