Wednesday, decern ber 10, 1980 daily nebraskan page 9 Dead week changes needed, survey shows Although last semester's Dead Week survey did not yield many results, a member of ASUN's Academic Policy Committee said the survey determined three points that students think should be included in the dead week policy. Laura Burklund said the Student Advisory Board took a survey last semester to determine student opinion on dead week policy. According to the results, most students do not want new information introduced in classes during the week, think a vote to move a comprehensive finals to dead week should be taken by secret ballot, and do not want regular exams to be given during dead week. Burklund said that the ASUN committee has been working on getting the three points included in the dead week policy. She said the suggestions have been referred to a faculty senate committee. The faculty senate passed the existing dead week policy in October 1971. The policy states that during dead week, the final week of scheduled classes, efforts should be made to avoid giving comprehensive semester exams. The policy adds that any deviation of this should be with the agreement of the teaching department, the dean of the college, and unanimous consent of the class. Burklund advised that if a student thinks the policy has been violated, he or she should follow these steps: Talk to the instructor; go to the department head, the dean of the college or the university ombudsman. Burklund also advised that if no recourse is found through these channels, students should contact the ASUN office for advice. Poetry competition offers $1,000 award A $ 1 ,000 prize will be awarded in the Special Poetry Competition sponsored by World of Poetry, a quarterly newsletter for poets. Poets of all styles can compete for the grand prize or for 49 other cash or merchandise awards totaling more than $10,000. Contest Chairman Joseph Mellon said, "We are encour aging poetic talent of every kind, and expect our contest to produce exciting discoveries." Rules and official entry forms are available from the World of Poetry, 2431 Stockton, Dept. N, Sacramento, Calif. 95817. Dec. 0-13 JRV (TkSHAnn mmm w m m Bk . s .-if Imported Coffee, Tea Spices & Gift Accessories If your Christmas budget is stretched this year, try something different rather than expensive. JL Gift sets from jM Many Unique Items to Make Christmas Special M0PEDS ACCESSORIES nTnfci7ro)i WlMEM mm fo) F0XI KREIDLER SACHS o Perfect Xmas Gift o High Quality High Gas Mileage o Low Insurance Low Maintenance Sale Starts Wednesday, December 10 and positively ends Sunday, December 14 Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 14775 Grover Street (1 block South of I in Cornhusker Industrial Park) INTERRED, LTD. This Christmas try Miller & Paine. llifliil List 5.98 1 (sM,U . f ---4s urn fTTXCLY DAN LA 9 If s r steely dan 4.49 MCA RECORDS List 5.98 ( 3 i - 4 : pv tj: ai SJ I r r J - v. sWi vjusn rriL 1 ; uauciio cm MCA List 9.98 6.99 V 1 V 1 f " 5 1 ink .w Milk er & rame FOR 100 YEARS 475-5522 119 N. 14th