The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 14, 1980, Page page 15, Image 15
friday, november 14, 1980 daily nebraskan pago 15 Running in cold weather safe if precautions taken Outdoor running does not have to stop just because the weather gets cold, accord ing to one participant of the sport. Travis Wagner, owner of the Lincoln running shop Phidippides, said the most important thing for winter runners to do is make sure their clothese are warm enough. He said another important factor is that they continue running through the fall, so that in winter it will be an adjust ment to cold and not the sport itself. Derald Roger, owner of the Athlete's Foot, said that indoor participation is another possibility for those who feel uncomfortable outdoors in winter. Both shop owners said that the right clothing is an important factor in running in cold weather. Wagner said that many companies make special fabrics that are light weight, but will keep runners warm. Rogers said it is important that outdoor participants keep their hands and face covered to avoid frostbite and that they are careful not to run against the wind. "If it is windy, shy away from running directly into it the wind chill factor will make it a lot colder," he said. Wagner said that a lot of body heat can be lost if parts of the body are left unexposed. "All the areas lose heat, but up to 60 percent can be lost from the head only," he said. Wagner added that keeping areas like the ankles, covered where major blood vessels are located, is also important. IRS to conduct tax and institutes Instructors from the Internal Revenue Service and the state Department of Revenue will conduct Federal and State Income Tax Institutes tills fall. The institutes are designed for people who help taxpayers prepare and file fed eral and state income tax rcturns.The in stitutes can also help people who prepare their own individual or business tax re turns. All new tax changes required in the year's filings will be explained. Dates and locations of the eight insti tutes are: Nov. 17-18, Lincoln; Nov. 20 21, Norfolk; Nov. 24-25, Kearney; Nov. 25-26, Omaha; Dec. 1-2, Lincoln and Ogallala; Dec. 3-4, Omaha; and Dec. 4-5, Grand Island. The institutes are sponsored by the UNL Department of Agricultural Econom ics and the Division of Continuing Studies, the Internal Revenue Service District Director's Office in Omaha and the Nebr aska State Department of Revenue. U(sM ads 2 ADS 81011 LOUDSPEAKERS wstand. Over $900 new, asking $625. Mint condition, 6 mo. old 5 year warranty. 476-7893, Joe. Four G.A. O.U.N.U. tickets. Call after 6:30. 435-2076 Chuck RENTAL Rent TV's, coior and BW and stereos. Rent refriger ators, washers, dryers. Rent furniture 3 bedroom package Living, bedroom, dinette, $69.95 mo. Rent anything with option to buy. ACE FURNITURE 2429 "O" St. 474-3444 2 female tickets to OU-NU. 477 1830. Beautiful, rare, antique piano Maple, with bench. 464 0047 or 435986. Kenwood KA-601 Amplifier $230. Marantz DS920 Speakers $350 pr. Dual 604 wPC440 Cartridge $200. $750 if purchas ed as system. Ask for Roger L. at 489 6980 or 466-5525 after 6 p.m 3 way speakers. Pioneer turntable, 50 wattschannel Panasonic receiver. A steal at $180! 474-6694. HUNGRY PEOPLE WHO ENJOY ORIENTAL CUISINE. HARVEST ROOM FRIDAY NOV. 14 11:00-1:00. JBL Decade Pioneer S A -6500 turntable-$285. 476 1224 speakers, amplifier, 478282. 1970 BSA 650 C.C. rebuilt, runs and looks great. $800. 476 8282.476 1224. Skis-Kneisl. 