The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 18, 1980, Page page 3, Image 3
tuesday, november 18, 1980 daily nebraskan page 3 Official says salary report shows pay discrepancy By Betsy Miller When UNL faculty members say they arc underpaid, they arc not basing their claim on hearsay, they have fig ures to prove it. This year's report of the Faculty Salary Study Com mittee was instrumental in revealing that UNL faculty members arc not paid as much as their peers at other schools, according to fczekia! Bahar, UNL Faculty Senate president. "Our figures are something we don't pull out of thin air," he said. The report, given to the Senate on May 12, was pro duced by a faculty study committee of eight members chaired by Gerald Boardman, a professor of educational administration. A large port kin of the study used data compiled by the UNL Office of Institutional Research and Planning. The data compares the average faculty salaries at UNL to those of universities which arc large-grant members of the Association of American Universities. UNL member of AAU UNL is also a land-grant member of the AAU, accord ing to Harry Allen, director of the Office of Institutional Research and Planning. One of the report's main figures was that UNL salaries were 10.4- percent lower than salaries at other AAU uni versities in I979-K0. Bahar said the results of the study were very important in determining how much of a salary increase was request ed by the administration ffrom the NU Board of Regents in the proposed budget. The report's findings, showing a lag in UNL salaries, made a strong impression on the administration, Bahar said. Three budgets were requested by the regents in August and in each one, the call for a 12 percent increase in sal aries stayed the same, according to Bahar. "They (administration) had to make a very strong com mittment," he said. Parts to increase The 12 percent increase, which is in the budget to be approved by the Legislature this year, includes a 10.5 percent for salary increases, 1 percent for university con tributions to the faculty retirement plan, and 0.5 percent for fringe benefits, Bahar said. The salary study committee report is the only docu mented source of evidence used by the faculty when they try to portray salary deficiencies, Bahar said. The figures from the AAU land-grant schools have been used in the salary study report since the spring of 1974, Allen said. Schools used in this comparison are the University of Illinois, Iowa State, Michigan State, University of Minne sota, University of Wisconsin, University of Missouri, Ohio State and Penn State. Allen said a comparison between Big Light schools is not used because not all the universities are as similar to Nebraska as the ones in the AAU land-grant study. Members of the faculty Salary Study Committee are chosen every year and it is organized by the UNL chanc ellor, Bahar said. 475-COPY 330 No. 13 We can print your resume while you wait Fine papers Matching envelopes Open 7 days a week COMPLETE RESUME SERVICE Electronic typing Bold type face capabilities Open Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. 330 No. 13 UPC-Culturc Center will meet today at 4 p.m. in Ne braska Union I 1 7B. UNL Actuarial Club will meet tonight at 7 in the Ne braska Union. Room numb er will be posted. Angel Flight will meet a 7 tonight in M & N Bldg., second floor. A representative with in formation about LCKAN KAR will be available from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in Nebraska Union 33 1 . The Latter-Day Saint Student Association will meet at 7 p.m. at 1630 Q St., basement level. The Faculty Women's Newcomers Club will hold a Silent Auction at 8 p.m. at the Crestwood Community Center, 8000 A St. For more information call 489 2974. The Student Dietetics Association is sponsoring a program by the Lincoln Dietetic Association or cardiac rehabilitation Wed nesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Ruth Leverton Mall vending room. The NU Meds will meet Wednesday at 7 pjn. in the Nebraska Union. Room number will be posted. WARNING SIGNALS OF DIABETES JUVENILE ONSET DIABETES Constant urination Abnormal thirst Unusual hunger The rapid loss of weight Irritability Obvious weakness and fatigue Nausea and omi:-s ADULT ONSET DIABETES Drowsiness Itching A family history of diabetes Blurred vision Excessive weight Tingling, numbness in feet Easy fatigue American Diabetes Assn. Nebraska Affiliate 7377 Pacific Suite 216 Omaha. Nebraska 61114 TO 1-J m m a m nnp nQonorvr 1 o nn UULJ A 3 DAY FUN FAIR GAMES PRIZES SAMPLES T WIN A TRIP TO DAYTONA BEACH AND EXPO AMERICA LJuO TV COME SEE THE BATTLE OF THE BANDS! RIDE THE WRANGER JEANS "GREAT BUCKING BULL WORKS!" Jjs Mon.; Hies.; Wed. rTc Lp (Q w November 17, 18 and 19 from mSh wksll&l 3:00-9:00 Daily J? WvM Band Concert 9:00-Mldnight IAv JTW & EveV Night at the You mus be ' 1 8 10 enter y