The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 08, 1980, Page page 6, Image 6
page 6 daily nebraskan monday, december 8, 1980 D ecrease in assaults due to students' cautions By Mary Kempkes Wits, ingenuity and nerve are a woman's best weapons against would-be rapists. According to Bob Fey, coordinator of UNL's Police Department's prevention bureau, rape and sexual assaults have occurred on campus in recent years, but the number has decreased because of student caution and because some students react quickly and intelligently to an attack. HOUSE of FLOWERS 226 South 11th 476-2775 We have Stay MISTLETOE! V X One girl, after being pulled into the back seat of a car by two males, appeared to encourage her attacker by gent ly moving his hand to her breast. Her attacker, who no longer believed her a threat, stopped beating her and began undressing. When the car stopped at a light, she hopped out. Fey related the story of another woman who stepped out of a bar to cool off when a man grabbed her, demand ing they "go for a ride." Fey said the girl reacted calmly by telling the man she had followed him out of the dance, hoping to talk to him. She then kissed the man and sug gested he get his car while she ran back in and got her purse. He agreed. She called the police. Police officers can't endorse specific weapons for women to carry. Fey said his wife carries a small con tainer of Mace on her keychain. He recalled one case where a woman merely pointed her mace at an attacker with a gun and lie fled. 4 Catch Up On Your Reading While You're Earning Money Become a plasma donor! Study for finals and EARN S10-S20 PER WEEK $10 paid )vv donation (and you can donate twice weekly) A $2.00 bonus will be paid to new donors on their first donation with this ad CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT' 475-8645 And bring your books UNIVERSITY PLASMA CENTER Did You Know INSULIN DOES NOT CURE DIABETES ? THERE IS NO CURE! YET PLEASE GIVE: & w Open Monday Saturday 8:00 a.m. -6 p.m. m ffe (mm &m am w& m UN L is a generally safe area regarding rapes and sexual vaults Fey said, but only because women have become .wliv! uivaie. mere nave been no rapes on campus this year, he said, but about six sexual assaults. In 1979, there were three reported rapes, he said, and in one case, the attacker was found, but the student refused to press charges because she was returning home for the summer. No parts of campus are considered a high-risk area, Fea said, but there are areas of buildings women should avoid when alone. Laundry rooms, stairwells and elevators are likely spots for an assailant to hide. Also, shortcuts across campus down alleys and between buildings-should be avoided, he said. Campus police have waged a vigorous campaign to make females more careful when walking alone at night. A slide presentation is shown to interested groups about two or three times a week, Fey said, and about 1,000 UNL students have seen it this year. The presentation gives tips on what to do before, dur ing and after an attack. To avoid a rape, the officer speak ing recommends that women: Don't hitch rides, look alert most attackers pick women who look distracted, keep car keys handy, carry a whistle and a flashlight when out at night and check the back seat of your car before getting in. After being approached or grabbed, the presentation says to fight dirty. Go for the eyes. Burn his face with a cigarette if you have one lit. Tell him you have disease or that you're pregnant. Attrack attention pull a fire alarm, scream. If all else fails, stay alive and try to memorize details that will help identify the attacker later. After the attack, victims should report it. Fey said that by leaving an attack unreported, women give the attacker license to do it again. Course explores U.S. survival Is American survival in doubt? The answer is "yes" in the eyes of many, according to Professor of Physics Robert Fuller, senior fellow of UNL's Centennial Fducation Program Fuller is leading a year-long seminar called "American Survival: Who Are We?" Seminar participants include undergraduate students and interested faculty. "It seems clear to many thinkers that America has reached a critical point in its history, a point at which questions of survival may need to be answered before questions of 'progress' can be addressed." Fuller said. His class spent the fall semester increasing its awareness of the historical roots and contemporary manifestations of the American character. The one- to -three credit hour class, which will accept new membeis. will spend the First part of the second semester examining problem-solving methods. The Great Spaghetti War! All You Can Eat Spaghetti Feast. 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