tuesday, february 3, 1981 daily nebraskan page 7 Two varsity sports, two majors give Steve Elliott tight schedule Competing in two sports serves as a double advantage psychologically because of the people involved, according to Steve Elliott, a UNL diver who competes in floor exercise and vaulting for Nebraska's gymnastics team. "I love athletics and 1 love both sports. This feeling helps me keep going, along with the people that are in volved," Elliott said. Because of this love for both gymnastics and diving, Elliott said he tries to get in as much of both as he can. Gymnastics and diving are in concurrent seasons, so Elliott, who came to Nebraska on a diving scholarship, said gymnastics Coach Francis Allen lets him workout whenever he's not diving, which usually means after diving practice, and on Sundays. "I think Francis is pleased that I can work out when 1 can. I guess he considers it a bonus to the team, because he didn't have to recruit me and I'm not on a gymnastics scholarship," Elliott said. "Even though I enjoy both sports, my priorities go with diving because that's what I came here for." Not worried about pressure When he first decided to try both sports, Elliott said he didn't have any worries about whether he could handle the pressures. "I've always been pretty active, doing many sports at a time in high school," Elliott said. "I've always been on the move and meeting people. I enjoy the active part. Competing in two different sports in one weekend gives me a snse of accomplishment." According to Elliott, diving Coach Jeff Huber has been flexible about letting him work out with the gymnastics team. "When I came to Nebraska, Jeff said I could work out with the gymnastics team, but I don't think he knew that I would compete. However, he lets me keep on doing both as long as it's not too big of a conflict," Elliott said. Elliott, who has been tumbling off and on since elementary school, says he started diving in high school because he didn't have the coaching to go further in gymnastics. After competing in both sports for a few years, Elliott said the sports aren't as similar as most people may think. Two sports different "Gymnastics and diving are more different they they are alike. In gymnastics, you land on your feet, but in diving it's your head. A lot of the twisting techniques are different for both," Elliott said. "When I first started diving, I had problems because I had to change techniques. It was hard changing back and forth from one sport's techniques to the other's, but everything worked out," he added. Because of all the hours he puts in practicing and competing, most of his left over time is devoted to study ing, which leaves little time for any tiling else, according to EUiott. "I usually can't start studying until 7:00 every night, and because I have morning workouts three days a week, I can't stay up too late. On weekends, I usually have competition, so it's hard to get the right amount of study ing in. No matter how disciplined a person is, it's almost impossible to study at a meet. My social life has to be sacrificed also. If I ever have a free Saturday night, it's spent studying." In the off-season, Elliott said he still works out because he can't bring himself to a complete halt. "I'm so used to a constant go that if I stop, it's like bringing a freight train to a dead halt. When I'm not competing, I find that I don't know what to do with my spare time. I like taking some of the time to just relax, but otherwise I try to keep going," he said. Homecoming king Elliott, who was chosen as Nebraska's homecoming king last semester, said he ran for the position to be come more involved in the school. "I wanted to be more than just an athlete;! wanted to be part of the school. I was just honored to be in the top nine, but winning was a good feeling," he said. "I felt that people were supporting me as a student as well as an athlete." Currently a junior, Elliott is majoring in both adver tising and psychology. Me said he plans on doing some coaching or public relations work, and hopes his career at Nebraska will serve as an asset. "I have a lot of goals and dreams, and I hope that maybe people will remember me as an athlete and this will help. I also feel Nebraska has a good athletic program, wluch will provide me with a good background," Elliott said. According to Elliott, being on two of the best teams in the nation has served as a good source of athletic and personal growth. "Besides myself, there are three other divers that are national contenders on the team, so we can't expect to just win now and then. Because of this, we push each other. Having a fellow competitor also act as a coach is a real asset," Elliott said. "Being on a gymnastics team with some of the best gymnasts in the world, along with a lot of other great talent, is a good atmosphere. We get a lot of support from our fans, which makes feeling confident and doing well easy. I don't think we could get the support and accomplishments anywhere else," he added. Because gymnastics and diving are such mental sports, Elliott said being a Christian helps a lot. "If things are together in my mind it helps. A lot of my worries are taken care of by the Lord. I feel I'm in good hands when I'm out there," Elliott said. o ads MUST SELL: Bruce Springsteen tickets. K.C. Concert Feb. 5-472-8313 Technics SA-400 receiver and 1 pair SP-2500X Sansui speakers. Excellent condition. 