The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 16, 1980, Page page 7, Image 7

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    tuesday, September 16, 1980
daily nebraskan
page 7
Experts say check furnace
By Mary Kempkcs
It is a little warm to be talking about
firing up the ol' furnace but as many Ne
braskans know, sunny skies today could
be dark and cold tomorrow.
But before lighting up the furnace,
Lincoln authorities recommend a thor
ough check. A 20-minute check could
save money and lives, said Bill Lucke,
Cengas Region Service Manager.
And about 2 percent of all Lincoln
fires last year - about 60 - were caused
by furnaces, said Larry Cole, inspector
for the Bureau of Fire Prevention.
The Fire Department and Cengas offer
free furnace safety checks but Cengas and
private dealers charge for lighting the pilot
light and making repairs.
Last year, Cengas checked thousands of
homes, Lucke said, and most people waited
until the first cold period, which put a
strain on manpower.
Lucke said during the light-up season,
maintenance men work overtime, some
times servicing as many as a thousand
homes a day.
"We are normally swamped at this time.
The first few days of cold weather and
people start thinking of these things."
The crews give a thorough check, Lucke
said, which includes: Lighting the pilot
light, oiling the blower and testing the
safety controls. A clogged filter, he said,
makes the furnace use more oil and plugs
air flow, forcing combustion byproducts
into the home.
The fire department also offers emer
gency checks when tenants fear carbon
monoxide leakage or an explosion. If a
heater is faulty, the fire department will
"red tag if or turn it off until it is fixed
and re -inspected.
Cole offered these tips on safe winter
-If the heater keeps kicking off, some
thing is probably wrong with it.
-If you begin to feel dizzy, nauseous,
or have headaches and suspect a gas leak,
call the Cengas company and the landlord
-Keep combustibles at least 18 inches
away from the furnace. This is a special
problem in apartments, Cole said, because
the furnace closet often is used for storage.
But when a gas furnace kicks on, he said,
there is a flash that could ignite cardboard
boxes and the like.
-When using a space heater, space it at
least 32 inches from other objects.
For use of fireplaces, Cole offered
special tips:
-Before using it this fall, check for
birds and nests that may have clogged the
chimney this summer.
-Dispose of ashes in metal containers,
never in plastic waste baskets or cardboard
-Check the spark arrester on the roof
so sparks won't fly from the chimney and
ignite dry fall grasses.
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Professor from
Germany to speak
on agriculture
A leading expert on agriculture in the Soviet Union will
give a public lecture on "The Grain Embargo and Soviet
Agriculture" at 7 pjn. Thursday in the Rostrum of the
Nebraska Union.
Karl Eugen Wadekin is a professor of agricultural
economics at the University of Giessen, West Germany.
He is the author of several books, the most recent of
which is titled "The Private Sector in Soviet Agriculture."
His talk is sponsored by the Mid-America State Uni
versities Association and the UNL Slavic and Eastern
European Studies programs.
Mount St. Helens blast
is topic of free lecture
"Fire Mountain Awakens," a free, public lecture on
the May 18 eruption of Mount St. Helens will be present
ed at noon,Wednesday in Room W540 of Nebraska Hall.
James Swinehart, an instructor and researcher for the
Nebraska Conservation and Survey Division, will lecture.
Swinehart has been conducting research on Tertiary
aged sediments of the High Plains with particular emphasis
on volcanic sediments. He was in Oregon during the week
of the May 18 eruption, and his talk will be illustrated by
slides and a short movie.
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