The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 14, 1981, Page page 6, Image 6
V page 6 daily nebraskan Wednesday, january 14, 1981 Marsh: Five women legislators still not enough By Patti Gallagher In 1933, when the Nebraska Legislature was bicameral, the first woman served one term in the House of Representatives. In 1955, a second woman was elected to the Legislature, serving two terms-in the 74th and 75th sessions. In 1966, the Legislature had two female senators. Three woman senators were on the legislative rosters for 1967, 1969, 1977 and 1979. In 1981, the 87th time senators across Nebraska have gathered in the state capitol, a landmark has been made: the Legislature has five women senators. And according to the five, it's about time. Lincoln Sen. Shirley Marsh, 55, is the longest standing woman member of the km Students : Did you leave home without the daily World-Herald? If you did, we've put together a special student subscription rate package that makes it easy and affordable to begin receiving the most comprehensive coverage of world, national and regional news a vailable in the state. Io ouliir The Woi Id-Hernld, "! ole the date you wish your subscription to begin along with the price of the corresponding papers you would uke to receive. If you order for the full semester, your special late will include 1he equivalent of two weeks free. The special student rates below have also been ddjustt:i! !o exclude vacation dates scheduled by the Univeisity. For more information, please call or write: Omaha World-Herald, P.O. Box 2712, Lincoln, Neb. 68502, 483-5874. 2nd Semester Deliveries Start Monday, Jan. 12, 1981 Start Monday, March 30, 1981 Stop Wednesday, March 21, 1981 Stop Friday, May 8, 1981 SPECIAL STUDENT RATE OFFER Dorm or Apt. or Address Room Name For subscription beginning: 112 118 125 21 Daily & Sunday: 15.60 14.90 13.70 12.50 Dally Only: 9.60 8.90 8.20 7.50 Sunday Only: 6.00 5.50 5.00 Please Enclose Payment and Return This Portion. Omaha lMd-lrald 28 215 11.30 10.10 6.80 6.10 4.50 4.00 pm Dimin I YOUR LEAGUE... J l )j VvPl llp S Join the Fun Join a League For the Spring In the Nebraska East Union North 40 LEAGUE NIGHT & TIME LEAGUE STARTS Monday, 8:00 -10:00 pm. Tuesday, 7:30 - 9:30 pm. Wednesday, 8:00 - 10:00 pm. (Need 4 teams) Thursday, 5:30 7:30 pm. Thursday, 7:30-9:30 pm. (mixed league, 2 guys, 2 gals, 3 teams needed) January 19 January 20 January 21 January 22 January 22 Each league consists of six teams, four persons per team. Teams and individuals must pre-register and pick up a copy of league rules at the North 40 desk. Students, Faculty, Staff, and Friends are Eligible. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: NORTH 40 -472-1751 OR RAY -472-1776 TAKE A BREAK SPECIAL Open Bowling Only 50 cents a game (Monday Friday Only) 9 am. 5 pm. Dec. 8 Jan. 16 mm Legislature. Elected from Lincoln's 29th district in 1973, Marsh was the sole woman senator for four years. She said because she was "so very apparent as being the woman, the token woman in the Legislature," she was looked to as the leader for all women. Since being joined by other female sena tors, however, her position is less watched. "One woman cannot represent all the women in Nebraska," Marsh said. And al though five female senators arc better than one, five in a 49-member body is not enough. According to Marsh, Nebraska is far be hind the national level of female legislative representation. Two years ago, when Marsh was one in 49. 10.2 percent of the legislators nationwide were women. The adage that women have to work twice as much to be thought just as good, is fairly accurate, according to Marsh. "I have to be better prepared when arguing on the floor," she said. "A man can in. I1--, a nij.siiifi-niMtio:! on the flooi and the can shnm it otf. A woman makes a mistake and its on the front page of the newspaper." Marsh said she had to earn her place and earn the respect of her male collegucs. The difficulty has been the fact that "a man is assumed to have some ability until proved otherwise. A woman is assumed to have no ability until proved otherwise." Beginning her second term in the Legis lature is Sen. Berniee lbedz, 61, from South Omaha's fifth district. The effective ness of a woman in the house depends pri marily on the individual, according to Labed. She personally thinks she has gained the respect of the male senators and said that if women "think their chances are slim, then they will be." But "if they follow the same rules as the men, then they will be treated the same," Labed. said. A senator's sex is less important to to day's voteis, labed. said. "They'll pick a woman over a nun if they agree with the iisiies." she said. Continued on I'aue 7 Women's history week resolution is approved A resolution designating March X 14 as Women's History Week passed the Nebraska Legislature Tuesday, by a 38-0-1 1 vote. The resolution was sponsored by Lincoln Sens. Shirley Marsh and Chris Beutler. According to Beutler, recognition of the women's history week is supported by Gov. Charles Thone. The resolution states that students have a limited limited exposure to women's roles in American history, that women's contributions to the United Stales are often ignored or stereotyped and that educational eur rici.iiim is insufficient to examine the contributions of women in the arts. Additionally, the women's history week will be recognized in conjunction with international Women's Day, March 8, according to the resolution. The celebration originated in the United States. The Marsh-Beutler resolution en courages all Nebraskans to take part in special events scheduled during the week. o This is it! . . . Sneak Preview Today, 9:30a.m. - 9:00p.m. SEIFERT'S GREAT, GREAT o Our entire stock of famous label fashions; , All absolutely all are now 50 off .or more As an extra bonus. University students .are getting a .sneak preview .the sale officially begins JThursrlay ENTIRE FALL, WINTER. & HOLIDAY STOCK! SPORTSWEAR SWEATERS ACCESSORIES COORDINATES SKIRTS 9CAPS. MITTENS. 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