475-9188. Lady Monster, (Snort, snort) We are getting Monster urges again. Meet us at the "Pit" to night after class to spit some chips! Guy Monsters For Sale: Classic white gold ring, set with large pearl and 12 diamonds. Appraised at $335. Must sell, please make offer. Candy or Floyd 476-1224. 1978 Mazda GLC, excellent condition. 23,700 miles; 35 mpg highway. Call evenings 435 1132. DESK: Old heavy oak w chair, good condition, $100 but will sell for $85 if your interest ed. Days 472-1743. evenings 467 -2714 Peavey T-GO Guitar, Excel lent shape. 489-2633. 3 bedroom apt., 1 blk. from campus 335 N. 18th. $260 momth, utilities paid. 489-8620. One bedroom apt. at 526 No. 23. Close to university and downtown. $125 utilities deposit. 464-5665. One bedroom, two bedroom apartments, houses and town houses TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY Ron Hmkley 489 7888 for nan 1300 "8" St. - furnished duplex, central air. one bed room. $165 plus gas. electric, deposit! 475-2707 WILLOW HAVEN 1830 KNOX ST. Spacious, new 2 bedroom units. Central air. fireplaces, dishwashers, fully carpeted, lots of parking. 5 minutes either campus. $275month utilities. 1435 D ST. 1 -bedroom, furnished apart ment. Off street parking, laundry facilities, all appli ances. $195month elect ricity. 1427 C ST. IN THE MIDDLE OF EVERYTHING Spacious 1 -bedroom, garden level, fully carpeted, off street parking. $185month utilities and deposit. Sorry no pets. 545 N 25TH This one has true CHARACTER Gracious, completely re modeled living quarters with up to the minute kitchen appliances and dining area, very large, fully carpeted. Oily 10 blocks to UNL -$225month utilities and deposit. Sorry no pets. JOSEPH E. KEAN CO. 474 1666 RENTAL Rent TV's, color and BW and stereos Rent refriger ators, washers, dryers. Rent furniture 3 room package. Living, bedroom, dining room $69.95 mo. Rent any thing with option to buy. ACE FURNITURE 2429 "O" St. 474-3444 PBX OPERATOR Aircraft company has immedi ate opening for individual to operate switch board and greet customers in our lobby. Must be congenial, and enjoy working with people. Part-time employ ment. Hours may vary. Contact Duncan Aviation Inc., Personnel office for interview. 475-2611 (An equal opportunity employ er) Part-time help needed for de livery and shop. Underclassman preferred with some background in industrial arts. Apply after noons. GOURLAY BROS. TSANO CO. 915 "O" Street Help wanted for 1981 farm ing season. Must be experienced in tractor operation and general farm work - 781 -2064. OVERSEAS JOBS-Summer year round. Europe, S. America, Australia. Asia. All fields. $500 $1200 monthly. Sightseeing. Free info. Write IJC Box 52-NE1, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. JOBS JOBS JOBS Local company needs 9 stu dents for part-time work and" full-time this summer. Must be sports minded and have a car. Good pay and flexible hours. See Mr. Parten this Thursday at 4:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. Execu tive interviewing room. Clayton House. 10th & "O" St. DAILY NEBRASKAN LOOKING FOR EXPERIENCE AS A FASHION MODEL? We need male and female models to work' with the advertising department and various merchants for our spring fashion issue. Bring a nicture of vourself and apply at the Daily Nebraskan Artvertisina Office, down stairs in the Union, before Wednesday, Feb. 11. J ljj Photo by Kent Morgan Olsen Steve EUiott intramurals The UNL men's and women's intramural swim ming meets will be held this week. The women's meet is today and the men's meet will be Thursday. Both meets will be at Mabel Lee pool beginning at 6:40 pjn., with entries due at 6:05 and 6:40 pjn. The men's and women's intramural water polo entries are due at 5 pjn. Wednesday. Schedules will be available Feb. 9. Entries for intramural co-rec innertube water polo are due at 5 p.m. Wednesday. Play will begin Feb. 9. For further information on intramural activities, call the Recreation Office at 472-3467. r I I if (SB I I I I I I I I I I t. (to FRg 12 or. PtSi Kwty fca We&u&r k&n fta cask tf Febrcqf. 475-1246 CALL AHEAD WE'LL BE READY