The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 25, 1980, Page page 15, Image 15
thursday, September 25, 1980 daily nebraskan pago 15 5J0DfiCEJ hiaui tuVlna unnlicatloni fnr IW wti.-w T - ' ski shop help. Mutt have know ledge of ski mechanic, a strong personal background In skiing and the ability to sell ski equip ment, both cross-country and alpine. Apply In person, Bivouac 1235 'Q' St.. Gunny's. Delivery person partfull time, flexible hours and days. Must be at least 18 years of age. Must own your own car and in surance. Must ba able to work weekends. $3.50 hr. to start plus mileage and tips. Apply In person after 4 p.m. Domino's Pizza, 2441 No. 11th, Belmont Shopping Plaza. Wheelchair Vet needs live-in. Little help. Free roomboard. Male or female Call Bob, 475-5228. PART-TIME WORK LOCAL COMPANY NEEDS 9 STUDENTS MUST BE SPORTS MINDED AND HAVE A CAR. INTER VIEWS WILL BE HELD THIS THURSDAY, SEPT. 25 IN THE CLAYTON HOUSE, 10th & "0"ST. IN THE EXECUTIVE INTER VIEWING ROOM. 4 PM.or 6 P.M. ONLY. ASK FOR MR.BAIR. ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE STUDIO Now accepting applications for instructor training program. Openings for men and women are available. Call 476-3251 for an appointment. Part-time pianist needed for dance classes. School of HPER. Hours: T, TH 9:30-1:45, MWF 1:30. Call Ardis at 472-3884. Graduate Student uuith very friendly German Sheperd is looking for a rural apartment or private room. Willing to help with farm work. Needed Oct. 15-June, 1981. Write: Bill Krani Box 429, N.P. Station, North Platte, NE 69101. Desperately need 2 male, 1 female Florida State tickets. 464-9287. Wanted: 3 female tickets to Nebr.Colo. game. Call 472-8658. The Magazine is accepting submissions for this semester's publication, now through Sept. 30. Andrews 142. 2 GA tickets to Florida State Game. Call 467-3059. Ask for Deb. I need 3 General Admission tickets to the Florida State game. Call 464-8418. Wanted: 4 tickets, 2 pair to gether for F.S.U. game Oct. 4. Call 466-9108. Wanted: Two general admis sion tickets to Florida State. 472-8296. Wanted: 5 tickets to Florida State game. Student or GA. Call 474-4379. HELPI Need 2-4 General Admission tickets, three female student tickets and four male student tickets for Florida State game family bombardment!!! Call 489-2527 from 8 a.m. to noon, and 477-3292 for Zo after that. WANTED: General Admis sion tickets for FLORIDA STATE GAME. CALL 472-8066. Female roommate needed, one bedroom, near tity campus. $75month utilities. Available immediately. 435-1493. Needed 1 roommate, $75 plus 13 electricity. Call even ings, 464-1156. Will trade two superbam undo tickets to Elton John con cert for two tickets to Fla. State game. Male and female together or G. A. 477-7806. Wanted: Dumb blonde needs tutor in Algebra. Will negotiate payhours. Contact at 472-9333 Need 4 tickets to Florida State game. 474-1177 after 5 p.m. Male roommate $125 Y electricity. 2 bedroom apt. at French Quarters No. 32 464 7671. Roommate for 3 bedroom house. $87 13 utilities. 477 5154, evenings. Rote Rotz and or Mike Eaton: Tonight at Bo's, we will have some fun Anyone who knows him, come one, come all. We will make him drink and drink until we watch him fall. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Need fairly attractive female with foreign film series ticket to accompany me to any showing Sunday or Monday. Dave, 489 3218. Lulu. Thanks for listening and the great advice. Good luck on your examsl Beefee P.S. Congrats on you engage ment. P. Knopp, I hope I can be as good of friend to you as you have been to me. Enjoyed our talks. B. Frey Mike, Happy Birthday. Have a happy 21st. Sheila Lisuri Swagami May your scheme be har monious on this joyful day of your birth. O-o-o- Votre Roomatius Out of money? Out of blood? Out of albums? Into leather? So are wel Gang of 2 LAHMIEj- Do you mean our noses or our hoses? If it's the latter, we can have another contest to see how they "size up". The Omnipotent Odin Alpha Xi Baby Barbara, Your festivities for the day will begin 7 p.m. Your in structions will be posted. Love always. Mommy life x' ip T7 rfjfc , .... a-., i, .I . ., , . ..... tf 55!3l J5 Lynne Miller, Happy Birthdayl Hope It's fun onel Janet from G.I. Daily Nebraskan Staff, Congratulations on your Ail American rating for the Spring semester and the highest score ever obtained by the "Rag." Keep up the good work. Rocky Strunk OOie Babe, Life as your best friend is great 1 1 hope I can help make your birthday special. Happy B-Day the 26th. Love Always, Jodi To all former flag bearers: What's green, white, and orange and hangs at Rugby Central East? YO-ho, yo-hol R.B. Sandoz 2, Your hands felt so velvet smooth, a touch light as a feather. I could search the world over, and find no backrub better Thanks a lot, D.A. Abel 5N KEVIN- Thanks for dinner Sunday. I trust you made it back to Iowa?!? Package in mail from your sister. CB To the guy who said "Hi Lori" Tuesday at 12:45 on 14th & "R " . Who are you? Where do I know you from? Can I see you again sometime? Lori Purple Bandana's a warning to thee. If we don't have a party we'll cease to be. Pick a day when you have the blues. We'll have a party, forget the shoes. One of six in the bag "THOR" Whubuf f it's not, you worm slurping pimple-popper. Whu buf f you and Lahmie not gang up on me, too. These ads are expensive . ., . The Omnipotent Odin Jerry Thanks for being so kind, funny, and uninhibited. You've really made this a better place to be. XOXOX Blondie Lori Jo You've been such a good girl mommy has a big surprise planned for you tonightl Have fun! , xoxoxo White car with a black top Full moon Friday . . . Honk at midnight (instead of 2 a.m.) Green House Blue Shirt, Looking forward to our first date? Smith's Opposite TG, Happy 20th Birthday. Hope you have a great day. Just re member, you are woman I P.W. SLS: I shall never forget the days that I have spent with you. Continue to be my friend as you will always find me yours Harry Pound 8 Women, You're the bestl Thanks for everything. BO Pound Staff, Thanks for being the best friends everl Chris Bo Flag football was blast we really kicked! Playing quarters was better, you still under the weather? The B-Breakfast was neat. Clubhouse & Michelob can't be beat! Hope to have times just like the past Cuz man, YOU GUYS GOT CLASSI Thanx., Pound 3 For tne person who has experienced everything from the "Pi". 2 (II) Strike Force. We are a group without a cause. For hire, 3 pizzas, hold the anchov ies. Acts of outrageious terror ism. Little Sisters, be a slice of the "Pi. "4 Call 472-9535 for the "Pi." II Strike Force Little Sister Rush. Joni, My life is going down the drain, my glasses are in massive pain. My ploom is red when I am blue, but I feel great because of you. Your "History" teacher Karen, Patty & Joe, Thanks for the use of your 'taxi service" this weekend. I Love You Guysl Lyndy HAPPY BIRTHDAY ' KERRY WADE Forever Love, Rick Mark, Hope you have a happy 19th birthday. We all love you. Lisa, Red, Emil, Jim, Bob, Alan, Alan, Rosie, Doug, Dee, Michelle Bucko: Even though Mondays stink, someone makes them smell like roses. Bucko Accepted Student Discount Cards Accepted - Student a i2 t 03 c 3 O o C a 73 U5 T3 -fed a o o 03 U c s o u C B T3 & a o u o 3 u c 3 O o .a Q c B CO I "8 o. o u u c 3 o o .S3 Q c a O 3 CO 27th & Holdrege TV & Appliance 474-1289 Update Your Stereo System SANYO Deluxe 'Dolby Metal Cassette Deck 3189.95 HE 0 y Retails for rdsxs Lease price $4 a week. Handsomely Styled for Use with Any Audio Component System Engineered for Us with Normal, Cr0 FeCr and Metal Particle Tapes Sendust Alloy RecordPlayback Head with Separate EQ and Bias Switching .05 WRMS Wow ft Flutter and a 67dB Signal to Noise Ratio with Dolby On 'Ooiby is a registered trademark ol Dolby Laboratories Our Price saJ 0 O SANYO -" 13" Deluxe Our Price with Remote Control Remote Varactor Tuning System ln-Un Gun, Slotted Mask, Black Matrix Picture Tub Automatic Fine Tuning (AFT) Lighted VHF UHF Detent Tuner Simulated Walnut Grain Finished Polystyrene Cabinet Open Mon-Fri 9-5:30, Sat 10-5 Lease to own program o o c 3 o p S. o o n T3 n a CO c a n is o o c s Q a V) o o fD n a C a 3 o o o c s i V) a I Ci It- c a n 3 8 s to , : e.ii.r Sa!e ends Sat. 927, Gametime