The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 17, 1980, Page page 6, Image 6

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    friday, October 17, 1980
daily nebraskan
Oct. 17-19
10501 Pine Lake Road
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Loss of quorum ends RHA meeting
By Betsy Miller
Thursday night's Residence llall Association meeting
ended abruptly when Neihardt Residence Complex Presi
dent Gerald Woo walked out.
The meeting was then adjourned because not enough
RHA members were present to vote on the association's
by-laws. ...
Woo said that he was upset by the delay caused while
the association members were voting on by-laws.
Delays in passing the by-laws started not over new
additions to the laws, but in regard to sections of the laws
already in use.
Article V, section 2d was the source of much associa
tion debate.
The article reads that hall presidents shall serve on
RHA and are given one vote However, if the president
can't attend the meeting he can appoint a substitute who
can not vote.
After discussion, a movement was made to pass the
by-laws as they were presented.
Ane Jensen, a Smith Hall representative, filed an
"objection to consideration" of the motion, which called
for the move to approve the by-laws to be withdrawn.
Her motion failed, but then Bill Flack, a Harper Hall
representative moved to review the amendments, article
by article.
This motion was approved and some long debating
Before the association could reach the controversial
section of Article V, Dave Edwards, an Abel Hall repre
sentative, said that Article IV, section 2a should be revised
to say that the RHA president shall preside over all regular
RHA meetings as well as executive committee meetings.
Currently, the RHA vice president runs the associa
tion meetings, even though the president is in attendance.
Edwards said that his motion was intended to show
students that RHA is a strong organization run by the
people they elected.
"They (residence hall members) elected her (RHA
President Corkie Kumpost) to be president. It's their
image that Corkie Kumpost would be the leader of this
organization," Edwards said.
Edward's motion was defeated.
Shortly after this, Woo, who had moved for an im
mediate adjournment once before and was voted down,
walked out of the meeting.
In other news, it was announced that Abel President
Marcia Hagerty has been named chairman of an Inter
fraternity Council, RHA and ASUN joint committee
studying the radial highway which has been proposed for
Some possible plans for the highway would call for it
to run near the campus.
Hagerty said that the joint committee will meet at 2
pjn. today for the first time. She did not know for sure
where the meeting would be held.
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