Wednesday, february 11, 1981 daily nebraskan page 5 Sex education . . Continued from Page 4 In "progressive" provinces, like Washington, D.C., for example, there are now more illegitimate than legitimate births, more abortions than live births. And Professor Kasun continues: "In Sweden, for example, where sex education has been mandatory since 1956, the illegiti macy rate (the number of illegitimate births per thousand families of childbearing age), which had been declining subsequently rose for every age group, except the older group which did not receive the special sex education. Much of the sex education, demonstrates Ms. Kasun -with examples a little too graphic for this newspaper simply reinforces the propaganda of the Population Bomb crowd, whose neo-Malthusian predictions have proved as off-the-money as those of Parson Malthus himself. Since World War II, for example, the growth in the food supply has far outstripped population growth, and per capita food consumption, worldwide, is at an all-time high. Most important, many of the sex educators seek, pri marily , to sever in the minds of school children - the traditional linkage of sex and morality taught in home and to the editor church, and replace such teachings with the tenets of the New Morality, urging students to make up their own minds about sexual morality, pornography, abortion, euthanasia, etc. Concludes Professor Kasun: "In undertaking to finance and promote a multimillion-dollar program of sex edu cation, the government has entered very heavily into the promotion of a particular world view and the establish ment of a chosen ideology, a kind of secular religion. This is a posture the public and the Congress would do well to examine now." Secretary Schweiker, it would appear, so intends - not unreasonably. For if it is wrong to indoctrinate children in public schools against their parents' desires, in the biblical beliefs of the Rev. Bailey Smith, it is right to in doctrinate children - against their parents' desires - in the ideology of some progressive Planned Parenthood chapter which treats sex with the same seriousness as roller disco? (c) 1981 By PJB Enterprises, Inc., By The Chicago Tribune N.Y. News Syndicate, Inc. it I? rrk r-k t m "i t. .mr r J n Lvi riri i yi In regard to the article on the men's crew spring pre paration, I would like to make a few points. First, I would like to thank the Daily Nebraskan for its coverage of the crew team. We do sincerely appreciate any form of communication that enables the public to learn more about this powerful but graceful sport. Secondly, and the main intent of this letter, is to let everyone know about the half of crew that the article ignored - the women's team. Twice a week they're up practicing before dawn, putting in just as much guts and sweat as us men. Then on top of that, showing up every afternoon to train for races along with us. So, let's not forget about the half of the UNL crew that's made it what it is today. My hat's off to you ladies! Bret R. Thompson novice oarsman Having Trouble Balancing Your Budget? We'll pay you $10-$2G per week in your spare time Bocnmo a plasma donor! $10 paid per donation (and you can donate twice weekly) A $2.00 bonus will be paid to new donors on their first donation with this ad CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT! Open Monday-Saturday 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. federally licensed UNIVERSITY PLASMA CENTER 1442 '0' St. 475-8645 Ge ,reacfoAbe Because tomorrow Nebraska Bookstore is going to make history. Bray' liar&boun&booli in the General look Department is ?M off tomorrow 01. Remember that new hardbound book you wanted until you saw the price? Now it's 20 off. And you'll have it months before it's available in paperback at a price nt much more than the paperback. Yes, every hardbound book on the shelves in the General Book Department -each and every one of the 20,000 is now 20 off tomorrow only. It's a sale you can't afford to miss from Nebraska's largest bookseller. General 1 Books m Only sale-priced books and special orders are not included. Open Monday-Friday, 8-5:30, Saturday, 9-5:30 We're more than a bookstore M I 1 tTTc Welcome Lm ml r -a 1 2th & R Streets in Lincoln Center 476-01 1 1