The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 28, 1980, Page page 9, Image 9

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    thursday, august 28,1980
daily nebraskan
page 9
UNL's debate team finds
By Laurie Perlinger
Husker athletics may
have to step aside to make
room for UNL's latest nationally-ranked
The Cornhusker For
ensic debate team coached
by Jack Kay, is currently
ranked seventh in the
nation. Kay, who is a full
time assistant professor of
speech communications and
director of forensics, credits
his team's success to his
students' dedication and
enthusiasm as well as
dependable graduate assist
ants. He said additional
funding through the Arts
and Sciences College also
has been helpful.
Kay, who is in his second
year as UNL debate coach,
said, "This is the first time
in our history that we have
been nationally ranked."
The National Sweep
stakes, a nation-wide ratings
organization, ranks the top
I0 universities in the United
States from the total num
ber of points accumulated
Union Board approves
new committee proposal
At its first meeting of the
year Wednesday evening,
the Union Board approved a
recommendation for a new
Union Board Planning
Under the proposed
guidelines for the new
committee, one member of
RHA (Residence Hall
Association), one member
of Panhellenic and the
Interfraternity Council, and
two ASUN senators, to be
chosen by the Union Board,
would be invited to partici
pate. In addition, two stu
dents from the Architecture
College would be chosen to
help work on renovations in
the Union, and one repre
sentative would be chosen
from among off-campus
The Planning Committee
will be chaired by a member
of the Union Board.
Maynard Krantz, Union
Board President, said that
he would take the responsi
bility of inviting members
of the campus organizations
to the planning committee.
Daryl Swanson, Union
director, discussed the
board's Capital Improve
ment Request for 1980.
Thus far, $250,000 has
been allocated to the Union
by Vice-Chancellor for
(Rock & Roll)
August 29-31
How to
Pi oneer
Did Cheney
Pine Lake
Two miles eest of 84th on
during the school year at
debate tournaments, Kay
said. These schools must
have an enrollment of more
than 10,000 students to be
"The debate program
here has always been a high
ly respected program, Kay
said, but due to funding
problems we were unable to
travel to national events
even when we were in
vited. Year of Firsts
"This was a year of firsts
for us," said Kay's wife
Ruth, also a member of last
year's debate team and a
national qualifier.
She was referring to the
team's national ranking,
which qualified two stu
dents for the National Inter
state Oratory Contest and
the team's invitation to the
National Debate Tourna
ment in Tuscon, Ariz.
The high number of
points from these three
tournaments .influenced the
point total which led to the
Student Affairs Richard
Armstrong and the Board
of Regents, Swanson said.
"This is above the
$150,000 suggested for our
allocation last year, and we
are being given special con
sideration due to our Five-Year-Plan,"
Swanson said.
Swanson said that the
Union Board has requested
$70,000 more than the
allocation, and that they are
petitioning for the surplus
student fee accumulation.
Swanson said that there
are still $12,060 in addition
al Union funds to be realloc
ated. "Right now we are ask
ing for money for a large re
novation rather than for
small amounts," said Swan
son. "The renovation is our
most important priority
right now."
The board approved the
request as presented.
Swanson also recom
mended that the three-year-old
Union Procedures Man
ual be revised by the Oper
ations Committee.
"At least 25 percent of
the information in it is out
of date," he said.
Union hours for Labor.
Day were established: The
Union will be open Satur
day. Aug. 30 from 9 ajn.
to 9 p.m., closed all day
get there:
Road 1 12 Ml.
Pint Lake Rd. 423 2532
high ranking, she said.
The National Debate
Tournament pits the
nation's top 40 teams
against each other, Mrs. Kay
said. The UNL team also
attended the National Indiv
idual Events Tournament in
Colorado Springs.
For the Interstate Ora
tory Contest each state has
its own contest and then
sends two winners to re
present their own univer
sity and state. Out of all
Nebraska colleges both
winners were students from
UNL, with one of them
placing sixth at the inter
state contest.
Although the debate
team is an extracurricular
activity, it has practical
benefits and educational
values, Kay said.
All year long
"Usually our debate
team continues to research a
particular . subject all year
long," Mrs. Kay said. "It
helps tremendously in
classes because lots of the
Sunday, open Monday,
Sept. 1 (Labor Day) from 1
p.m. until 9 pjn., and open
regular hours Tuesday, Sept.
2, Swanson said.
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information spills over into
school work.
The program is really
building up as some top
people are returning and
some real articulate fresh
men are comin in, she said.
Kay said that a ranking
from the National Sweep
stakes is like the "Rose
Bowl" of debate. This
means the team begins seek
ing its bowl bids on Sept. 19
when it travels to Western
Illinois University for its
The debate team consists
of about 65 undergraduate
students. Several members
travel to tournaments each
weekend from September
through April. By using a
rotation system, each mem
ber travels about every third
"We usually try to take
as manv students as possible
on the trips,' Mrs. Kay said.
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An average trip usually con
sists of two four-member
teams and Kay.
Beginning debaters, com
pete in the novice group,
freshmen and sophomores
with experience compete at
the junior varsity level, and
juniors and seniors in the
varsity group. However, Kay
said, there are no hard and
fast rules for the classifi
... . i f
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