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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1980)
J page 16 daily nebraskan thursday, September 18, 1980 Magic Finaers Jav: Thanks for the great mast age, "it felt so good." Looking forward to the next one. Purple Passion Lover Tony- So the big 20th is Sunday I Just think in December I'll be over the hill with you. Happy B-day. Me Bonkers Unite!!! Friday, 8 p.m. "K&D's Boozerteria South" P.S. Kelt-Bell & Chuckles how about that game of caps? K & K Inc. Patti Tvrdik, Happy 20th-xervertl A surprise awaits you at home, hurry I Love ya. Sue Ellen MEDITATIONPRAYER HOUR A time for silence A time for openness A time for renewal A time for you Mon.&Thurs. 11:30 AM Commonplace Chapel 333 N. 14th St. Important ATO Little Sister meeting tonight at 7 p.m. Please be there. So you missed us at Activit ies Mart, huh? No Problem! Angel Flight is sponsoring an In formation Tea today! Find out what we can offer YOU at 2:30 in the Union. Part time positions available NOW. $720 per hr.8-20 hrs. per week Interviews Today 1:00r3:00&5:00 Consult the daily calendar at the Union for room number. Quality Home Products Due to an omission in that ran Wed., 9-17-80 SEIFERTS ANNUAL 1 CENT SWEATER SALE WILL BE AT BOTH LOCATIONS TODAY I the Centrum & 232 no. 13ft so I I L DIVIDEND BONDED GAS 2 blks. So. of campus YOU HAVE JUST 15 DAYS LEFT to get Student Discount Card. Room 117 B (inside the Student Y, City Campus Union.) The Men of Delta Upsilon announces their first little sister rush starting Wed., Sept 24. Sign up in your sorority or on your dorm floor, or call 475 9929, ask for Jeff or Beau if you have any questions. Tonight only I AN AMERI CAN IN PARIS 7 & 9:15 p.m. Sheldon Theatre $1.50 UNL students $2 general, -take one series- WE WANT YOUI To come cheer on the AOPis as we begin our annual 48 hr. Rock-a-thon for Arthritis tonight at 6 p.m. Tunes pro vided. 1541 "S" St. Be there, aloha! NOTE TO YOURSELF: Today is the last day to sign up in the Union for the HARE & HOUND ROAD Rally. Make a sociological study of Israel this winterim. Flights & Study Tours, 345 Nebr. Union. 472-3264. Out of money? Out of blood? Sell your used albums at Dirt Cheap Record & Bookstore Call 477-6061. MARY ELLEN: Sounds Great! Thursday at 6 p.m. is a great time to be at a Talks & Topics meeting. Be there, John Boy UNL Marketing Club meets today at 3:30 in CBA 111. the Concept 21 ad Open 'til midnight (13th St. location only) concept 21 VALUABLE COUPON on any gas purchase of 10 gallons Limit one per customer Expires: September 24, 1980 WORKCLASS SCHEDULE CONFLICT? Consider UNL In dependent study. Call Mrs. Molly Cunningham, Continuing Studies. 472-1933. The Magazine is accepting submissions for this semester's publication, now through Sept 30, Andrews 142. CPR is here! Cardiopulmon ary resuscitation classes, 7 to 10 p.m., Oct. 2. 9 & 16. $2 for Stu dent Y members; $3 for non members. Call 472-2584 to re serve your place in the class. To the Ladies of UNL: ATO Little Sister Hush is Sunday, Sept. 21. If interested, call Kim 472-9972. Mary 472 9128 or house 474-9731. Students currently or pre viously employed by UNL need ed to serve on Student Employee Grievance Committee Apply by Sept. 22 at the ASUN office, 115 Union. The arts committee of the University Program Council is looking for new members inter ested in programming for fine art, dance, theater, mime and much more. Interested? Con tact CAP Office. Rm 200, Union, or come to Rm. 216, Sunday. Sept. 21, 7:30 pjn. Delta Tau Delta Active Little Sister meeting Thursday only. Sigma Alpha Mu Little Sister Meeting Thursday 10 p.m. Be There! Limited number of Area 2 & 3 parking permits will go on sale at 8 a.m., Thursday, Sept. 18 at the University Police Parking Office, 1024 Avery Ave. HEY GIRLS! Interested in being part of the UNL Wrestling program? Try out for CheerleaderMat Mates! Attend important meet ing, Wednesday, Sept. 24 at 7 p.m. Bob Devaney Sport Cen ter (conference