The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 08, 1980, Page page 3, Image 3
monday, december 8, 1980 daily nebraskan page 3 Job prospects surge for UNL law grads By Jim Facld is Times are getting better for UNL Law College gradu ates seeking employment a UNL Law College assistant dean said. The number of law firms coming to campus to inter view future lawyers has increased 25 percent in the last two years, Ray Hazen said. This fall 25 firms interviewed on campus. Many corporate law firms are scrambling to get the top graduates, Hazen said. A recent Newsweek article reported that top students at Harvard, Stanford and other prestigi ous law colleges are being flown on luxurious trips to visit firms. The article said one Harvard student spent four days in Los Angeles and dined on $50-a-plaec meals, went to a Bruce Springsteen concert and stayed at a plush hotel. Similar trips are given to some Nebraska students too, Hazen said, but not to the same degree as in the east and west coasts. "Several of our students have been flown out and wined and dined in places like Dallas, Houston, Denver and Minneapolis," he said. "But it's usually just those stu dents in the top 15 percent of their class or on the law review .," Hazen said those in the top 15 percent of their class have a "seller's market where the student owns the cards." The other 75 percent, however, still "have to go looking for a job," he added. This is essentially creating two job markets for law stu dents, he said. One is corporate law firms that are growing and have a big turnover rate. These corporate firms go after the top graduates. The other market is the smaller law firms. Hazen said corporate firms in the midwest pay beginning lawyers between $22,000 to $30,000. depend ing on location. The highest salaries are in Denver, he said. The smaller firms in the midwest will pay between 514,000 to $25,000, he said. But there is an advaiUage in working for a smaller firm, he said. A lawyer becomes a partner in a small firm faster than he would with a corporate firm, and once a partner, he can call his own shots and his income increases. Hazen said. Hazen said about 70 percent of UNL law graduates stay in Nebraska and 85 percent stay in the midwest. However, several UNL graduates are traveling through out the country and consequently the UNL Law College has become better known nationwide. "For every firm that comes here and interviews, we get two or three that request resumes," he said. ' ill 111 OT EI oo LaJLnJ rrrhnrhrh 1STC2ES I BQQE v vE"5, a a a V. JBHP " J I ST tak wmm. JJ M (hi much my books Here are answer questions abo Q. How does th are worth w A. If the bookstoreliiWficatiorFfraffthe fiMftcTQtfftat the book is to be re-adopted for the next semester, ana if the bookstore does not already have a sufficient stock on hand, then the student will be offered 60 of the publisher's current list price. For instance, a book which currently sells for $10.00 new, and which meets the requirements noted above woulcUbworth $6.00. Jt would be re- sold the next se If the boo used again, o worth the c tion's largest answer any q k BUSBS" H. W .iJUl V&T X . M ice I B Q. Is sixty percent the usual price paid for text try? m is f mm PicaiFV iff r i OOOKS book will be book would be one of the na- ill be happy to he price paid. around the coun- A. Q. A. Definitely not! Most stores in the United States pay only 50 percent for books being usedagain. TheJJaersity Bookstoxe is one of only a very few whijft0 Pree$ pay cash. f Whal about P 2T?ll3 Bhel DoliafJ&lv to them? V Tk I MfJL If 1 backs. It theyjrg tnem, tney are snirwortn tu percent orpu price. The only exceptions are mass market and English paperbacks which are bought at wholesale prices. M IpolicJ .eisr mr a jm w u on text paper- okstore needs ter's current list Q. If the publisher's price has gone up since I bought my books, will I receive the benefit of that prices increase? A. Yes. For instance lisher's list pri Remember, Bod ,ifernbouchbpok tei"5& Ml HI II IB Ml if i m if1"?' nd the pub- t $5.40. inal Week. 19 at the mat University Bookstore Located in let !Qjo1L " UIU MJI and NEBRASKA! unin