The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 14, 1981, Page page 12, Image 12
page 1 2 msM ads daily nebraskan Wednesday, January 14, 1981 Three Health Center Board positions open to students inter ested in serving on this board. Apply in the ASUN office, 115 Nebraska Union. Last day to apply is January 16th. Applications available at ASUN office for students inter ested in Electoral Commission. Application deadline is January 16th, apply in 115 Nebraska Union. Attention all Sigma Nu Little Sisters. MANDATORY meeting, Wednesday, January 14 at 6.30 Fun SURPRISE after' STUDENT GAY GROUP Thursday Jan. 15, 8 p.m. Talk on Law. FREE admission to the Foreign Film Series! Be a ticket taker. Ticket-takers needed for Sunday and Mon day night. Call 472-2454. The Daily Nebraskan is now taking applications for Art Staff positions. Sign up for interviews to be held next week, afternoons after 1 :30. Be sure to bring a port folio, preferably containing some pen and ink artwork. GUITAR INSTRUCTION ZAGER STUDIO 423-2709 SEWING REPAIRS ON JEANS major and minor improvements starting around $3.00. Wear your favorite Levi's longer. Skilled seamstress. Other sewing projects cheerfully considered. 423-8446. VOICE LESSONS-experi-enced teacher, accepting be ginners to advanced 435-8082. DQ5HKD Ll mmmmmm Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. 477-8021. riffle MINNEAPOLIS - Driving or Flying leave Fn day, return Sunday Call 474 6654 GOING TO FLORIDA? Drive our car, first tank tur mshed. Over 21. Call 475 1338. Room 207: (B.K. & L.N) Hope your room is warm now. Looking forward to Jan. 31st! P.S. Room 004 be there! P.P.S. Larry, need a guitar? Nicolette Vos . . . You're a very interesting girl, I hope I can meet you soon . . . 474-9955 for now. Doug Smith Congratulations on your engagement to Karen. When is the big day7 Scott Paul Kelly Stop by K Sticct to pick up important mail. MDB P.S. How did Silt night after rock and roll qo? Clarinet Players, Haven't played since high school? You don't have to be great to have fun. Collegiate Band needs you! Meets 11:30 12:20. Inquire at Westbrook 123. Innocents, Meet me Thursday, Jan. at the Bar, 9:00. 15 jmSWBTOreEVXftSFUZM J.D. Brad, I'll be expecting you at 7:30 on Friday to take to Abel 7 paity at the Eagles! Love, Janet PS. I really mean it' Lane H To a sweet and dear friend, who is always wearing a smile to brighten my day. Thanks. Let's make it a great semester! Lon R. Eric D., Utah was a great idea had fun in the sun . . . and fog' By the way IHC & J forever!!" Lars pmmiij ri-piiTi e n Cl l Rl 0 iT n o tjLJ o l i 11 u. I in i zjRcMi i Si c. i n ftTf e l oTnir yljo tes sItU W A R T n H I N D LlZq m "qT s yziolo o o e 2L t N tH R llols i O Tp,u.T.i 0 oTd B ' neIj'P T H T E rzTR 0 1 0 F OA V E R H "US Fa cJa n jTh 'ufs'e Tn ' M PS i"s"aTb "eTT y s E u r ! A 1 M f o T (p e r" ft P JD jTe E ' f Ts LIaTS I E 1 A LJ 1 1 N 1 E I RT JAG, Four is but a drop in the bucket of forever. Thanks for the past , present and future and everything I fo'got. I love Happy Aninversar y , you 1 SBB LOST: Woman's wedding band 1st floor bath NE Hall Jan. 12. Reward!! 488-5935. FOUND Woman's Monta ?ista class ring. Found East Stadium 1-12-81. Call 472-2076 LOST: oil painting of sailing ships "Pirates" by Robert Wood somewhere between 13th & K and Schramm Hall along 10th Street on Sunday, January 11. Personal value. If found please notify, 472-9994. Reward. Betty "Vejur" Buich, Welcome to UNL. You'll be a "natural" student. Stel'a To the Blonde who was corning out of the Union Bookstore 112 at about 8 45 p.m.: Was that smile for me7 Guy in Maroon Jacket and sweatsuit Lorenzo, 7Donde estan tus lapices7 Maria To Eveiyon" in tie.1 B & G Group Julie's B'Day is today' The Other Half Julie K. You made my Christmas fan tastic. I hope I don't have to wait a whole year