pago2 daily nebraskan Wednesday, October 22, 1980 Lincoln United Nation's celebration is a day late Dy Robin Lynch To help the United Nations celebrate its 35th anniver sary Oct. 24, the Lincoln Chapter of the United Nations Association will sponsor several workshops and banquets Oct. 25. C ; Pifehor 8-Fofs ' ySonigM: Dot, Oet. 88 Rev. W. Howard Holverson, current Lincoln UNA president, said U.N. Day would be celebrated a day late by the local group so that keynote speaker Howard Ottoson, who is speaking on the operation of the United Nations could attend. The banquet costs $6 and will be at the Nebraska Cen ter for Continuing Education at 6: 15 pjn. Dick Sloos, pres ident of the Southwestern Division oi the UNA, will be speaking on Peace, Prophecy and Frustrations- A Look at Foreign Policy. Ralph E. Garner, past Lincoln UNA president, said the United Nations urges local chapters to have special pro grams to celebrate its founding in San Francisco on Oct. 24, 1945. Garner said about half of the countries in the United Nations have citizen organizations like the UNA. In the United States, there are more than 350 chapters and state divisions. The Lincoln Chapter, Garner said, was founded by Bertha Sellers about 1954 and has sponsored a banquet for several years with speakers on major issues. He said mat for the first time in several years workshops will be at the First United Methodist Church on Saturday afternoon. The workshops, which have a $1.00 registration fee, FME M TlrE 1135 R" Street fil P" 1 1 1 y Open a Money Service 80 account. J f'ON ifl i n . (interest paid monthly from date of receipt to date u 11 fl of withdrawal) M f il r-. 1T If V Pen a Money Service 90 account. " I n V t --""I ft' n (interest paid monthly on amounts on deposit for "1 LJ7 If ill irl" 90days) " JZW f I tJMVvV fjft fl ACCOUNT NAMES (1 W'-'D and D rJSJS U MAILING ADDRESS U , . CITY STATE ZIP 1 ... . n.,.f n-nnH Rankin cneaktno nn KJnrk C,x...u PoliUcal Conflict, Prof. Paul Olson speaking on Swords and Plowshares (International Security), Jim bowman speaking on "In Tune With Your Environment" and Prof. Bert Evans speaking on "1 Want To Live (World Hunger). . Garner said the purpose of the UNA is to cnuque the actions of the United States either positively or negatively and generate a flow of communication between the citi zens and the United Nations. "We try to help citizens realize the United Nations is not just the Security Council or the General Assembly," he said. "It includes UN1CEF, the World Health Organi zation, and small such as children, labor, research and agriculture. These are as important as the General Assemb ly and the Security Council." Holverson aaid those interested in the United Nations can become a member of the Lincoln group and there is a $25 fee for regular members and $5 for students. Mem bers receive news from the national headquarters, a local news letter and meet nine or ten times a year. Anyone interested in attending the banquet, work shops or becoming a member should contact Holverson at 464-3670. IT'S EASY TO GET YOUR $5 CERTIFICATE. We'll mail you a free certificate worth $5 on any purchase at The Ne braska Bookstore just as soon as you or your parents open a new ac count or add to your Money Service account with a deposit of $100 or more. For new accounts, simply take or mail the form in this ad with your deposit to any of the financial institu tions listed below. If you already have a Money Service card, use it at The Nebraska Bookstore. Deposit $100 or more and we'll rush you your $5 certificate by return mail. IT'S EASY TO USE YOUR MONEY SERVICE ACCOUNT. The Money Service lets you getcash and make deposits right in the stores where you shop. No big minimum balance. And, best of all, every penny you put into your Money Ser vice account earns interest every day right up until the minute you use it in the stores where you shop. I &jp 7 t 0 D D D D SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER f PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBFR rP 1 M nn n n U (any four digits of your choosing) Enclosed is a check to open my account in the amount of $ Signature Date Home Phone (Limit one certificate per family. Offer ends October 25, 1980. 0 D D so; r czL Open a Money Service Account at any of these financial institutions HY2 Citizens State Bank 2500 North 48th Street Lincoln, NE 68504 Tri-Federal Savings 2600 South 48th Street Lincoln, NE 68506 The Martell State Bank Box 95 Martell, NE 68404 First Federal Lincoln 13th & "N" Streets Lincoln, NE 68508 Pioneer Federal Savings 426 Main Street Plattsmouth, NE 68048 Conservative Savings 11207 West Dodge Road Omaha, NE 68154 Falls City Federal 114 West 15th Falls City, NE 68355 First Federal of Omaha 217 South 17th Omaha, NE 68102 'Offers only Money Service 80 account Nebraska Savings 1409 "O" Street Lincoln, NE 68508 Norfolk 1st Federal 400 Braasch Ave. Norfolk, NE 68701 Equitable Savings & Loan 1369 25th Avenue Columbus, NE 68601 Security Federal Savings 1103 "B" Street Schuyler, NE 68661 The deadline for apply ing for the Truman Scholar ship is Oct. 31. The $5,000 scholarships are for students who are currently sopho mores. Further details on application procedures and eligibility are available in Room 1223 Oldfather Hall. The Consumer Affairs Major Meeting will be to night at 7 pjn. in the Home Management Lab B. The program will be presented by the Career Placement Center. NU Meds have a meeting tonight at 7 pjn. in the Ne braska Union. Room num ber will be posted. There will be a UNL Wildlife Club meeting to night at 7:30 pjn. in the East Campus Union. Room number will be posted. The East Campus Gavel Club will be meeting tonight at 8:30 pjn. in the East Campus Union. Room num ber will be posted. The Women's Resource Center will be sponsoring a Feminist Forum and Feast on Thursday at 7 pjn. in the Nebraska Union South Crib. The topic will be Women's music in "Labrys." Saundra Wight Owner Manager ITtERLE noRiriftn TIPS OILY SKIN is a real problem. To help control it, consider using Oil Blotting Gel to prevent oil break through under makeup. Special tips: Oil Blot ting Gel helps to set makeup. Also pat around jawline to keep makeup from rubbing off on clothes. If you have makeup questions, stop in, call or write the ATRIUM MERLE NORMAN. ffiiyiffii 1200 N 475-6164