The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 30, 1980, Page page 11, Image 11
thursday, October 30, 1980 daily nebraskan page 1 1 ads RCA 24 inch color TV, Marantz 1 160 Turntable both in good shape. Call 475-7998. 59' El Camino Blue Body, White Trim and Top, Brand New Engine, $500, call 474 0404. FREE KITTENS. To good homes only!!! Call after 5:30 435-8101 or 477-9932. Two male student tickets to gether for Missouri game. 472 9626. For Sale 1 female ticket to Missouri game. Best o;'fer. 477 1830. Aquarium Lovers-FREE healthy baby fish. Swordtaifs, Mollies. Call 475-9137. New Pevey XR 600 P.A., speakers, 210 watts. $700. 488 5093. For sale: 10-speed bike (mens) Brand new, $75. 474 0288. 1 female, 2 male MU-NU tickets. 483-6694, '73 Vega, very dependable, new 5 year battery, new tires, good condition great MPG, $495, 466-7833. '75 Mercury Bobcat, Run about, 4-speed, carpet, air, radials, nice. 423-4788. RENTAL Rent TV's, color and BW and stereos. Rent refriger ators, washers, dryers. Rent furniture, 3 room package. Living, bedroom, dinette, $69.96 Mo. Rent anything with option to buy . ACE FURNITURE 2429 "0"St. 474-3444 OVER $100 OFF THIS PAIR OF SPEAKERS! Ultra linear 288's, only six months old. Must sell . . . ONLY $230. These are loud, ROCK 'N' ROLL SPEAKERS! Call 477 4800 after 5. At wholesale, new Jogger rollerskates, precision bearings use indoors or out, great gift, most sizes 423-0453. For Sale: Pioneer HPM 60 speakers. Excellent condition. $210 for pair. 4884920. Olds Opera trombone. Ex cellent condition. 489-8439. FALL SALE SHELDON GALLERY ART SHOP OCT. 30 to NOV. 9 Books, Note cards, Christ mas cards, Metal section frames, see through frames. Baskets. University of Ne braska, Lincoln. 12th & R '78 Yamaha 750, lock ing. fairing, AMFM stereo, luggage rack. Cruise control, shaft drive, helmet. Excel lent. Doug 454 -3461 or 454 2440. Kastle "Newstyle Champ ton" Skis 170$ with Soloman "444" Bindings - Nordica "Breeze" Boots Ladies 8 - all used once 435-8739 (to am HUNTINGTON SQUARE 3300 Huntington Avenue Carpeted, 2 bedroom units w central air dishwashers. $235 mo. Call resident manager 474 1666 or 466-8611. 1 Bfl Newer Semi-Furnished from $172. Heat paid. 877 N. 26th St. 477 2851. 47756. Take the bus or walk to school free 645 S 17th St., near Capitol. Spacious, furnish ed 1 bedroom apt. $175 de posit. Heat included. No pets. 423 5442 Rent assisted housing for married students. The Heumann Project-24th & T St. If you qualify you and your family of 3 or more can live in a large 3 bedroom apartment. Your rent will be determined by your in come and expenses. For more information or to make appli cation. Call Kathy at 475-8407 or stop at the MEGA COR PORATION, 852 IMBC Center (An Equal Housing Oppor tunity). Close to East Campus, City and UNL bus line, furnished one bedroom, washer and dryer in building. Off street parking, free Cablevision. 464-6682. Furnished duplex, 627 N. 28th St. Utilities paid. 466-0928 Large 2 bedroom, first floor 2817 Holdrege. $220mo electricity. Call 474-0515 or 474-2531. Immediate opening Cindy's Ice Cream Shoppe. Part-time mornings, all day Fridays. Apply in person, 2nd floor. Atrium. Part-time help wanted in men's western wear and clothing store. Good working condition. Salary commission. Lincoln Army & Western Wear, 140 N. 12th, Lincoln. No phone calls please. Part-time work available after 4:30 p.m. weekdays. 3 to 4 hours per day cleaning pro duction machinery. Apply in person to Weaver Potato Chip Company, 1600 Center Park Road. Sorority needs hashers at lunchtime. Free lunch and pleas ant working conditions. Call 472-9861. Cocktail waitresses wanted. Experience preferred but not necessary. John Dutton's Den. 475-1504, ask for Jim or Ed. Part-time help wanted, 18-24 hours per week. Flexible schedule. Apply in person, Embassy Theatre, 1730 "0"St. Extra Cash, quick. Work one week selling parkas and winter wear. Set up sale take down sale. Come well groomed, with a smile and sense of humor. Apply today at former Toyota Dealership, 1200 Q Street, Ask for Mike. WANTED: MUSIC AND VOICE STUDEN1 TO TEACH PIANO, VOICE, GROUP SING ING TO OUR 4 TALENTED CHILDREN AGES 6-12 IN OUR HOME. ALSO NEED STUDENT TO TEACH BEGIN NING VIOLIN OR FLUTE. GOOD PAY FOR RIGHT PER SONS. CALL 423-3873. IF NO ANSWER CALL 472-1442. Need desperately 4 GA tickets to Missouri game. Will pay good price. Call 477-5084. 