The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 28, 1981, Page page 2, Image 2
page 2 daily nebraskan Wednesday january 28, 1981 4 I ?ONlv im u i We now have waterbeds. SOFA S195 XOVESE S165 COFFEE TABLE S49 Hand Finished Solid Wood Butcher Block Set Completely knocked down, over 50 fabrics Poof and Walrus Pillow Chairs $39.95 to $79 Decorator Pillows $1.99 - Floor Pillows $6.99 1325 "O" St. M-F 10-6:30; Th. 10-7:30 iflJA 474-4501 Sat. 10-5 BECKS Sun. 1-5 Union's Student fee request lower than amount allocated last year By Lori McGinnis For the fourth consecutive year, no increase in student fee support has been requested for the Nebraska Union. Union Director Daryl Swanson requested $564,213 in fees for the union's 1981-82 budget from the Commit tee for Fees Allocations Tuesday. The Amount is down from $592,633 allocated for this year. A rental agreement between the unions and the Univer sity Bookstore reduced the requested budget by $32, 698 to the operating budget. Swanson also attributes the lower request to better management techniques and efficiencies in the unions. Firing three bakers played a big part in reducing the re- The need lor blood never stops. Accidents and illness occur year 'round Unfortunately, blood supplies are often at critical lows during the summer months because people are too busy having fun to donate. Please... take some time and help save a life. Give blood this summer. Btoodislife Pass it on A Mtd-Amanca Regional Red Cross Blood Program Get an aut henfic dlass for (' Collect A Set of 6 or 8 Trademark . m, mmFsxam ii With the purchase of a large serving of Coke lid! mnrk IEU THE CUB only nebraska unions Coca-Cola and Coke are registered trade-marks which identify the same product ot The Coca-Cola Company offer good only while supply lasts AAA '-Sme i'zrzix P"n no, v8$5i) xW:i w o.v;.v Z. quest, he said. Closing the south desk and replacing piped in Musak with FM radio in the union also helped. If the request were allocated, Swanson said each stud ent would pay $12.67 in student fees per semester. The amount is down about a dollar from last year. The governor's recommendation to the Legislature that state funds not be used to pay utilities for student centers concerned Swanson. "Pragmatically, I think we would have to turn to stud ent fees" if the recommendation is passed, Swanson said. If the union had to pay all utlities, students would pay an additional $6 per semester. If the state paid 50 percent of the union utilities, students would pay S3 more per semester. "The frustration on my part is that. we're truly at the mercy of the Legislature," Swanson said. Other Big Light Unions are paying utility costs, he said. But they also have additional sources of income, such as managing their own bookstores. Of all union departments, only some use student fee assistance. House operations, information desks. Campus Activities and Programs, and administrative departments all use student fee moeny. Food services and recreation departments are self supporting. The total union budget is based on the assumption of a 10.5 percent increase in union employee salaries. Salary increases of 10.5 percent make up the largest part of the budget. The committee approved the hiring of another employee to be in charge of training and evaluat ing officials, supervising the indoor facilities and working with the dual intramural activites. The committee also recommended that the recreation department receive $206,089 from student fees in 1981 82. The recommendation is the same amount the depart ment requested. CSLEBEITSS B.C. FIELD'S B1BTHDIT WITH 55 Coors & Coors Light Cans 01 .50 Pitchers Tonight, Wed., Jan. 28 f A Iserr rr It's time to consider Independent Study! You can register anytime! When your classes conflict with work or other classes... When you need flexible study hours... When you want to study while away from campus. When you're short a class for graduation... . . . think independent study from the UNL Division of Continuing Studies. Earn credit studying when and where it's convenient for you. For information, call our counselor at 472 1933 or come to 511 Ne braska Hall. 5oo&fiicfy Campus UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all federal regulations pertaining to same.