daily nebraskan Wednesday, October 1, 1980 page 8 Teachers College . . Continued from Page 1 He said many teacher colleges offer kindergarten through high school and Nebraska should be in tune with that. The reorganization will reduce some duplication in administration, and in the future, some administration jobs will be dropped, Egbett said. I lis recommendations for the college have nothing to do with the Regents' Five-Year Plan, Egbert said. The regents plan, released in May, says that the undergraduate teaching programs at UNL should be transferred to UNO. The Teachers College has made several restructuring moves in recent years and this is just another step in that process, he said. The reorganization shouldn't lower the number of the faculty at the college, Egbert said. The biggest impact of the changes is that it "will get more people working together" at the Teachers College, instead of having the faculty so fragmented into different departments, said Loren Bonneau, associate professor of history and philosophy of education and educational administration. Use tlie Daily Nebrasltan Classifieds V3 r sfiiafli in recognition of merit awards THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Second Semester 1979-80 the honor rating of in tho National Critical Service of the Associated Collegiate Press at the University of Minnesota, School of Journalism And we got it, (pardon the language), for the eighth semester in a row! Taken into consideration are coverage and content, writing and editing, layout, graphics, photography, and art. And we're pleased to say that we earned highest marks in all categories! We're working to give you the best student newspaper possible, and we intend to keep it that way. (sl(sl!