The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 03, 1980, Page page 11, Image 11
n Wednesday, September 3, 1980 pago 11 daily nebraskan Comedienne ANTON CHEKHOV'S o o o o Vos: to do. I'd like to try and see if that is what I want Continued from Page 10 Vos: No. Never, only when Ym on stage. MZ: So you have no problems with typecasting in your writing or acting? Vos: I have trouble being cast period. You want to hear my last line? "My lord. She is dying. That was my line. MZ: Back to image.... Vos: You never think of yourself projecting an image. I don't conciously or unconciously project an image on or off stage,. I don't like things on stage that is not a part of my personal life, like I don't go on stage drunk, or project an image like, wow, on drugs or anything. I don't do that. But like the values and morals that I believe in my person al life are unconciously, I'm sure, the things I take on stage. I don't think of that as creating an image, but it's funny that other people create those images for you. Not only on stage. MZ: You're an artist. Vos: Yes. MZ: You're looking to work professionally . MZ: Success? Vos: It scares me. Success sets you up to fail. Success and failure are partners. When you fail in the paper, you fail all over. Tickets on sale for concert series The Lincoln Symphony Association will conduct a half-price student season ticket subscription sale the week of Sept. 8-13. Prices will be $20, $15 and $1250 for the seven con cert series, which will feature guest artists Soprano Rob erta Peters, Violinist Eugene Fodor, Trumpeter David Hickman, and Pianists Bradford Gowen and Virginia Eskin. Student season tickets may be purchased next week at the Nebraska Union, East Campus Union, and West brook Music Building (from 10-2 pm. daily), Nebraska Wesleyan University, Union College and Doane College (during regular office hours) or by calling the Lincoln Symphony office at 474-5610. TV A Joint Production Of LINCOLN COMMUNITY PLAYHOUSE & UNL-THEATRE ARTS DEPARTMENT STUDIO 12 329 North 12th September 5, 6, 7, 10, 1 1, 12, 13, 14, at 8 p.m. All Seats $6.00 Box Office Hours-1-5 Weekdays Ph. 472-2073-329 North 12th UNL-An equal opportunity educational system (Ml? MONDAY FREE bar drinks G draws for lodiso 10 drcirjo for men from 7-9 p.m. TUESDAY 3 fcro from 0-10 p.m. WEDNESDAY 0 fcro from 7-12 p.m. THURSDAY 3 fcro from 0-10 p.m. ERUTT IS Sept. 3-6 Jim Casey & the Lightning Band TUESDAY 3 fcro from 0-10 p.m. WEDNESDAY 2 fcro from 7-12 p.m. THURSDAY 3 fcro from 0-10 p.m. 7 pm. -1 am. 27th & Cornhusker Contemporary Presents the I960 HIGH VOLTAGE TOUR starring with special guests spider Next Wednesday, Sept. lO Pershing Ruditorium Tickets on sale NOW at both Nebraska Unions, miller and Paine (both locations). fTlaaees (both locations), Brandeis, Pickles, and Dirt Cheap. PRODUCED BY CONTEMPORARY PRODUCTIONS Coming Friday Sept 5th Free Outdoor Dance With a MM as UPC-East presents the 2nd Annual First Big Fling! . . . 8:30 Fri., Sept. 5 on the parking lot just north of the East Union. Sponwrtd by UPCEait Dancai & Cornttock Committaa (In csm ot win, danca will b held In tht Graat Plaint Room-East Unon) I EAST MOOSE IS LOOSE J I ' I si i i At mm mm Wednesday Special While They Lastl 75 cent Bottles of Moosehead Featuring the biggest beer garden in town. Open 6 days a week