to get a gift like that again. Gonzo Chris (Snow Buck), I guess I'm, uh,. . . . Sorry. JocJ i (Bunny7) Jeffery Thanks for being yourself. Nothing else blossom ed this winter. C.B.N. Good Summer Jobs Cheley Colorado Camps, Esles Park, Colorado, has camp counseling and other staff openings. Seeking college sopho mores and older for teaching and counseling positions. From mid-June to mid-August. $575 plus room and board and travel allowance. Personal interviews on campus soon. Sincere interest in young people required. Write: Cheley Colorado Camps, Dept. C, P.O. Box 6525, Denver, CO 80206 0 Shay, Swede, Snake, Stewart, Slim : Just wanted to thank the 5 greatest guys for all the fan tastic times, you showed us last semester. Hope the future brings even better! The Mustang Ladies P.S. "Hit us with your best shot" Roger, (B.S.) I loved "cleaning" with you in the Union! Let's do it again sometime. Love, Virginia Page ne Paperback Book Exchange We trade andor sell used paperbacks including texts. Gunny's (13th & "Q") 474-6316 NOTICE TO STUDENTS AM students are eligible to apply for a refund of their Fund "A" portion of student fees beginning January 12, 1981 through February 13, 1981. (A) Further information and refund application forms may be picked up at the Student Activities Financial Services Office, 222 Nebraska Union; ASUN Office, 115 Nebraska Union; or East CAP Office, Nebraska East Union. (B) Refunds will be made at the Student Activ ities Financial Services Office, 222 Nebraska Union beginning February 9, 1981 through February 27, 1981. Fund "A" refund amounts are as follows: A.S.U.N. Daily Nebraskan University Program Council TOTAL REFUND $0.86 0.76 1.71 $3.33 Kill r55IM?u? CRV "" QJS33 EHi&$ QStSS 053? f 3HD awn Antique Clothing, Furniture & Collectibles OLLRR DRY Dress-Up SPILE ft ff Now through January 31 t We also have costumes for: "Theatre Stock Parades, Promotions Masks, Capes Hats, Canes, Accessories Wigs, Makeup $i?iiQlpi "Corner of 27th & Vine" p. L3 Av-r , Mon Sat 11-6 Thurs 'til 8 475-9861 ACRGJS 1 Norm 4 Part of an oriol 8 Cry of a flushed snipe 13 Rash or insolent 15 Pole used in Scottish games 16 Old, unpleasant woman 17 Relative of Franco 18 Emulate Pele orOrr 19 These never shake love, says Shakespeare 21 Cuprum-stan-num alloy 22 Wire Job 24 Evening, in Evian 25 Kind of palm or pepper 27 Uses a divining rod 31 Speedup 35 Swiss river 36 Royce's fellow traveler 37 Namibia, formerly: Abbr. 38 Purify 39 Russian river 40 "The ." Hellinger opus: 1934 42 Conceal or blush 44 Certain trucks 45 Dutch portrait painter 47 Thus 48 Jungfrau is one 51 Connect, as with links 55 Drum signal 57 Source of hemp fiber 58 Frameworks in clay modeling 60 King of Naples: 1808-15 61 Playfully coy 62 Gujarat, in India, is one 63 Palindromic Latin in finitive 64 This might give you a laugh DOWN 1 Thick soup 2 Stulms 3 Branches 4 Crested, as a woodpecker 5 Perfect, to Armstrong 6 This follows 24 Across 7 Anglo-Saxon underdogs 8 General who defeated Hannibal 9 Screeches 10 He mocked Demeter and became a lizard 11 Skin 12 Cupid, to Clytemnestra 13 Site of the Taj Mahal 14 Mergers 20 Manner 23 Intrinsically 25 Dare 26 Sheer cotton fabrics 28 What Indira says to her dresser 29 Cogito follower 30 Viewed 31 Calla lily, e.g. 32 Beloved of Uncas 33 Roderick Dhu's group 34 Makes the wild mild 38 Folded or pleated 40 Honduran port 41 Ape or parrot 43 Woolly 46 Pale 48 Open courts 49 Type of soil 50 Luxurious 51 Machine parts 52 Adjoin 53 Place named for a mythical Irish queen 54 Strife was her shtick 56 o l. used in varnish 59 Mapabbrs. t i I' 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 lo Tl 12 13 ' 14 Jl Ti Tt 18 19 20 21 22 IS "" 24 " " 1 1 - 25 26 """" 27 28 29 30 ' 31 32 133 34 35 36 ; 37 1 r 42 43 mmm: 44 "" ' ' tS 46 il ""4d 49 50 51 52 53 54 S5 6 1 60 6l "I I M I H 1 1 I rl 1 r