The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 26, 1981, Page page 8, Image 8
page 8 daily nebraskan monday, january 26, 1981 Apply in person SPIKE AND OLLY'S 5200 "O" St. Experienced food and beverage waitresses. Day and night shifts. Mah's Garden Restaurant Female part-time experienced bartender. 18 hours a week. Call Trina 475-7963 after 2:00 PM. Live models, part-time for University of Nebraska art class es. Call 472-2631. Equal Oppor tunity Employer. SUMMER VACATION JOB OPPORTUNITY Be a Nebraska Vacation Guide Share your knowledge of Nebraska with visitors to our state by becoming a Nebra ska vacation guide. -Good Pay Fun Good learning experience For more information call Kim Behrens, 471-3797. Be part of Nebraska's hospitality and take advant age of the Nebraska vacation guide program. It's more than just a summer job! II 1 IH I WANTED: Reader for blind student. Call between 1-10 p.m. 423-3618. WANTED -Good home for female black kitten. More info., call 472-0103. Need someone to take over lease. Nice 2 bdrm. apt. 645 S. 20th St. on Feb. 1. Call before noon, 474-2947. Roommate needed, nice 4 bedroom duplex, fireplace, rent $76.25 utilities. 464-1831. Roommate wanted: 3 BR mobile home. 1 mi. from City Campus. $100mo. Vi elec. 476-9635. Female, non-smoking room mate wanted to share 2 bed room apt. 474-5668. WANTED-FEMALE ROOM MATE $135 Close to campus. Call 4744493. Male roommate wanted to share 2 bedroom apt. Close to campus $105 Vi utilities. Call 435-6211. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZU A R km AMOR T A E T UTsj l A I N Li T a cUJTT Is j eQp T r u EJRE A CjT I TON T HE E T VlEl U Rl C j A I W 0. F A HIM Rl I ID BniDi D YjZl H Ai R El S E sPi ah TfmT c TlTa nTdU THTk e!as e c o Nl"bTb" 7 E R I N I RON Is rj E S T lj Wj A I M T LJ Bl A I W ECJsI E El M Responsible housemate. Havelock, nice, own bedroom, laundry, AC, off-street, bus possible car pool. $125 utilit ies. Older or graduate student preferred. Maggie 466-0589, eves. Wanted-Female roommate to share modern 2 bdr. duplex. Fireplace, washer, dryer and storage. $154 mo. Vi utilities deposit. Call 435-2054. Roommate wanted: Nicely furnished house, close to city. $80month utilities. 477-7215 for details. Sally, Happy Birthday you old lady (but you can still drink everyone under the table). Sally Yesterday was Janet L. Han sen's Birthday. Stop her and wish her a happy Be-lated one! Big 1-9 and still not legal. Teddybear, I hope your 19th was very special, because you're special to me. Happy Birthday. I love you. Babycakes Mitchell, Well, another year wasted away hanging around the pen (AHHH, CLUNK!) We hope you've had a good one, with "closed-door" discussions with Feed Larry and the redhead, broncoing, and margaritas. (oh, they smell so-o-o-o good!) (especially at bank Christmas parties, eh?) Happy 21st. Berb and Vark-Lover Mitchell, Now that you're "the old lady" in every state, "Doobie" good. Avoid Love Library, magazines, alcohol (or we'll tell Mom) and making obnoxious noises. If tempted, just recall those famous words: "It smells so good . . . but I can't!" HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Chip & Mouse Anyone interested in start ing a UNL competitive water skiing team, please call Dave Wilson, 435-2957. Katie, Happy Birthday to the most fantastic girl ever. Love, Jim Dwiane, You're the bestest roomie ever! Thanks for being so under standing. Luv ya!, Dwawn Eric S. (ex S.A. of 4th floor Abel), It's hard to say how much we appreciated you on our floor. I know we speak for everyone (almost) when we say we'll miss your ugly face. The Guys in 401 Paul, The past year has been my dream come true, and a wonder ful one at that. Have a super day! Happy Anniversary ! ! Love, Angie 245 North 13th Street Lincoln, Nebraska 475-8007 TUESDAY: Ladies Night 8:00-10:00 Happy Hour prices on all mixed drinks. WEDNESDAY; Wheel of Fortune Night 9:00-12:00 THURSDAY: Tequila Night 9:00-12:30 Most Tequila Drinks 75 cents