2 GA tickets to NUMO game. Call Mark at 477-9329. Male ticket Nebraska Missouri game. 477-6782. Desperately need 4-6 general admission tickets for Nebraska Missouri game. Will pay reason able price. Call 474-0595. 2 GA Oklahoma tickets needed. Will pay cash or trade 2 GA Missouri andor Kansas State. Call Jim 423-0870. Need 2 GA tickets to Missouri game. 435-4661 after 5 :30 p.m. Wanted Someone to teach piano andor beginning guitar to my children in my home. Call 4884629 after 3 p.m. Need two sett of married student tickets for the MU or KS games call after 5 PM 477 3829. WANTED: 1 GA ticket for Missouri game. 4724)176 n i r i.i ..vim,, -i, . WANTED: 6 GA tickets to Kansas St. game In pairs. Call 472-8349. NEED 2 GA tickets together for Nebraska-Missouri game. Price negotiable. Call 472-9376 afternoons and evenings. Wanted: 2 GA tickets for Missouri game. Will pay $20 each. 474-2134 after 5 p.m. Need transportation? Drive someone else's car, all points USA, over 21. 475-1338. 2 male student tickets for NU MU game $25 each. 435 7484. Need one pair of general admission tickets to NU-MO game. Will pay call 472-0638. Need 2 GA tickets for MU game. Will pay Cash! Ask for Alfred. 435-7374. Need 3 GA tickets for MU NU game. 475-8873. NEED: GA or married couples tickets (together) to NU-Missouri game. Call 472 2868 and ask for Kathy. Desperately need 2 GA tickets to Mizzou game. Curt 435-2815. Do you have room for another roommate? Female stu dent looking for place to live by Nov. 1. 475-5539, evenings. Female with high moral standards to share unusual 2 bedroom apt. On bus line. 14th & D. Many advantages. $135. Call 475-3120. Need a female, religious roommate 22 years or older to share a 2-bedroom apartment. Call 489-5336. Need studious, liberal male to share house in good resi dential area. Small deposit, low rent, 13 util. Off-street park ing, free washerdryer. Available Nov. 1.464-9343. 'Ted Drumstick" wants you! Nov. 5th Drumstick Restaurant 547 N. 48th St. 466-9884 Football Saturday Special -Come to Pizza Hut after the game this Saturday and get 1 pitcher of beer free with the purchase of any large piz2a. Downtown Pizza Hut only. DANIEL Join us for bible study in the book of Daniel Wednesdays be ginning Nov. 5 at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. Room to be posted. TONITE ONLY I VINCENT PRICE DOUBLE FEATURE: THE PIT & THE PENDULUM and HOUSE OF USHER in the Union Centennial room. UNL students: FREE; others: $1. Come early and get a FREE T-SHIRT! Sponsored by UPC. Frederic March, Dana Andrews in THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES, Oct. 31 and Nov. 1, 7 p.m. only. Sheldon Film Theatre. take one series For less than the cost of a movie, you can consume your favorite DRINK, throw POP CORN, and have FUN at Acacia -Pi Beta Phi MELODRAMA. Thursday Friday. Nov. 6-7, 7 9:45 p.m. Advance tickets available in Union, or from any member. Will Lester Lecherous have his way. or will Clarence Quick silver, the singing cowboy, have Sally Mae Sogood? Find out at Acacia Pi Beta Phi MELO DRAMA Nov. 6 & 7. DEAREST LANCE. "FLIRTIN " was great! Can we go to FANNY'S again to night!? XXX. PRUDENCE ATO Little Sisters Meet at the house at 6:30 to night to go to the Haunted House. DIANE. "FLIRTIN' slow tunes, too! plays great -ED WORKCLASS SCHEDULE CONFLICT? Consider UNL in dependent study. Call Mrs. Molly Cunningham, Continuing Studies, 472-1933. TONITE THE GIRLS (Formerly The Grapes) and THE DOODADS The