The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 11, 1980, Page page 8, Image 8
V page 8 daily nebraskan thursday, december 1 1, 1980 Free drop-add begins Monday Spring semester preregistration totals drop By Lorna Bradley The number of students preregistering for second semester classes is down by 278 from totals for last semester, according to Ted Pfeifer, director of registration and records. Pfeifer said 17,721 students have preregistered for spring classes compared with 17,999 this fall. He said the fluctuation in numbers is normal and occurs each year. Pfeifer said fall semester enrollment is always larger than spring semester, and that the 17,999 students that preregistered for the current semester was an all-time high. General registration, which is scheduled Jan. 8-9 and until noon Jan. 10, will bring in approximately 3,000 more students than the fall general registration, Pfeifer said. Cost for general registration is $25, the same as for pre registration, Pfeifer said. f T At n-,'NT FACTORY OUTLET 1 sale on LIMITED SELECTION MEN'S & LADIES' FASHION JACKETS NOW AT 75 OFF RETAIL VALUE $1 jS9 m m MM mm Sskiwear I VALUES TO s62.50 'AND $Kl(Q95 1 VALUES TO 69.50 SNOWMOBILE SUITS - ALL STYLES 15 SELECTED SKI BIBS Values to $55 $14" O ITCHNOMO WOOL HATS Values to $12 $4" OFF! SKI GLOVES 15 OFF! SPORTSWEAR 25 OFF! sale on skiwear 1 Ah Q At thf RAVEN industries, inc Mi iuh Mun Fr 1(1 'f Srt! ltld Sui- 2 !' Of those 3,000 students that go through general registration, some have registration blocks or holds, Pfeifer said. A registration block makes it impossible for the stu dent to register because of unpaid bills from agencies such as the University Health Center or housing, Pfeifer said. Night-class registration presently is being held for stu dents under the Division of Continuing Studies in Nebra ska Hall, Pfeifer said. Pfeifer said approximately 1,000 to 1 ,500 students will register for night classes, and approximately 500 graduate students also will register for classes. By combining the number of students that go through the three different kinds of registration, the total enroll ment is determined, Pfeifer said. This total, however, is not definite because some stu dents drop out of school after they register, he added. Approximately 7.500 students are expected to go through free drop-add. which is held during finals week from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, except for Friday when drop-add closes at 4:30 p.m.. Pfeifer said. Pfeifer said the first two days of free drop-add will be reserved for students who have incomplete schedules The remaining days will be open adds, he said. or time changes and Before a student goes through free drop-add, he or she must get a time appointment card in Ferguson Hall if drop-add is crowded. Because drop-add is the busiest time of the year, Pfeifer said, he recommends that students bring a list of possible call numbers. A list of closed courses will be posted in the Nebraska Union and in the basement of the administration building Friday and in Ferguson Hall on Monday, he said. Signatures to get into a course are not needed, Pfeifer said, unless a student wants to get into a closed course. Regular drop-add will begin the second day of classes next semester and will cost 55. Pfeifer said. Pfeifer said not having drop-add on the first day of classes began as an experiment second semester last year. Consequently, the number of drop and adds and the work load of academic departments has decreased. Pfeifer said said. Because the delay has proved beneficial, it has become a permanent procedure, he said. Grades for this semester will be mailed to the student's permanent home address on Jan. 7. and for those who lose their class schedule, an updated schedule can be obtained Jan. 6. Pfeifer said. Library to i nstall detection device Because of an extensive loss of $300,000 a year in It will cost the city S24.000 according to Carol Connor, books, the Lincoln library system will install a book detect- director of the Lincoln City Libraries, to install the new ion device at the Bennett Martin Public Library at 14th and system, an electro-magnetic field that triggers an alarm N Streets. when an unchecked book crosses a light beam. A PLEASE GIVE ! American Diabetes Assn. Nebraska Affiliate 7377 Pacific, Suite 216 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 Phone 402391-1251 The Daily Nebraskan is now taking applications for reporters copy editors columnists photographers artists , and sports and entertainment writers for next semester. Apply this week at Although the new security system will save the library and the city the time and cost of replacing stolen books. Connors said there is a psychological disadvantage of in stalling such a system. Connor said the security system creates a "barrier" between the public and the library. "Patrons do not like to cross a special magnetic field." Connor explained. Light branches and one bookmobile comprise the Lin coln library system, but the city at this point has no plans to install another system, Connor said. The Bennett Martin detection system will be studied to measure its effectiveness. If it is successful, the library will be able to buy more books, which will directly increase the effectiveness of the library with citizens. Connor said losses arc greatest for books in heaviest demand: newer materials, "standard" works and those that are out of print. EES Qm 99. GSM (mm Your Next Logical Step in Stereo NEED A EDEN'S A 07 tOAT I 1 MAKE IT WITH TEQUILA 5S M sr. ui 33rd & Pioneer Store hours thru Dec. 23: Mon.-Wed. 10:30-8:00 Thurs. 10:30-9:00 Fri.& Sat. 10:30-6:00 Limited Edition Stereo Recordings. Rock II, Jazz II or Classical II. Your Choice FREE with the purchase of 4 Maxell UD-XL 190 4 for 51 6.95 or UD-XL ll 90 cassettes. Come in & listen to the computer designed KEF, and B&W Loud Speakers! Clil4rnitu Try our huge pillow chairs that mold to your body for the supreme comfort treat! 039." to S79 Buy A Christmas Present That Looks PlfOEQieiifi 1325 O St. M-F 10-7:30; Th 10 9 4744501 Sat. 10-5 VISA ! ! Decorator Pillows Floor Pillows f2 89 Financing Available