185's, Tryollia bindings, good condition, $130. Ski boots-Humanic, $50. Call 489-3784 any time-leave mess age. For Sale, Hewlett Packard HP 97. Like new with many extras. 435-2055 evenings. 71 VW Bug. Excellent MPG. Runs great. $500 or best offer 489227 Atomic SM 1 70 cm wSalo mon 444 f indings. men's boots 10 484739 after 6 pm daily. 1968 Jeep Pickup. 4WD, lumber rack, tool box, new tires and wheels, new clutch and brakes. Much more. 476-8282, 476-1224. QUITE QUALITY LIVING We have several modern one bedroom apartments in quiet, well kept building. $195-$200. 720 So. 19th, 1215 So. 23rd. Call Austin Realty 489-9361. 3-4 or 5 bedroom house 6 blocks from stadium. Washer, dryer, 2 bathrooms, shower, all beds, desks, range, refrigerator, etc. 477-5949. Leave message. One bedroom. Two bedroom Apartments, Houses and Townhouses $110 to $400 TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY 489-7888 Ron Hinkley 475-2259 3 bedroom apt. for rent Dec. 1. $220month, lights only plus deposit. Close to campus. 474 2848. Close to East Campus, City and UNL bus line, furnished one bedroom, washer and dryer in building. Off street parking, free Cablevision. 464-6682. Wanted: 2 GA 1 male-1 fe male tickets for Okla. game. Call 474-0972 after 5 p.m. Wanted: 2 pair GA tickets to NU-OU game. Pairs need not be together. Call 472-0101. 2 tickets to NU-ISU game. Call 464-0359. DESPERATE!!! Need 2-10 NU-ISU tickets. Call 466-6949 or 466-6073. DR. DU TEAU SCRUB SHIRTS FREE! Simply invest a minimum of $20 in your vehicle at Du Teau's Quick Service, 18th & 0, and get your free scrub shirt when you ask for it. Just say, "Is the Doctor In?" WANTED: Companion to share expenses to Denver and back leaving Nov. 26th, return ing Nov. 30th. Call 435-1188 after 5:00. Need 2 GA tickets to Okla homa game. Call 477-8540. WANTED: 5 TICKETS FOR NU-ISU GAME. WILL PAY GOOD PRICE CALL 475-6586. Wanted: 1 GA ticket for Oklahoma game. Will pay $50 for good seat. Call Mark at 477-9329. Part-time waitress position available. 20-25 hours per week. Day and evening hours. Apply in person at Fiesta Cantina 321 No. Cotner. Part-time bartender. Must be over 21. Apply in person. 1436 "O" Street. Earn Extra Christmas Cash! Sweep Left now hiring part-time evening cocktail waitresses. Ex cellent starting salary tips. Flexible hours. No epxerience necessary, we will train. Apply Sweep Left. 815 "O" St Wanted: Solo entertainment for lounge atmosphere. Apply La Fonda De Acebo. Ill "O" Street. Female roommate needed for 2 bedroom spacious apt. $125 wutil. After 5 p.m. or weekends. 1127 So. 16th St. Mature, liberal female to share nice apt. near Capitol. $130 electricity. 476-8693 evenings. House at 33rd & R St. $95 mo. 13 utilities. 477-1581 after 5 p.m. Three bedroom home avail able, all expenses paid. Needed a person for live in with a partial ly disabled man. Day 466-1720 Evenings 488-7902. WANTED: 2 football tickets, male fe male, Oklahoma game. 423 688 1' CHRISTMAS SHOPPING -DON'T DO IT (without a Student Discount Card). 217 No. 14th, weekdays after 1 p.m. (just south of Pizza Hut). Interested in a warm atmosphere and good Bibli cal teaching? You're invited to Covenant Presbyterian Church, 3935 Randolph, Sunday at 11 AM and 7 PM. Martin Wismer, Pastor. For ride or information call Judy Henkle, 488-0685. Student Discount card still available. 