thurs&jy, September 11. 1980
daily nebraskan
page 5
1 must believe that Brian McManus wrote the article
covering the State Fair and in particular his comments on
the hog industry to inspire more intelligent, informative,
and interesting commentary on this apparently ho-hum
event that happens every year.
I have a hard time believing that Mr. McManus brain
storm comment about the aroma of one of the state's
most important industries caught many people by sur
prise. Therefore, I find a statement of that nature totally
irrevelant. The disgusting thing to me is that his remarks
may have only offended a small segment of today's
society, the producers.
The stench of the defecation coming from a public
emitter such as McManus cannot be cured with a Stick-up.
I would like to think that this is not what the Journal
ism College refers to as having a "nose for news."
Kent Pauley
Colls ge of Agriculture
State Fair
This letter is in regard to a commentary by Brian
McManus on the Nebraska State Fair, carried in the Mon
day issue of the Daily Kebraskan. It makes me "stop and
shudder when 1 see the lack of knowledge and the ignor
ance of some people in the area of agriculture.
McManus, though living in a predominantly agricultural
state such as Nebraska, apparently believes that this
nation's food production and distribution systems begin
and endL at the supermarket .
The exhibitors at a swine show bring their animals
there to determine if their breeding and nutrition
programs were able to produce a profitable animal. Many
of those "smelly, grunting, bloated beasts" that were at
Jthe swine show were raised in buildings with controlled
environments. You would not be able to enter unless you
had showered before so as to not contaminate the hogs
with disease.
Jim Nemec
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