The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 18, 1980, Page page 14, Image 14
page 14 thursday, September 18, 1980 daily nebraskan Candidate forum . . . Continued from Page 1 Mrs. Crosby did not give exact figures of her campaign donations but said she accepted no amount large enough to sway her votes in the Legislature. "It's not big money. It's all out in the open," she said. The candidate agreed on the women's issues offered Crosby said she was not Visa Old Milwaukee Popov Vodka Almaden Mtn. Wines I Case 24 cans-warm , itor M nuar . Ntar-Chabtis-Rhine-Burg- 1 Liter (1.8 OZ. over qt.) Sauterne-Chianti-Claret- SS.69 33.79 M"5"; Save 50 cents Save $1.80 Save $1.70 ip2.89 Budweiser Walker's Bolla Wines 12 pak cans-warm Canadian Soave-Bardolino-Velpolicella 83.69 PartY Slze 592 25 4 oz' Save 70 cents Save $2.00 87.99 Save $1.90 82.991 Falstaff BartOn'S TaV'or California Cellars 12 pak NR Bottles-warm Canadian Chab,i$MgU '1 82.75 1Litera8qti 82.99 Save 44 cents Save $1.20 KS&im iS Save $1.40 Gilbey's Gin Ancient Age Jacque Scott Qts. Party Size-59.2 oz. LambrUSCO 04.89 C9.59 UwW.7P 05.29 B S L Scotch Johnnio Walker rnn- mrcr 1 Liter (1.8 oz over qt.l Red t)liy? IraSlLy I 04.99 SPEOIML Save $1.90 Save $1.60 Oe.539 Phillips Vodka Pope Lopez Bols TripIo Scc 110 Tequila 25.402. mn rr whS.4oror 03.99 SlnOl Sa,.$1.80 03.991 S"'$2-20 1 Save 40 cents POP SPECIAL ALL PRICES GOOD THROUGH SEPT.. 24 7-Up. Coke, Squirt, Dr. Pepper. Pepsi. Sunkist Orange. A & W Root Beer C"" QQ 2 Liter Save 30 cents Equivalent to 5 14. 12 oz. cans tl er topics included legislation and funding for child care centers, credit Am women and jobs for women coming out of retire ment. Sen. Fowler supported an increase in spending for child care centers and said, Vm not talking about just babysitting services. What I think we need are child care services that meet standards of child educational growth." He said the state should come up with money to further child care services in addition to that given Nebraska by the Federal Government through Title 20. most of all of although Mrs. pro-abortion. Oth eeosai Registered Diamond Rings Give the gift that fasts forever a Keepsake diamond guaranteed perfect, registered permanently and protected against loss There is no finer diamond ring c?.T 'f&omas Jewelers 1200 N St. 475-9115 The Atrium Student Accounts Invited & Master Charge Accepted ram 1979 Triumph Spitfire. Ex cellent condition. Economical. 474-6360 after 7 p.m. On female student season football ticket. 474-0383. One female ticket for the Iowa game $15. 435-0706. BIG PHOTOGRAPHIC GARAGE SALEI We've dusted off our forgotten shelves and under the cobwebs we've found: cameras lenses flashes bags filters chemicals books copy stands projection screens and other grab bag items. We'll have big boxes of the stuff just waiting to be picked through. Alt equipment is sold under a no-warranty, no-return condi tion. These are old items, some working, some not. Cash or check basis only. Garage sale prices. MAX MILLER First Of -A-Kind Photo Garage Sale Sunday. Sept. 21 1:304:00 Come through the alley to the garage door in the back of the store. MAX MILLER CAMERAS 1434 -O" St. For sale: One student season football ticket. Make offer. 472 8186. NEED A BIG RED HAT FOR THE GAME ON SATURDAY? STOP IN AND TRY ONE ON AT: FOOTLIGHTS GUNNY'S COMPLEX 474-0884 Emerson AMFM 8-track. Call 423-0079. Yamaha 400, windjam mer, fairing, stereo sound, trailer, excellent condition. Must sell, ask for Tim. 474 1213. Schwinn 10-speej bicycle, good condition, appraised by dealer at $75, will take $65 or best offer. Call Randy at 474 2947 or leave message. , i-r-i ... ... i ' f ' I", -. -i- N-. ' ' ft fAw c4x55r;7trh zwm 1 Challenge JAMES BOND STUDENT UNION GAME 5 cu. ft refrigerator perfect stee for students $90; Smith Corona manual typewriter like new, leu than new price asking $80; call 464-2035 after 6 p.m. make offers. 2 male season football tickets starting with Iowa game 466-6652. 1978 Yamaha 400XS. Ex cellent condition, 2500 miles. $1400. 464-0228, ask for Ken. Ovation 12-string with hard shell case. $350 firm. After 5 p.m., 475-9821. 1-dorm-sized refrigerator for sale, $50, also 5000 BTUhr. air conditioner $50, call 464-7045 or 472-1695. ask for Tom. Excellent opportunity for student working approximately 35 hoursweek in a supervisory position. Gain experience work ing with youth, parents and customers in sales, service and collections. Must be available by 2:30 p.m. daily and have auto. Hourly wage and mileage. Please call Jerry, 473-7361 for inter view appt. Part-time female bartender 5-10 pjn. two or three evenings a week. Mah's Garden Chinese Restaurant 475-7963, ask for Trina before 5. Some experience necessary. Optical Dispenser: Part-time during the school year; full-time during the sum mer. Saturdays a must. Wilt train. Call for an appointment: Ray Bowmaster; Sears Optical Department; 467-231 1 . PART-TIME WORK LOCAL COMPANY NEEDS 9 STUDENTS MUST BE SPORTS MINDED AND HAVE A CAR. INTER VIEWS WILL BE HELD THtS THURSDAY. SEPT. 18, IN THE CLAYTON HOUSE 10th & O ST., IN THE EXECUTIVE INTER VIEWING ROOM. 4 PJVt.or 6 PJvt. ONLY. ASK FOR MR.BAIR. 1 . i- Newer 2 -bedroom, 1301 Knox, appliances, $230, 464 81 80, 464-5030, available Oct. 1 . 1917 So. 26. Spacious 2 bed room duplex. $180 gas and electric. 435-8965 or 477-1548. Nice 2 bedroom duplex, fur nished, carpeted, window air, patio wgas grilt. Near Lincoln General. No pets. Call 474-5012 Campus close. 2 bedroom, unfurnished. $180 mo. plus electricity deposit. 477-2540 or 464-8602. 2 and 3 bedroom apts. for rent. Unfurnished, close to campus. 489-9478. Walk or bus to school from furnished apt., 645 S. 17th. Near Capitol, spacious 1 bed room apt. $175 deposit. No pets. 423-5442. Married Students. 1 BR apt. Large units. Rent based on in come. 477-351 5. 483-6732. Wanted: 1 male, 1 female ticket (together preferably) to Iowa game. Call 477-4727. 3 general admission tickets for Iowa game-preferably to gether. Call 477-5084. Desperately need tickets to Penn State game. Call 464-6891. ask for Paul Need 2 general admission tickets and 2 student tickets to IOWA game. 435-1536. Need: 1 male and 1 female together for Iowa. Will pay $10 per ticket. 475-9534. Bass player wanted, 477 6840. 435-51 53, 474-4496. dr. now at: FACILITY 1