tuesday, October 21, 1980 daily nebraskan page 5 ftte K ins edlotiesr 9 out of 10' your best bot is Continued from Page 4 Last, but certainly not least-, is the question of discrim ination. In this country we are waging war to eliminate all forms of legalized discrimination, whether it be on the grounds of race, sex, religion or, yes, even age. Simply because one is 65 years old docs not give die state or the people the right to force a person out of hisher job, whatever that job may be. While I have shot down, 1 hope, mandatory retirement by age, I concede something must be done to remove any judge who is physically or mentally incapable of doing the proper job. As an alternative I suggest we examine other means of determining incapacity. Arts & Sciences J.K. Craig ERA questioned A recent letter labeled the Equal Rights Amendment a "simple bill" and went on to defend it. What this seeming ly simple amendment actually docs is give absolute power to the federal government and it forbids lawmakers from ever distinguishing between the two sexes. Freedom of choice for individual women is totally ig nored by the proposed amendment. ERA proponents talk in generalities about discrimination but fail to men tion drastic changes that would affect women. Following is a list of just a few of the changes which would result if the ammendment is approved. This infor mation has been documented by Beverly Laliaye, Nation al Director of Concerned Women for America. " 1. Complete integration of the sexes. ERA would re quire that there be no segregation of the sexes in prisons, reform schools, public schools, college dormitories, hosp ital rooms, and other public facilities (Congressional Rec ord, March 22, 1972, page S4543). 2. Open homosexuality. By law we will be required to ackowledge homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle (Yale Law Journal, pp. 963, 966). 3 . Military service and combat duty would be shared equally. The right not to be drafted would be abolished for women. 4. Protection laws for women abolished. The ERA will abolish "seduction laws, statuatory rape laws, laws prohib iting obscene language in the presence of women, prosti tution, and 'manifest danger' laws." (Yale Law Journal, pp. 954, 964). 5. Compulsory support by husbands abolished. The ERA will abolhh women's individual choice to work or stay at home with their families. Laws that now require a husband to support his family will be invalidated; the wife will be equally responsible to support the family. (Yale Law Journal, pp. 944, 945; inserted in the Congressional Record by Senator Birch Bayh). 6. Single-sex schools abolished. A military school, seminary, or women's college that accepts any kind of federal assistance, would be required to integrate or would be closed. 7. Churches and church colleges would be jeapordized. If the ERA is enforced, it would become illegal to re fuse to ordain women equally with men. A Christian col lege that receives any federal benefits (loans or grants to students, veterans benefits, etc.) would no longer be per mitted to have sexually segregated dormitories, or showers or rcstrooms. (Yale Law Journal, p. 903) In regards to enforcing ERA, it gives complete and ulti mate authority to the government over all state and local governments. You lose your own freedom to choose and decide for yourself. In addition, both the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Opportunity Act of 1972 have given equality to all races and sexes. These arc the facts behind ERA. From these a person should decide on how he or she will stand on this issue. Val Chocholousck Teachers College Senior Editor's note: No effort was made to determine what edition of the the Yale Law Journal was used, or the con text of the writing. 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