tuesday, September 10, 1CC0 daily nebredcen Cockroaches pester dorms By Marie Louise Knapp Although some UNL resi dence halls have been plagu ed with an unusual amount of bugs this year, the pests have not created a large scale infestation according to the housing department. "In my opinion, the bugs are no more prevalent this year than they have been in the past," said Housing Dir ector Douglas Zatechka. "This is not to say that we don't have isolated cases where there have been un usual numbers of bugs," he added. Zatechka said Glenn Schumann, assistant direct or of housing in charge of maintenance, has been in vestigating complaints of bugs from residence hall stu dents. "I think we have a real problem in Heppner Garden Level (a section of Nei hardt Residence Center), be cause it is in the basement where there are likely to be more bugs due to the damp ness," Zatechka said. "We also are aware that there is a severe bug prob lem in Harper," he said. Zatechka said he plans to in spect both halls next week to determine the situation's severity. Jim Hill, a Heppner Garden Level resident, said that crickets and cockroach es "are bad in the whole building." 'Worse in basement "It's a lot worse here in the basement," he said. "Once one of the guys on the floor caught a three inch long cockroach and kept it in a bottle without water for a month. At the end of that time it was still alive." Tom Macdissi, student assistant for Heppner Garden Level, said there were a lot of bugs at the be ginning of the year, but after he sprayed for them several times, the problem diminished. The bugs still come back from time to time," he said, "but I keep my room stocked with spray and that keeps them under control." Macdissi said that the trash chute, which ends on his floor, tends to attract bugs and that there is not much anyone can do about that. "When you have food and garbage down here, nat urally there will be bugs," he said. Macdissi said he talked to the Neihardt maintenance department about the prob lem, .and they had been "very good" about respond ing to his complaint. Mike Leupold, mainten ance manager for the Cath-er-Pound-Neihardt Complex, said he has received com plaints about bugs from Heppner Garden Level resi dents. Dampness trouble "Heppner has always given us trouble because of the dampness," he said, add ing that he has supplied sprays to the residents when they ask for them. "We have not received re ports from other sections of the building, but we always take care of such complaints immediately," he said. A resident of Selleck Quadrangle, who asked not to be identified, said that there- have been bugs in the bathrooms. I L V v n 'SSL. XS Mr t. . v : LADES 'NIGHT 12 price Mixed Drinks TUESDAY NIGHT 8-close 0 (n o BRASS RAIL 'I filled a glass of water in the bathroom and when I turned around, it was full of little bugs," the resident said. "I have sometimes had to drain bugs out of the sink before I could use it." Dan Schnell, a Harper resident, said he has sprayed for cockroaches several times, but it has not helped. "We have tried every thing legally possible to get rid of the bugs," Zatechka said. 'There are some sprays that we can't use because they are toxic to humans, although these sprays would probably be more effective killers." Zatechka said he has spoken to outside extermin ating services about the problem, but he doubts they would be more effect ive than UNL maintenance. "Students can cut down on bugs by being careful about food disposal," he added. "Leftover pizza thrown out in the halls in stead of being put in the trash chute will bring in bugs." Zatechka said that many bugs come into buildings through the sewers and that problem is almost impos sible to solve. "I am not for a minute denying that the students have a legitimate concern and housing is doing its best to deal with the problem," he said. T JESIE ST. JAMES PIUS 2ND BIG HIT! maid In Sweden lit 3 476-60421 ii y y lit ii ii " i r Ti73rostr 13th & P 475 2222 fan ihtlt Utl. I nht jT neavcnrya.nj vnDoq OCVYCXASI Cnddij- nil uui v S:40-7:40-M3 Trust us. KUT MUfSCLL j t r r j J - : . 7-. Contemporary, New West, KFMQ and UPC, in association with John Reid Enterprises, Inc., presents. TOM I MN1 Sunday, October 5 8:00 p.m. Sob Devaney Sports Center Tickets 08 and 01O (Limit 10) Tickets available at all Brandeis outlets beginning at 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 17, and 10:00 'til 3:30 at the Nebraska Union Ballroom, and at the Devaney Sports Center. Tickets sold Wednesday on a cash-only basis. Sartor Hamann 1 5 Carat Round Brilliant Reg. $325 $-a ncoo SALE $1 95 This offer is good from September 1 5th until September 22nd. DOWNTOWN 1150 "O" 478561 MWSTIM itmM tmc Cf SOCWTT 1436 'CStreet JEWELERS GATEWAY Enclosed Mall 467-2509