217 N 14th, weekdays after 1 p.m. AUTO INSURANCE TOO HIGH? CANCELLED REFUSED 483-7602 Be a CH ASER-Chaser Dance to Live Rock Tonite Thru Sunday At Kraus' Korner 84th and Hi 6 THE GLORY BARN COFFEE HOUSE This week, come hear JOHN DIETRICH in concert, RAY LAFEURA will be here Nov. 22 25th & "S", 8 p.m., Saturday night. ATTENTION Freshman and Sophomore PRE-MEDS! Satur day, Nov. 15, the Life Sciences Advising Center and NU-Meds is sponsoring a workshop "Medi cine: Undergraduate prepara tion, professional training and practice" from 10 00 to 3 00 in the Union. Ski the Summit, Jan. 4-7. Deluxe accommodations at Breckenridge, excellent price. Call 464-8992 (Jake) or 466 7029 (Bill). STRAIGHT SHOT Rockin' The GREEN FROG 8 30-12:30 p.m. Thurs., Fri., Sat. Free U. wants you Student interested in joining the Free U. -UPC-City Committee should contact the CAP Office, Rm. 200, Nebraska Union. The University Program Council-East is taking applica tions for the position of sights and sounds chairperson. Appli cations available in CAP-East office, third floor. NE East Union. ATTENTION PLEASE: Anyone who submitted work for The Magazine is asked to call 477804 by Fri.. Nov. 14. Thank you. Tired of hassling with parking? FULL of complaints with no where to go? ASUN committee on campus life is investigating the parking problems NOW! Bring a signed complaint to the ASUN office today! We need your help! Non-trads! Meet Friday in Union, 11:30-1 p.m. Room will be posted. OVERSEAS JOBS-Summer year round. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia. All fields. $500 $1200 monthly. Sightseeing. Free info. Write: IJC Box 52-NE1 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. Afternoon Seminar about ECKANKAR Open to the Public-Sunday, November 16th, 1-4 p.m., 27th & Randolph. delta sigma pi 4th annual 44 hour bas :etball marathon for retarded child ren: friday, novem ber 14th, 7 pm thr ough sunday, nov EMBER 16, 3 PM. Aerobic dance and free style classes starting next week. Mon day and Wednesdays, 9: 15 a.m. 1015 a.m. or 10:15 a.m.-l 1 .15 a.m. 6 weeks, $21 person. The Dance Emporium 488-4581 DR. DU TEAU SCRUB SHIRTS FREE! Simple invest a minimum of $20 in your vehicle at Du Teau's Quick Service, 18th & O, and get your free scrub shirt when you ask for it. Just say, "Is the Doctor In?" Exciting foursome wants to share fun. Anyone inter ested go to Little Bo's Center, Nov. 11 thru 15th anytime between 8-30 p.m. 12 30 a.m. CRICKET Need transportation? Drive someone else's car, all points USA. over 21.475-1338. FOOTLIGHTS New merchandise arriving daily. New York, Los Angeles. New shipment of Austrian crystal. FOOTLIGHTS in the Gunny's Complex 245 N. 13th St. TYPING SERVICE Excellent quality and fast service. $1.25 per page. Call Mike 475-3726. GUITAR INSTRUCTION Private lessons for the dedicated student. Beginning to profes sional. $8half-hour. ZAGER STUDIO 423-2709 after 6 p.m. LEGAL SERVICES FOR LESS All 1st offense DWI $150 Statmore Law Office 24 HOUR PHONE 474-1842 iTilSHaiEliSIl! DR DU TEAU SCRUB SHIRTS FREE! Simply invest a minimum of $20 in your vehicle at Du Teau's Quick Service, 18th & O, and get your free scrub shirt when you ask for it. Just say, "Is the Doctor In?" IDENTITY CRISIS? Instant Polaroid Photo IDs. 217 N. 14th weekdays after 1 p.m. (South of Pizza Hut). Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. 477-8021. People to share expenses to Phoenix. Can leave before or after Xmas. Return 1981. For info. 477-4727. LOST: Leather coat in room 304 Burnett Hall. Please return. Reward offered. Call 474-6960. LOST ON FOOTBALL SAT URDAY 111: A pair of Ray Ban sunglasses, mostly blue frames with a bit of brown in or around Richards Hall. I'm getting a permanent case of squint-eye without them. If re turned to the receptionist at the Daily Nebraskan, I won't beat you up.