Drumstick 547 N. 48th St. 9 p.m. COLLEGE GIRLS: Attention required. Go see the RIP CHORDS. Saturday, Nov. 1, Drumstick. YES! We have SCRUBS $19 a set Career Uniforms 235 South 70th Lincoln STRAIGHT SHOT-Con-temporary Rock O.G. Kelly's 220 No. 10th Thurs.Fri. 9-12:30 p.m. $1. Support your local pig farm er! Architecture Pig Roast. Sat. Nov. 1, 7:30 p.m. "Our Place" 2601 N. 48th St. Food, beer, band. Eastfest Pumpkin Hunt and Carving ContestOpen to all stu dent organizations and groups. $1 Entry Fee. Trophies award ed. Register by October 30 at CAP-East 472-1780. UPC Walpurgisnacht is accepting applications for skits. Forms available in CAP office. Room 200 Nebraska Union. Deadline is Friday, Nov. 7. Come spend the night with "FLIRTIN " 8 30 p.m.-12.30, Wed.-Sat., Fanny's Hilton. TOP 40-ROCK-NO COVER. EASTFEST IS COMING Halloween Night Nebraska East Union CHARLIE MUSSELWHITE. King of the Blues Harp is starting his mid-western tour. Halloween night at The Zoo Bar Advance tickets on sale at The Zoo. Don't miss Charlie and his powerful 6 piece Blues Revue! AUTO INSURANCE TOO HIGH? CANCELLED REFUSED 483-7602 DROPOFF LAUNDRY Special: wash, dry, folded. $1.50 per load; ironing extra, 9 a.m to 5 p.m. Mon. thru Fri. THE LAUNDROMAT 6024 Havelock Ave. Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. 477 8021. Ride wanted to Falls City, 1031. Earlier the better, will pay part gas. Call 472-8973, Marc. m 0) (mm LOST: Student ticket. Possi bly lost in a bar after Oklahoma State game. Either Casey's or P.O. Pears. Reward. Call 474 2134. LOST: 2 hearing aids in brown case. Reward. 472-9951. ' ' -' i ii .. i a i ..ii mils FOUND: Young calico or tabby cat vicinity cf 52nd and South. Call 4834688. FOUND: Accounting 103 notebook in Morrill Hall Audi torium. Contact Campus Police. To whoever took my books from outside the C.P.N, dining room on Monday, Keep the Chem. book but PLEASE return the notes. No questions asked. Bob 2-9313. Angie, Take it from me (through experience). Bob Goldsmith is definitely attached. So history will be justa looka, no toucha! Bummer huh! CL Bobbi, Referring to "characters" bar in Boulder Sat. night. Is Sandoz 5 correct floor? I hope so RVP. Poor Dancer UNL Men: Are women down on you? Rise up! Vote MCP Tuesday. 23, 15, 14,4, 1, 18 Need I guess again? Intro duce Yourself. I'm not Sherlock Holmes! Uni Kramper, For your Birthday, Let's go out and have just "ONE!" Have a Krazzy Birthday! Love, Bee Shell P.S.: Are Q.S.'s really more fun? Lonna, Happy Birthday. Something is coming your way. Love, Curtis Alex (Abel 823), Tonight's the night I'll be in sight! Your Secret Spook MAKE IT WITH TEOIIEA i : j s . i i S' . L V . Hi.' f00l "Coming through for you " SECB VUEAR SALE Four Days Only! 10 to 20 OFF All Ski Wear And Equipment Thursday, Oct. 30-Sunday, Nov. 2 Monday-Friday 10-9 Saturday 10-5:30 Sunday 12-5 Wazzu, Moose, Barney, Scrote, Greg & Gary, Hey laudie daudie daudie. Hey laudie daudie Oh, The C.U. trip was really neat. Hey laudie daudie Oh, But the guys we were with just can't be beat. Hey laudie daudie Oh. P.S. Can't wait til next road trip . . . sheep seem . . . Scorechairmen DR CWTWM, HK, CNS, AAFB BP TODAY IS MICHELE TOMES Birthday. THE OLD Lady is 22, Say hi. NO POST CARD Joannie Dee, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Mimi Roadtrippers to Iowa State game, What's your name? Where do you live? Reply via personals. P.S. My car makes good trips Jim G., You inspire me with emotions of rainbows, fresh sunny mornings, and God's blessing. From one who saves wishbones Pegger, You are the greatest room mate anyone could ever have!! Roan Shalla Help me! I'm lost! Somebody find me! Where am I Aldo? Spastic Teddy TAMMY ROGERS! Congratulations on All-University Intramural Table Tennis Champion. We're Proud of you!! Pound 7 To the Friends of Cathie Patrick. She will be back on Schramm "5" this Sat. and Sun. only. Come Over. n 1 tCAM impvc QQe 2nd Level Centrum