The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 29, 1980, Page page 11, Image 11
monday, September 29, 1980 daily nebraskan page IT $SD$ CM 40TC Mnnta Par In Avrottant condition, loaded. Must sell. Call 489-7943. Season student FB ticket for sale. Contact Jeff, nights, 423 2355. Elton John Tickets 475 1219. - RONSTADT TICKETS 4th ROW A SECTION. Must sell, can't make concert. Mommy grounded mell Call 2-9716 or 2-9704. 1975 VW Rabbit low mile age, excellent condition, price negotiable. 483-1183. For Sale sette deck. 435-1660. Sony TC-206 cas Good specs. Call LIVING ROOM Lint im atiokj Buyout of i lifetime. Just re ceived several truckloads of namebrand living room sets. Several styles, fabrics, colors to choose from. Have 12 sets in cluding sofa, loveseat, chair and ottoman. All 4 pieces, while they last, $288 or terms. Open to public 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily FREIGHT SALES COMPANY 226 So. 9th Furniture warehouses in Nebraska & Iowa 1980 Suzuki G ISM 00. Low mileage, low price. Excellent condition. Don 474-1628 or 474-1191. Double bed, two desks, antique chest of drawers, 423 8315. 423 3124. BIVOUAC'S USED SKI EQUIPMENT PROGRAM Bring in your used equipment (boots, poles, bindings and skis) either Alpine or Cross Country. You set the price, we do the selling. 2 round trip air tickets, Omaha-Dallas. Must be used Oct. 10. Return Oct. 13. $115 for pair. Call 488-9337 after 5:30 p.m. BIVOUAC 1235 Que St. 476-0090 1978 Triumph Bonneville 750 C.C. Excellent condition 2,800 miles. 476-1224. Spy, counterspy plot begins ETV series Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, John le Carre's interna tional best-seller about the world of spy and counterspy, opens the eighth season of Great Performances tonight at S psn. on the Nebraska Educational Television Network. The six-part dramatization starring Sir Alec Guinness is broadcast with closed captions for hearing-impaired view ers. Based in part on the actual penetration made by three Soviet double agents into the top ranks of British intelli gence some years ago, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy is the story of the search for a Russian "mole," a spy who has worked his way into the ruling quartet of le Carre's fie- . tionalized secret service. Guinness stars as George Smiley, le Carre's spy-middle-aged, overweight and brilliant. Smiley is called out of forced retirement from the British Secret Service to find and eliminate the "mole." In pursuit of his quarry, Smiley must navigate a maze of deception and betrayal and penetrate a world in which loyalties are bought and sold, often for the most apparent ly trivial reasons. As he nears the truth, Smiley is forced to confront the fact that the great betrayal of his country is somehow linked to his own most deeply personal tragedy-the infi delity of his wife Anne, played by Sian Phillips. She portrayed Livia in Masterpiece Theater's , Claudius. ' Other members of the Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy cast include Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox and Ian Richardson. John Irvin directed the adaptation by Arthur Hopcraft and Jonhathan Powell produced it. WATERBEDS: 20 styles from $149 up. Easy financ ing and layaway. WATERBED WORLD 1907 "O" St. 474-3171 Rent Assisted Housing for Married Students The Heuman Project-24th & T Streets. If you qualify, you and your family of three or more can live in a large 3 bedroom apartment. Your rent will be determined by your income and expenses. You must be willing to abide by set rules and regulations. For more information or to make application, call Kathy at 475 8407 or stop at the Mega Cor-poration-852 NBC Center. (Equal Housing Opportunity) Walk or bus to school from furnished apt.. 645 S. 17th. Near Capitol, spacious 1 bed room apt. $175 deposit. No pets. 423-5442. Campus close. 