The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 02, 1980, Page page 12, Image 12
daily nebraskan thursday, October 2, 1980 ratasflcsa page 12 REGENTS, NATL MERIT. OTHER SCHOLARSHIP WIN NERS; you may qualify for MENSA. find out Thursday at 8 p.m. in th Union. PHIPSI500 Sunday, Oct. S at the Phi Psi House. Parade begins at 12:30 followed by the RACE. Pig roast at 3:30 with entertain ment by Shootin' from the Hip. Barbeque Tickets - $2 Raffle tickets - $1 In Union. All pro ceeds to United Way. GAY STUDENT GROUP 8 p.m. Thursday-Andrews 228 Rev. Donna Vinson MCC, speaker. 3c Copies H wMrLt 1 1 5tH VIUt5 H 226 So. 16th St. (Phone 475-5000) ASUN has Senate openings: 1 position for Arts & Science 1 position for Home Econ omics 2 positions for Graduate Studies Apply at the ASUN office, 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline Friday, October 3. National Earth Changes Con ference Oct. 10-12, special stu dent fee $25. Nebraska Center on Eas.t Campus. Call 472-2844. GIRLS-interested in helping with the UNL Baseball Pro gram? Tryouts for batgirl-attend important information meeting Sunday night, Oct. 5, in the Lounge, South end of Stadium. For more information call Corrine at 475-9665. What's the tent in the middle of campus? It's AGS and KKG playing COLLEGE-OPOLY for the American Cancer Society, Come watch. Political Science Simulation needs interested participants Oct. 25 run date-472-9882-Polidox. Schultz, Let's get together Sat. nite and make struddle to the Sandy Creek Pickers, East Union. Your german friend. UNION ORCHARDS Apples, Honey, Sorghum, Popcorn, our own Natural Apple Cider Pure Maple Syrup and more! "When you think about APPLES, think UNION ORCHARDS." Open 9 a.m. -6 p.m. daily 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Sundays On Hwy 73-75, 2 miles south of Hwy 34 (East O St.) it pAyStoJo60O!i Cam up o and provide a precious human resource yow plasma! it cavi save lives. LINCOLN PLASMA CORP. 2021 OST. 7f 22?5 PniH6THI5 AP FOR $5 EXTRA (new donors only) DONT BE A LOSERI The best people on campus will be cheering for the KAPPA'i to win the Phi Psi 500 on Sunday I See ya there. Kappa Coaches P.S. We WILL win! ATO Little Sisters Important meeting tonight at 7 p.m. Attention Lambda Tau members. Nights meeting and tour to the State Health Lab begins at 6:30 not 7:00. Meet at Health Center Parking lot. All pre-MT's welcome. KAPPA SIGMA Little Sister meeting tonight! Meet at the house by 6:30 p.m. Positions open on the Recre ation Advisory Board. Prior participation and involvement in Recreation Department Service required. Applications in the ASUN office, 115 Nebraska Union, Deadline October 6. MENSA: A MEETING OF THE MINDS, Thursday. Sept. 2, 8 p.m. in the Union. TONIGHT ONLYI BARBARA STANWYCK & BURT LANCASTER in SORRY, WRONG NUMBER, 7 & 9 p.m., Sheldon Film Theatre. UNL Students: $1.50 General $2.00 take one series Miller. Come "Taste the High Country" Sat. night at Sandy Creek Pickers, East Union. R.H. UNL INDEPENDENT STUDY may have the course you need for graduation. Call Mrs. Molly Cunningham, Con tinuing Studies, 472-1933. EOAA Registration is open for winterim study tours to Europe, Mexico, the Carribean and Bali. Make your plans now. Flights and Study Tours, Rm. 345, Nebr. Union, 472-3264. THE GREAT GREEKS ARE COMING OCT. 5-6! WATCH FOR THEM! POWERS & POWERS ATTORNEYS -Most 1st D.W.I, offenses $200 Bankruptcy reasonable 474-5054 St 00 STUDENT ACCOUNT ACCE Z Itj O a A O m col a u 27th & Holdrcge TDK TAPE ADC CARTRIDGES FIDELITONE REPLACEMENT NEEDLES AT m 1 VIABLE COUPOR '""DMoiraii"""" mooEo as on any gas purchase of 10 gallons or more Limitone per customer (SffH Expires: October 8, 1980 tSJ VUJ DIVIDEND BONDED