The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 25, 1980, Page page 7, Image 7
thursday, September 25, 1980 daily nebraskan page 7 Woody Hayes to visit UNL Woody Hayes, former head football coach for Ohio "It's extremely rare that a speaker of his caliber would State Uaiversity, will speak at UNL Oct. 13, according to come here for free." Sjulin said. Kathy Sjulin, chairperson of the University Program Council'.TalkandToPicsCommittee. she M did not know why Haycs chosc not t0 tiayts will speak on "Big-Time CoUcge Football: Its fee for his appearance here. She said he charges Values and Corruptions." other universities for his services. The talk will be at 8:30 pjn. in the Nebraska Union Centennial Room, Sjulin said. "I think this will be a very timely, newsworthy subject in light of the things happening across the country with college teams, Sjulin said. Hayes has been "delightful" to work with, according to Sjulin. She said she has talked to Hayes and his wife several times by phone. Sjulin said Hayes' talk should provoke a large turnout because of his controversial reputation. Hayes was fired from Ohio State in 1978 for striking an opposing team's player during the Gator Bowl. "They (the audience) may agree with his philosophy or disagree, but they'll have an opinion one way or the other, Sjulin said. Hayes will charge no fee for his appearance, Sjulin said. The only cost to UPC will be his transportation and hotel She said UNL students will be admitted to the talk free accommodations, she said. with a student ID. and non-students will be charged $2. UNL rodeo team takes third place The UNL Rodeo Team took third place in the Dicken son State College Rough Rider Rodeo this past weekend in Dickenson, N D. Nebraska ranked third out of seven and competed with teams in the Great Plains Region. Overall winner was Black Hills State and South Dakota State University fin ished second. UNL's Billy O'Connor took first place in the Ail Around Cowboy event and teamed up with Jim Williams to win the team roping contest. In bareback bronc riding, Marshall Juma took first place in the Short and Long-Go contests. Nebraska travels to the University of Wisconsin-River Falls this weekend. V Concert season draws to a close The Foundation Garden's brown bag concert season sponsored by the Lincoln Center Association will end with two very special events. On Sept. 24, there will be a cookout with gas grills provided by Cengas. Everyone is urged to bring hambur gers, hot dogs or steak. On Oct. 1 the Lincoln Symphony Chamber Orchestra will do an afternoon performance. Because the Lincoln Orchestra rarely performs during the noon hour, the Lincoln Center Association urges all interested to attend. mem I) J I II I fcSZ-. l li t II The Values Look Great! As a Nationally-Marketed Sklwear Manufacturer we offer unbeatable VALUES everyday. Our namebrand snowsuits, fashion jackets, vests and parkas are always.... n r-c- SUGGESTED 33 OFF RETAIL PRICE We make smart buys on fashion sportswear. Great selection of tops, jeans, shirts, etc., now for FALL FASHION JACKETS START THIS VEEK AT ONLY $29.95 S RAVEN. M ii)(Q)in!:sw(Bair FACTORY OUTLET RlAIVlEjNj industries, inc. 12th ft Q Ai th GUaMcnagane Hours m. t. w. f. s. io-s Thurs 104 Don't Mies It! a Week Color TV Leasing Call Us For Details i TV 27th & Holdrege 474-1289 0 I . do UO 12 EXP. 110-123 20 & 24 EXP. 126-110-135 $2.50 36 EXP.-135MM $4.50 "v 1 EncloM 25 mora par roll for special handling and 1st class return. expires May 1,1981 - Endosa this ad with ordar. D LiuMD TO MOIST, ALL-WHITE-MEAT CHICKEN WITH CRISPY BATTER COATING. for wo cmcm ClflUTY SANDWICH THU MCI OF ONEI LimiT ONE COUPON PER VISIT With this coupon: Buy one CHICKEN SPECIALTY SANDWICH, Get one CHICKEN SPECIALTY SANDWICH r -jy L: Please present coupon to GOOD cashier before ordering Limit one per auimat customer per visit. Void where prohibited by law. ONLY AT Offer ends October 3, 1 980 27th & Dudley 52nd &0 0 1980 Burger King Corporation All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. K-3280 27th Ct Dudley 52nd GO