Nachos$150 FRIDAY: FAC Club 3:30-6:30 Jay, You give so much, but the best gifts I ever received were those you tied with heartstrings. Love, Noodle BOO- Good Luck Always, and may today be one of our happiest ever! All my love, Doug Blonde in Red Coat, Sorry I don't remember you, but I am curious. Why were you so bashful? Brunette at Wendy's BOYD, Hope your birthday is as special to you as you are to me. P.J. To the cute redhead in the N. Hall computer room 8:30 p.m. Wednesday What's your name? Guy in yellow ersey 1118 Abel Peggy Nuss, I hear you're from Minn. I'm glad you decided to come to Ne braska. A Litchfield Historian Hey Roller Doobies, Has your devotion to E.R.A. been vanquished? Or has our male supremacy finally become obvious to you? We're ready whenever you low-life scumbags are so let's nip this situation in the butt and get down to some serious piggin-out. Have a nice day. Gerald & Joseph We're SURE I'm Catholic I'm against abortion. I'm going to heaven. Where are you going? HAPPY JOAN Y JULIUS. BIRTHDAY Homer (Alexander), Happy Birthday last Thurs day! (Better late than never?!) Love ya, Karen Porter Jr. I hope your B-Day is a super one. Go out and raise cain! P.S. Rem "we're on the road again," but ditches stand alone. Friends 4-ever, J.A.M. Patricia Ann (SLC) Seems like it's been "eons" since I've seen you. Can't wait for Spring Break, because "We bad" when we get together! Sylvester "Sundance" Stallone Lynne Chandler, Happy Birthday favorite Q-Tip! to our JB and JM Beth, Steve, Angie, AI, Kurt, Pete and Linda: Thanks for the great sur prise party! I can't wait till next year. Dave Animal "CATCH-22 is, quite simply, the best American film I'm seen this year!" -Vincent Canby, N.Y. TIMES 245 No. 13th 475-8007 SKI CLUB MEETING Wed.. Jan. 28 8:00 p.m. Nebraska Union, check daily events cal endar for room. 'Spring Break trip; Ski Winter Park March 20-26. Aspen and Vail Ski ers; this is your chance to pick up de posit refunds. Officer elections will be held for the 1981 82 year. All members please attend. Antony "Slick" Steels, You played great football for the Cornhuskers. I'm look ing forward to hearing you play piano at Walpurgisnacht on Jan. 30. STUDENT ASSISTANTS FOR FALL, 1981 Housing is looking for S.A. candidates for positions starting fall semester. Meetings in Union to obtain application materials: Monday, 1-26 3 p.m. Tuesday, 1-27 7 p.m. AUTO INSURANCE TOO HIGH? CANCELLED REFUSED 483-7602 Walpurgisnacht Fans, Today is the last day to get Dinner Theatre tickets. See "Be yond the Fringe" Jan. 30. Sign up in Rm. 300 today. Anyone interested in work ing on the English Department undergraduate publication 'the magazine', come to a meeting on Thurs., Jan. 20, 3:30 in Andrews lounge, second floor. EUROPEAN STUDY TOUR Mary 31 -June 14, 1981 Comparative Criminal Justice Tour Includes: Round trip ticket on TWA Return ticket does not expire until Aug. 15, 1981 stay as long as you want "Lodging 2 meals a day 'Motorcoach and train transportation Focus: LondonParis Cost: $1,340.00 Contact: Jim Perkins 1 13 Brace Lab Welcome back to another semester with NU-Meds! At the next meeting on Wednesday, January 28 at 7 00 p.m. in the Union, Dr. Jerry Reed will give an informative talk on internal medicine. Be sure to apply for Publica tions Board today at ASUN. 115 Nebraska Union. Before your homework piles up take a Monday nite break from the books. Meet your friends for 75 cent mixed drinks at Spaghetti Works. See the classic movie, Mr. Roberts, Jan. 30, at Walpurgis nacht. Chi Phi New Initiates Congratulations on becom ing active in a great house. Wish we were you. Womp Womp!! Your Fellow Pledge Brothers Spathetti Works welcomes you back with 75 cent mixed drinks. Come down Monday nite between 5:00 and 10:00. Phi U Members are needed at Orientation Tea, Jan. 27 8:00 HE. 104. Complete your Monday schedule with 75 cent mixed drinks at Spaghetti Works. Don't forget Monday between 5:00 and 10:00. Attention Germans, Yearning for a taste of old Germany? Come to Walpurgis nacht on Jan. 30 and enjoy sauerkraut like Grandmother used to make. Will do typing. Call 475 9737 after 4 p.m. weekdays; all day weekends. Classes now forming in country swing, social dance, aerobic dance, and freestyle. 