GAS 2 blks. So. of campus .J GUITAR INSTRUCTION Private lessons from a qualified professional. Designed for the dedicated student. Beginners welcome. ZAGER STUDIO 423-2709 VOICE LESSONS Experienced teacher accepting private students, beginnersad vanced, 435-8082. LEGAL SERVICES FOR LESS All 1st offense DWI $150 Statmore Law Offices 24 HOUR PHONE 474-1842 FOUND: Man's watch by Centennial Mall fountain near Union. Claim 472-1830. LOST near Bessey, several keys on cord. Call 435-0294 after 2 p.m. REWARD. LOST: VIVITAR CAMERA in room 119 Burnett Hall. Call Dave 477-2368. REWARD. TjA u" T 2 JW a i. i. 1 31 TTo T I T T o . o o T mT TTuji oili!; oi TT "I'I-"i.c o T T ZIaj0 t i 4To 2Z22 cTo t ociliruijif ITTp? ioo " coi i j tTITT v.t.TT t u o i "TT"t UlMlwli .MHO HIH Do you need good music for your next social function? Call us at BOOTLEGGER SOUND for the best. Call 435-8574 IMPROVE YOUR GRADESI Research catalog-306 pages 10,278 descriptive listings Rush $1.00 (refundable). Box 25097C, Los Angeles, 90025. (213)477-8226. WANTED People who like good steaks . . . come to Sheri's Steakhouse and Lounge, Veaver Crossing, Nebra ska, 532-9515. Open 7 nights a week. Our customers tell us . . . BEST STEAKS IN THE WORLD! Continental Pipe Line Company Management Training Program Seeking high-potential BS, MS. MBA (with engineering un dergraduate degree), male, female engineering graduates (or on-the-job. 12-month management development program in Continental Pipe Line Company, Supply and Transportation Department of Conoco Inc. (formerly Continental Oil Com pany). Advancement past development program into manage ment positions is based on performance and ability. Check with Placement Office. A rep. will be on campus Oct. 14. BIRTHRIGHT offers free pregnancy tests confidential, understanding help. 477-8021. Sigma Phi Epsilon and The Little Sisters of the Golden Heart invite you to come through our little sister rush, Oct. 7 & 8, call 4749455 or 4740033 A Go Go 27th & Vine I Miller High life 12 pack MR bottles $3.89 101 Proof N Wild Turkey fifth $8.99 Jack Daniels fifth $7.99 Prices Good Thru 10-8-80. it i WILDJ JHRKEY 1. M3UY a E. ACROSS 1 5 14 "Grand" batting feat "La Douce" Hank Entire: Comb. form 15 Average If Lane in London 17 Civil liberties org. 18 Type of hairdo II Miss by 20 Announcer's report on a home run 23 Active one 24 " the ramparts ..." 25 Heartsease 28 Record breaker Roger SI Ottof Polo Grounds fame 34 Atmospheres 38 Scored more runs 37 Renown 38 Fine fielding feat 41 East Indian hemp 42 Shutout spoiler 43 "Third Reich" author 44 D.C.-from-Chi. direction 45 City on the Red River 47 Iroquois members 48 Deco 41 Biting remark 51 Mets, Redset al. 58 Arms and wings 51 Medit. language 68 Peer 61 Of the hipbone 2 Phillies' Rose 63 Dip 64 Slow, toSolti 65 Observed 66 Hit with a bean ball DOWN 1 Chase fly balls 2 Nuts 3 "... monarch of survey" 4 Hurlers 5 Candidate's concern 6 What K. M. Landis instituted 7 Spouse, in Savoie 8 Shortly Saws 10 Lancelot's gear 11 Decaying state 12 Heraldic border 13 U.S. humorist: 1850-96 21 "Naked Maja, " etc. 22 on (activities) 25 In no way mod 26 Danish port 27 Nary a soul 2$ "On and a prayer" 30 Yankees' Guidry 31 Mother: Comb, form 32 Mike person 33 Glassmakers ovens 35 Prefix with sphere 37 Umpires' calls 39 Capek play 40 amie 45 Giants' burg 46 Like a flattened ball 48 Awaiting the pitch 50 Announcer Mel (see 20 Across) 51 Egypt's lifeline 52 Idi 53 Beats by a run 54 To (exactly) 55 Player who loses the game 56 Pakistani tongue 57 Garden spot 58 Abner 1 15 p I is e p a T"""j9 no in 112 lu h I z ii T5 - - - 20 21 j 22 " """" a 27 1 22r" 2? """" W 29T3o STTaTTM 34 " M 36 jf : vi 55 44 44" : W 47 4, jj ... 1. !.. 61 ji2 J53 64 5 rr