The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 05, 1980, Page page 2, Image 2

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    page 2
friday, September 5, 1980
daily nebraskan
Alumni center . .
Wright, who is in favor of the R Street location for the
center, thinks the site is the best one out of 3 spots
He said the current alumni building was constructed
in 1929 or 1930 that it has probably worn out.
Wright also said that the newer faculty club structure
was "never intended to be a permanent type of building."
He said the faculty club structure is made of concrete
block and the roof was meant to hold up for only five or
ten years.
Wright said the Center for Great Plains Studies would
not have been happy with the facility because the build
ing is not suited to house the John Christlieb collection of
Western Paintings which the center is in charge of.
There wouldn't be the proper temperature and
humidity control (needed for the paintings)," Wright said.
Wessels said she attempted to get tne maricet value oi
They say they were just
hanging around killing time and
by the way, "How did you do?"
You tell them a celebration is in
order and that you're buying the
beer. "Look," one of them says,
"If you did that well, buy us
something special." Tonight, let
Dngexfflnio (D)(D Memidls
mwiaall to see Dmdw wnn d!
the alumni buildings appraised by Gateway Realty, but
that she did not have the funds to pay for the survey her
self. According to Wessels, the university could "at least
have considered as a possibility" the rental of the build
ings or have charged more for sale of the land and build
ings to the Alumni Association.
Financial pinch
She said because the university is in a financial pinch,
she doesn't understand why they gave the R Street prop
erty to the association practically for free.
As an example of lack of UNL funds, Wessels pointed
out that Centennial College on the campus will now have
to close.
According to Wessels. the university could have charg-
ed more for the R Street
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land and used the funds to help
support Centennial College.
Wessels said the favored site for the alumni center
across from Morrill Hall on the University .Mall because
student parking was not affected and the location near
the football stadium was good.
Although she had reservations about the R Street lo
cation for the alumni center, Wessels said she has nothing
against the Alumni Association.
'The Alumni Association is a tremendous asset to the
campus," she said.
Her colleague on the Central Planning Committee
Gerald Woo, said he is in favor of the R Street location'
"I think it's the best choice considering the circuml
stances," he said.
Woo said he regretted the present alumni center will
have to torn down but thought that it would be difficult
on the association to heat and renovate the present build
The Ag and Rural Tech.
vnology group will meet to
day at 3:30 pjn. at the
East Campus Union. Room
number will be posted.
The UNL Actuarial
Science Club will sponsor a
picnic Sunday at 3 p.m. in
Penzer Park, 27th & lloldr
rege Streets.
The UNL Student Vets
will meet Monday at 4:30
pjn. in the Nebraska Union.
Room number will be post
ed. The Student Dietetics
Association is sponsoring an
ice cream social Tuesday at
6 pjn. at 1231 N. 39th
AERho will meet Wed
nesday at 4:30 pjn. in
Avery 201.
Engineering Toastmasters
will meet Wednesday at 6 p.m.
in the Nebraska Engin
eering Center 201.
Remote Broadcast
12-2 p.m. Tomorrow
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