15 discount with student I.D. THE DANCE EMPORIUM 488-4581 PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE Term papers, resumes, etc. Same day service on short jobs. $6.50 per hour (Vi hour minimum). Memory typewriter for multiple letters priced on number of words. MANPOWER INC. 122 N. 11th 477-8938 Call MICHAEL'S FLOWERS for all your floral needs. Group discount, 474-0194. VOICE LESSONS - Exper ienced teacher, accepting be ginners to advanced. 435-8082. BIRTHRIGHT offers you a choice. We understand the needs of you and your baby. 477 8021. FRESH CIGARS CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "O" St. 476-0119 Going to Florida? Drive our car, first tank furnished, Over 21. 475-1338. Attention Campus Leaders!! Applications for Mortar Board available in VPC, CAP City and East, ASUN, Panhel lenicIFC. Due February 2. Get a good start this semest er and come to Spaghetti Works We still have mixed drinks for 75 cents Monday between 5:00 and 10:00. Dan, Do you still have the fastest pyramid builders at UNL? Prove it on Jan. 30 at Walpurgisnacht. The Sphnix "MISTER ROBERTS on film is as funny as the play!" -LIFE TYPING - NEW IBM Typewriter. One page reports to dissertations. 477-4679 FINE GIFTS CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "O" St. 476-0119 Will teach piano any style or level. Call John Carlini 435 7234. Short-term Counseling Service-Women's Resource Center offers a supportive environment staffed by peer and professional counselors. No cost. Men wel come, too. RESUMES: A distinctive style will get results. Costello and Associates, 475-9777. LOST WALLET: Black be tween Selleck and Morrill. Means a lot to me. If found please call Mike 472-0774. Re ward. LOST: 1980 class ring from Seward High. Lost in Burnett on Wed. Jan. 21. Gold with emerald green stone. Please contact Kara at 472-0086. LOST: 7-month old male black doberman. No tags; ears tail cropped. 475-5816, reward. FOUND: Money at Andrews Thursday. Call 2-9264 to identify. Li ACROSS 1 Reprimand 6 Box 10 Traveled on 14 Section of TV equipment 15 Staff member 16 Balanced 17 Mayor of Buffalo who became President 20 To exist, in Paris 21 Mamie's man 22 Glorifies 23 Part of L.A. 24 Court order 25 Narrow water passage 29 Attaches 32 Seed coverings 33 Verdi opus 34 Choose 36 Congressman from Buffalo who became President 40 Fish 41 Blende and prill 42 Lets up 43 Vitiates 46 "Angel ," 1941 play 47 Detail 48 Sudermann's Hohe Lied" 49 Hebrew greeting 52 Business-letter word 53 Steady pain 57 President slain in Buffalo 60 Inactive 61 Defeat 62 Flat 63 Fermented beverage 64 System of exercises 65 Packs down lightly DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 Cooking herb Abrupt in speech Repute Not recorded Female kangaroo 6 Gives the ax to 7 Heap 8 Fruit drink 9 Turnabout 10 Tell 11 Elliptical 12 Unsightly sight on a sedan 13 Results 18 Mob violence 19 Way out 23 Jurgen's wife 24 North African riverbeds 25 Identical 26 Made an effort 27 Lunar surface feature 28 Mosel's " the Way Home" 29 Band instruments 30 Snare 31 Drinking bout 33 Pertinent: Lat. 35 The Army's alpha, e.g. 37 Evergreen plant of the mint family 38 Allows 39 Spoil 44 Charged 45 Thine: Fr. 48 One of the Channel Islands 48 Pronounce ments 49 Do the crawl 50 Cache 51 breve (musical passage) 52 Complacent 53 Theatrical org. 54 Stop talking, with "up" 55 Cry of distress 58 Potato buds 58 Pasture sound 59 Adherent of: Suffix i p p p p ri6 p p p ni0 111 112 w 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 J! " 22 23 I" j 24" " ' ""' " 25 126 127 128 "29 30 hi I 3l 33 J55 3T" 36 37 38 bV 40 41 ! "il """" 43 44 45 """"j 46 L 17 L 49 "jso pi psT b"T5THrpJ 57 M M 60 il "MM rrm rrn