friday, October 17, 1930 daily nebraskan page 9 5 PUUsW" I O O - z O 0 5 X u U 0 H O 2 3 O o o Q o eC hi Ui Z O CL o u Q Z O 2 5 I Baseball team gets electric scoreboard The UNL baseball team has a new electrical score board. UNL Athletic Director Bob Devaney sakl the team needed a new scoreboard and so it mentioned it to the the Califomians for Nebraska group who helped to raise part of the money. "Coach John Sanders has a good rapport with the Califomians for Nebraska. They are very interested in baseball at UNL," Devaney said. Coach Sanders said the Califomians laised half of the money needed and Coca-Cola donated one-fourth of the money. The other fourth came from the Jim Beltzer fam ily. He said the board cost about $64,000. We are very happy with the scoreboard and it will be a tremendous addition. It is the best college scoreboard in the country," Sanders said. : t ? ; - -, i i i fi 0 Ooooooooo a sip ri cr zix nrrrirr! :5l DASF Pro II 90 Minute Cassette Tope The finetf high bios cossene you con buy Made with pure chromium dioxide Nature's fines element for magnetic reproduction Qoser to reel-to-reel per formance than any cassette ever made Less headwear with chromium dioxide than all imitation chrome brands. Sugg. List $59.90 per case Sole Price Cose of 10 $29.95 Introducing! The Heavy Weights from Essex Essex 400 Speaker System Woofer: 12" O Mid-Range: 5" O Tweeter: Two 2-12". Solid Store O Recommended Amplifier Power: 10-60 Watts O Frequency Response: 30-19.000 Hi Nationally Advertised Value $129.95 COfAPARE! Sole Price $6495Eo. ($1 .38 per pound) Essex 500 Speaker System Woofer: Two o" drivers O Mid-Ronge: Two 5" O Tweeter: Two 2-12" Solid State O Recom mended Amplifier Power: 10-80 Warts O Fre quency Response: 30-19. 500 Hz Nationally Advertised Value $199.95 COMPARE! Sole Price $9995Eo. ($1 .54 per pound) QDPDOfeH EOT A Complete Pioneer System For Your Car Pioneer KP-5500 AMFM Cor Stereo with Cassette Features Supertuner' 5-Sration Pre-set Pushbutton Tuning Volume. Balance, and Tone Controls 41 StereoMono Switch Muting LED Stereo Indicator Locking Fast Forward and Rewind Automatic Replay after Rewind. Pioneer TS-107 Speakers 4" dual cone 6.5 oz. high energy strontium magnet 20 Wans power handling Rewind. a a jgk SystomComploto lit v 95 JVC RS-7 Stereo Receiver Can you believe that anybody could offer a 50 Watt per channel Receiver for under (200? We cant 50 Watts per Channel at 0 03 THD Sugg. List $300.00 hv mjfm -LHk Sole Price 99Blr O SARI YO Hurry Limited Quantity S 199.95 Natlonolly Advertised Value NEW!V $149.95 Jensen Quadrax J 1242 Stereo Kit 4-way Speaker System (6" x 9") Usable frequency response (Hz) 40-20k Powerhandling capability (watts RMS) 55 Sensitivity 4 vorrs u 1 meter (dO SPL) 100 Impedance (ohms) 4 Woofer magnet weight (oz.) 20 Upper Midronge driver size (inches) 2 Upper Midrange driver magnet weight (oz. ) 56 Lower Midrange Driver Size (inches) 3 Lower Midronge Driver Magnet Weight (oz.) 2.3 Tweeter Size and Type 2 " Piezo-elecrric Tweeter Magnet Weight (oz ) Mounting Depth (inches) 4" Weight per kit 9 lbs. Sanyo FT-C6 Mini-Size AMFM Cassette Stereo Player with Auto Reverse Special Chassis Size to fit Most Foreign and Compact Cars Full Auto Reverse Mechanism Locking Fast Forward 6 Re wind with Auto Repeat FIT Front End Grcuirry and Phase Locked Loop MPX Decoder Balance and Tone Controls Pigtail for Automatic Electric Antenna "EZ-C Install Mount 9 System $"7ft95 Suqq. List $109.95 Sale Price If Pioneer PL-300 Auto-Return Quartz-PLl Turntable Features Auto-Return Auro-Shur-Off Ton Arm System Quick Start System Buift-Jn Strobe Uumtnation Light Cil-Dompkig Cueing Device Anrt-Skoting 0 000000000000000000000000000000000000 r . It.. A . rree-nngea Aoyic uyvet - g- Sugg, list $179.95 Sale Price l 19 31 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Financing Available with Approved Credit VISA' 476-7331 1 9th and "O" Streets ill Monday through Thursday 10-9 Friday 10-6 Saturday 9-5 Sunday 12-5 4 3 2 O z 5 o S Ci O - n x O X - O ? c z o m Z m Z O 5 n O m O o o o o o 1 o o o O a O M 5 O Q o o o a O O