room). Use low er level entrance. Meet Steve Fowler at the Student for Fowler organiza tional meeting Monday night, September 22, 8 p.m. in the City Union. Giuseppe's Pizza would like to deliver your next pizza. Call 466-9290. COMING!! Sig Ep Little Sister Rush begins Oct. 7, so wait for the big one. Aloha P.S. Watch for details. Spina Bif ida Car Rally for Charity Sept. 20, Saturday: 7 p.m. Sept. 21 , Sunday: 12:30 p.m. East Sears parking lot. Trophies awarded. All cars welcome. Door prizes. GAY STUDENT GROUP Thursday, Sept. 18, 8 p.m., Andrews 228 Political Candi dates. LPD Notice of Sale of unclaimed bikes and mis cellaneous property, September 27 at 10 a.m. at 140 W "O" by the Property Division by Pam Fittje. ASUN has a Senate opening in the Home Economics College. Apply at 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline Friday, September 19. SO; or more GO j Out of Money? Out of blood? Sell your used albums at Dirt Cheap Record & Bookstore Call 477-6061. TYPING-Fest, accurate typ ing. Reasonable rates. 477-8594 or 472-1138. ACTIVITIES CHAIR FOLKS COMPLETE MUSIC plays a wide Top 40 selection-pop, rock or country. For your next dance - 466-6504. Private Guitar Lessons Beginner-Intermediate Music Provided 476-7049 Donnie Smith CAR TROUBLES? Foreign and domestic cars re paired at reasonable rates. Close to campus. WEESNER AUTO REPAIRS 1220 Dawes 474-2079 POWERS & POWERS ATTORNEYS -Most 1st D.W.I, offenses $200 Bankruptcy reasonable 474-5054 PIANO LESSONS- 30 minutes per week. $20 month. Traditional Suzuki methods. Also music kinder garten ages 4-6. Linda McCarty, M.A. Music Education. 58th & Pioneer. 489-2801 . IMPROVE YOUR GRADES Research catalog 306 pages 10,278 descriptive listings Rush $1.00 (refundable). Box 25097C, Los Angeles, 90025. (213) 477-8226. BIRTHRIGHT offers you a choice. We understand the needs of you and your baby. 477 8021. ibsb ffi aaami ACROSS 1 Ulster 5 Pope Pius X 10 Leave 14 Goya's duchess 15 Inventor Howe IS Philosophical poet 17 Lab technicians, e.g. 20 Lobe locale 21 Disturbed 22 Perplexed 23 Brief quotation 25 Arabian leaders 26 Turned right 27 Halfhearted 29 On one's toes 31 Ambulance attachment 32 Dip bait lightly 35 Metermen 39 Lower extremity 40 Janningsand Ludwig 41 Start of the 10th mo. 42 Far from fresh 43 Narrate 45 as two peas . . . 48 Navigator's need 51 Range 52 Andrea or Nicoloof Cremona 54 meme (oneself): Fr. 55 Epicureans 58 Else, in Scotland 59 Fix a shoelace 60 Fleet one 1 Have to have 2 Ending with poet or critic 53 Londoners' last letters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 LOST: Gold Bulova watch with engraving on back. Reward Call Joe, 466-9798. Attention: John Chapin are you missing something? Call 563-3921 6:30-7:30 a.m. judson it pAStodoSoO!) l III. A. A $0 per month and provide a precious human resource yow it cavt save lives. LincoLM mm corp. 2021 OST. HVt Z??5 PnifJ6TIII5 FOR $5 EWA DOWN Kin of peninsulas N.Y. oil-well center Native Beer producer Percolated Cather's " Lady" Abounding Diplomacy Inst, at Columbus Shot a grouse Divert More uncommon D. C. Cabinet post 18 Samoan pigeon 19 Layer 24 Stimulates, with "up" 25 Fencer's steel 27 Boxer's aim 28 Is way off base 29 Comport 30 Excessively 31 In a (vexed) 32 Like a disowned debutante 33 Buchwald 34 " Love You" 38 "Working" author 37 French girlfriend 1 2 ' I p p Is I lio In Il2 l3 14 ii ig 17 )T" up 20 21 22 23 24 4 26 27 28 11 35 36T37 ' W-p L- " p p srjsr 52 53 " "'54 3 5 b 1 si 55 L rtiri Krn H- LOST: 1 Student Football ticket; signed. This ticket Is In valuable to whomever has it without an I.D.-Please return it. Karl Sigerson-472-8736. Reward! automotive foreign car specialists 27th and T Lincoln, Nebraska 475-9022 pm 38 Dullard 42 Gave a pourboire 43 Restraint ' 44 Cobb's " Laughing" 45 Fluttery poplar 48 Opera segment 47 At large '48 French composer of many piano works 49 Eminent 50 Stadium areas 52 Greatly impresses 53 Catcher's need 56 Proposed amendment, for short 57 Wood trimmer l : l