2 bedroom, unfurnished. $180mo. plus electricity deposit. 477-2540 or 464-8602. UNHAPPY???? ARE YOUR LIVING AR RANGEMENTS JUST NOT WORKING OUT? WOULD YOU LIKE TO MAKE A CHANGE? COME AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER: 1215 ARAPAHOE 1 BEDROOM START AT $195 2 BEDROOM START AT $220 G.E. APPLIANCES. CARPET. DRAPES. MODERN. CLEAN. AMPLE PARKING. CLOSE TO SHOPPING. WALK TO DINE OUT. 423-5729 DAYS AND EVENINGS. L'-Wj -hi; IIJCE1IS X)W(X) A Quality Adult Film - tixr 1730 O St. 476-6Q421J - iS MONDAY FREE bo? drinko S draws for Isdbs 10 drowo for men . TUESDAY 3 fcro WEDNESDAY 2 fcro THURSDAY 3 foro HUH TUESDAY 3 fcro WEDNESDAY 2 fcro THURSDAY 3 fcro nar?M rJIEHTLV 1209 F STREET $205 A MONTH FOR A ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED UNIT WITH MODERN APPLIANCES, MODERN FURNISHINGS, SHAG CARPET AND DRAPES. OFF STREET PARKING. CLOSE TO BUS AND CAMPUS THIS IS REALLY NICE. DONT PASS IT UP. CALL 477-3230 AFTER 3:30 PM AND WEEKENDS MANAGER IN NO. 1 ASK ABOUT FREE RENT OFFERII 2030 J STREET YOU'LL LOVE THESE DE LUXE, ATTRACTIVE UNITS. WE HAVE A ONE BEDROOM UNFURNISHED FOR $205 MONTH OR AN EFFICIENCY (FURNISHED) FOR $190 WITH A LARGE WALK-IN CLOSET AND SEPARATE DINING AREA. CONVENIENT TO UNL OR DOWNTOWN. THIS IS A QUIET BUILDING CONDUCIVE TO THOSE WHO NEED TO STUDY EVERY NIGHT. CALL 435-6313 EVENINGS OR WEEKENDS. MANAGER IN NO. 8. ASK ABOUT THE OFFER OF K MONTHS FREE RENT. 2338 Lynn, 1 bedroom apt. Newer, clean, parking. $225, all Own room. 476-1918. Sublet Oct. 10-Dec. 10. Nice fully furnished 3 bedroom house. Call 475-5957. WANT TO ECONOMIZE? YOU CANT BEAT OUR APARTMENTS FOR THE PRICE. WE HAVE EFFICIENC IES WITH THE HEAT PAID FOR $145MONTH. THIS IN CLUDES APPLIANCES. CARPET, DRAPES, FURNI TURE. YOU'LL LOVE THE QUAINTENSS OF THESE COZY UNITS. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, OUR ONE BEDROOM (FURNISHED) GO FOR $165 AND GIVE YOU ROOM FOR A FEW PIECES OF YOUR OWN FURNITURE. HEAT PAID. YOU COULD WALK TO UNL OR THE BUS GOES DIRECTLY TO CAMPUS FROM THE COR NER. 1327 H STREET 435-7762 EVENINGS, WEEKENDS ASK ABOUT OUR MONTHS FREE RENT OFFER imp &nmmi) Kappa Delta needs busboys. Full or part-time. Salary plus meals. 475-0397. 474-4120. Need Some Extra Money? The Nebraska Union is tak ing applications for catering per sonnel. Very flexible hours that can be worked around your school schedule. Apply daily to the Nebraska Union, Room 220. ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE STUDIO Now accepting applications for instructor training program. Openings for men and women are available. Call 476-3251 for an appointment. Now taking applications for ski shop help. Must have know ledge of ski mechanics, a strong personal background in skiing and the ability to sell ski equip ment, both cross-country and alpine. Apply in person. Bivouac 1235 'Q' St., Gunny's. Delivery person partfull time, flexible hours and days. Must be at least 18 years of age. Must own your own car and in surance. Must be able to work weekends. $3.50 hr. to start plus mileage and tips. Apply in person after 4 p.m. Domino's Pizza, 2441 No. 11th, Belmont Shopping Plaza. L idaugias 3 i 13th & P 47b 2222 ': 5:25-7:35-9:40 : ' Checch and Chong't Next :: Movie jg :-xl 5:30-7:30-9:30 CHEVY CHASE Caddy- shack 5:40-7:40-9:45 Trust us. KURT RUSSELL J 1 1 SPfl V " Mr. Mottomslcy Goes Mexican" Try our new: 1. Tacos 2. Burritos de Curne 3. Tostadas 4. Taco Salads ...and remember, we always have margaritas. Join us for dinner or lunch!! Chesterfield, Bottomsley & Potts 245 North 13th Street Lincoln , Nebraska-475 -8007 5 . oW2 r 7 pm. -1 am 27th & Cornhusker