The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 25, 1980, Page page 2, Image 2
page 2 thursday, September 25, iggQ daily nebraskan Nebraska Union to close over Labor Day weekend A motion to close the Nebraska Union during Labor Day weekend next fall wan passed at Wednesday evening's Union Board meeting. Robert Moline, chairman of the Operations Commit, tee, said in a proposal to the Union Board that the union was not making enough money in sales or getting enough student traffic during the holiday to warrant keeping the building open. The proposal stated that in 1979 during Labor Day the union made $14 in sales on Sunday and $6 on Monday. In 1980, the union was open only on the Sunday of Labor Day weekend and total sales were $ 1 1 ,08. Union expenses remained fixed during that weekend. Union director Darvl Swanson said that even on d.ivs that the Union is closed, students who need the building for a function or students groups who need to get into their offices would be able to do so: The board discussed the possibility of using union funds to buy materials for the replacement of the paint ings in the South Crib and using a $500 endowment from a UNL alumnus as a reward for the students who would paint the pictures. "We checked into it," Moline said, "and we figured that it would take about $400 in union funds to pay tor the materials.' Union Director Daryl Swanson said that the adminis trator of the alumnus' estate would have to be consulted as to the stipulations on the ue of the endowment, which was given to the union for "the purchase of a piece of needed equipment. The Operations Committee also agreed to look into how students would be selected to paint the paintings Larry Williams, residence director of Cather Hall was introduced as Vice-Chancellor for student affairs Richard Armstrong's appointee to the Union Board Plannine Committee. Two students from the College of Architecture, Larry Nagaki and Craig Ellis, were announced as new appointees to the planning committee. John Kelly was announced as the Interfraternity Coun cil representative, and Carrie Christensen was announced as the Pan-Hellenic representative. K W$XfflsX3 iixnnrun? 'uluv3lnJ Uo tew i ri I mJ U X 1 M I V I I f Li t) 1 B (nrg It sets down to what you want to do and what you have to do. Take the free Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics lesson and you can do ithandle all the work collese demands and still have time to enjoy college life. You can dramatically increase your reading speed today and that's just the start. Think of the time, the freedom you'd have to do the things you want to do. For twenty ye he ones who get ahead have used Reading Dynamics. It s the way to read for today's active world fast, smooth, efficient. Don't get left behind because there was too much to read. Take the free Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics lesson today, you can dramaticalry increase your reading speed and learn about advanced study techniques in that one free lesson. Make the college life the good life. With Reading Dynamics you can do it. fM sotpiulg f mm lessons LAST TWO DAYS Thursday, Sept. 25 fi Friday, Sapt. 20 5:C0 6 8:CD p.ra. Chytca Hsas9-1Sth & 0 Street Soeciai student n, . EVELYM DOPE) BYMAMICS Rmi g Di lie staff The Campus Red Cross will meet tonight at 8 in the Nebraska Union. Mensa will meet tonight at 8 in the Nebraskan Union's Georgian Suite. The Block and Bridle Club will meet tonight at 7 in the East Union's Arbor Suite. Initiates meeting will be in the East Union at 6 and the executive meeting will be at 6:30. The Food and Science Club will meet tonight at 7 in the East Union's Loft. IFT representatives will speak on the national con The East Campus Gavel Club will meet tonight in the East Union at 8:30. The room number will be posted. A Readers' Theater is scheduled this Friday at 1 pjm. TTie theater, sponsored by the Student Y, will meet in room 117 of the Nebras ka Union. The theater is an informal sharing of stu dents writings ana thoughts. Inter-varsity Chnstian Fellowship will meet Friday at 7 pjn. in the Nebraska Union. The room number wiU be posted. The African Student Or ganization will meet Satur day at 1 pjn. in the Nebras kan Union. The room num ber will be posted.